Michel Reacts
Michel Reacts
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Try Not To Laugh TikTok Memes!
조회수 7K2 개월 전
Funniest TV Fails of The Decade!
조회수 4424 개월 전
If I laugh, the video ends!
조회수 3.1K년 전
조회수 1.8K년 전


  • @nirxiod5774
    @nirxiod5774 시간 전

    Is it normal to be able to go so high that you just cant go higher, not because your voice breaks, because you just physically can't

  • @thegreengamer9663
    @thegreengamer9663 시간 전

    Vine people were a different breed

  • @TZ_
    @TZ_ 시간 전

    RIP Twomad

  • @AmericaUSAyo
    @AmericaUSAyo 시간 전

    Nature's God entitle them, a decent Refpect to the Opera of Mankind requires that they thould declare the coats which inspel thum to the Separation. We hold these Truths to be felfresident, that Men are created equal, thit they are endowed t wed by by their Creatur with certain unalinnable Rights, that among their Life, Libere, the Portait of Happines T the Canfient of th Thit focare these Rights, Goveminents are that whent whenever any Form of Gurerament C becomes deitralive of thefe ホーム inilitated among Men, deriving their juit Powers from HEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes nie Dry for one People to diffolve the Political Bands which have connected them or to abalih it and to Covem, de in the Right of the People to alter er t ed shoulder be changed for light and tranfient Confes, and accordin talt Experience hath thewn, thit Mankind are more difpofed to taffer, whils are accattomed. But when a long Train of redoce them under abdolats Difjailin, it is theic Right, it is that Duty, to throw off lame Qhjett, evinces a Deign to new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient bedferance of thefe Colonies, and fich is now the Necility which constrains int King of Great Britain is a Hiflory of fabmitted to a King of To prove this, let Facts be repeated Injuries and Ufurpations, all and to provi them to alter their former Systems of o Government. The Hiftory of the pee ot of an absolute Tyranny over thefe State having in dirett Object the Establishment of an a He has refused hit Affent to Laws, the moft wholelome and neortlary for the public Good. sincat Abufer and Ufarpations, puriu fach Governine Evils are fufferable, than to right themieives by abolishing the Forms to which La ing invariably the He has forbidden his Governors to pufi Laws of immediate and profling langartinez, uoles fufpended in their Operation till his Afirst thould be obtained, and when to fufpended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pafs other Lows for the Accommodation of large Diftrifts of People, unles those People would relinquith the Right of Reprefentation in Tyrants only. uncomfortable, tad diftant from the Depository the Legillatore, & Right ineftimable to them, and formidable of their public Records, for the fole Purpose of He has called together Legislative Bodies at Places unufiual, fatiguing them into Compliance wit ance with his Meafures. diffolved Representative Houtes les repeatedly, for oppalling wit for oppolling with mmly Femnes his Invalios on the Rights of the long Time, after fuch Diffolutions, to caufe othert to be esiled, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have re He has He has refufed for a People tarned to the People at large for their exercife, the State remaining in the mnant or expoid to all the Dangers of Invasion from without, and Convullions withis. He has endeavoured to prevent the Population of thuic States, for that Purpoft obftructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners, refaling to put others encourage their Migrations hither, and railing the Conditions of new Approp utions of Lands. He has obstructed the Adminiftration of Justice, by refining his Aflint to Lars for allsblishing Judiciary Powers, He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the Tenure of their O acts, and the Amount and Payment of their Salarice. He has erected a Mulitude of new Offic da Maltale of new Offices, and ient hither Swarms of Odicet to harraf our People, and est out their Substance, in Times of Peace, Standing Armics, without the cooknt of our Legislatures. He has kept among u without He has acted to render the Military independent of and fuperior to the Civ i fower. has combined with others to fubject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Casilitation, and unacknowledged by our Laws, giving his Affent to pectended Legillstion: He thair Als of Fox quiltering large Bodies of Armed Troops among us For protecting them, by a meck Trial, frocs Punishment for any Mordori stich they thanld commit en the Ishshitants of thefe States For cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World without our Confent: Fox impoling Taxes en us without our Confent For depriving us, in many Cafes, of the Benefits of Trial by Jury: Fon tranfporting us beyond Sen to be tried for pretended Olfences For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, ellabliding therein an arbitrary Government, and enlarging its Boundaries, fa to render i it at once an Example and fit Inftrument for introducing the fame slide Rule into thefe Colonies For taking sway our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments our own Legillatures, and declaring themselves invested with user to legillate for us in all Cafes whatever. He has abdicated Gover Government here, by rerament here declaring us out of his Protection an, waging War agantu He has plundered our Sen, ravaged our Cous, barst our Towns, and dritegral, the Lives of o He is, at this Time, trasiporting large Arasiz rmirs of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the Works of Death, Desilation, and our People. Tyranny, almady begun withi cumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, fcarcely paralleled in the moft barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized Nation He has conftrained our fellow Citinens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arom againit their Country, to became the Executioners of their Friends and Brethren, or to fall themfelves by their Hands. Role of Warfare, is an undiftinguithed Destruction, of all He has cxcited domtflic Infarrections among ur, and has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the mercile Indian Savages, whofe Role of Ages, Sever and londitions. In every flags of thris Oppreflions we have Petitioned f for Rondreis in the mad humble Terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by known repeat- Prince, whole Character is thus marked by ev el Injury. every act which may diline a unfit to be the Ruler of a free diline a Tyrant, is Rialer ler of a free Peop A in Attentions to our Britich Brethren. We have warned them from Time to Time of Non have we been wanting nawarrantable Jurifdiction over us. We have reminded them of the Circumilancisjef our Emigration and Settlement hure. We have appealed to their na Attempts by their Ligillatare to extend an Jaffice and Mignanimity, and we have conjured them by the Tics of our comuns Kindred to difavow these Utirpations, which, weeld mevitably intrapt Connections and Correfpondence. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Jaflict and of Confanguinity. We mail, therefore, acquiefce in the Nectlity, wh or Separation, danosances oor Separ We, therefore, the Repre ng to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Reftitude of our Intentions, slo, in the Name, und by and fold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enwsirs in War, in Pesos, Friends. Leperientatives of the UNIT ED STATES OF AMERICA, GERAL CR Albed, Name, and by Authority of the good People of thefe these Culonis, pealing Pub Dece, That thefe United Colonies are absolved from all folved, and that as and of AND INDEPENDENT STATE tut they to the British Crops, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Cireat Britain, is and ought to be tally EPENDENT STATE, ther have full Power to lery War, conclude Praer, contract Allumees, Allegiumce FRAS AND INDEP firm Reliance on Ito do all other Als and Things which lauaPENDENT STATs may of right do. And for the fupport of this Declaran, wich the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge totach Lives, our Fortance, and war ued Homer. BEHALT of the CONGRESS, Signed by OUDER and JOHN HANCOCK, PRESIDENT.

  • @Definitelyrealmar-weeo

    The video I watched before this one said "it takes one second to fart" relevant to the first meme

  • @Simon-Playz
    @Simon-Playz 시간 전

    Yall drink water with the pill? why do you need water? personally i just swallow

  • @samsungo2395
    @samsungo2395 시간 전

    I think that's more ruen 2

  • @w01phe
    @w01phe 시간 전

    Man Ninja rolled!!!

  • @CarsonPowell-vu6zr
    @CarsonPowell-vu6zr 2 시간 전

    Hey hey hey😂

  • @Somebodystolemy_toast

    You are going to Dyson

  • @stammanmoth-1276
    @stammanmoth-1276 2 시간 전

    I mean a diet co- i mean a-a diest coc- i mean a diet c-😂

  • @sambulow187
    @sambulow187 2 시간 전

    What do you call a fat phsychic? A 4chin teller

  • @Adonatrix1
    @Adonatrix1 2 시간 전

    These vines were the peek of entertainment when I was in high school. So original in just 7 seconds.

  • @ColbyBrackett-zx9ex
    @ColbyBrackett-zx9ex 2 시간 전

    Damn Dora

  • @Lil-Tiny-Man
    @Lil-Tiny-Man 2 시간 전

    That’s def a 2016 vine compilation

  • @jordancambridge4106
    @jordancambridge4106 2 시간 전

    I pissed a lot of people off because I changed my voice mail by sounding perfectly like the voice and I said "The number you have reached is no longer in service please leave a message after the beep." My mother got so scared she thought I died because she did not listen to what the messaged said.

  • @tiffany5441
    @tiffany5441 3 시간 전

    Marco needs to be in jail

  • @razlowestelle
    @razlowestelle 3 시간 전

    "hamburger..." *hamburger* "🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘"

  • @fizurge
    @fizurge 3 시간 전

    first one is just gta in a nutshell

  • @shanemaestas5969
    @shanemaestas5969 3 시간 전

    I miss when vines were not censored and the world wasnt a bunch of pussies

  • @MollyMollyMollyyyy23
    @MollyMollyMollyyyy23 4 시간 전

    He gave his all into that door 😂😂

  • @user-nd5jr1vn4z
    @user-nd5jr1vn4z 4 시간 전

    The and uaaa ……

  • @KathleenMarutiak-dn6yv

    Sturniolo triplets

  • @FunniestMemes.
    @FunniestMemes. 4 시간 전

    Dog said😏😏😏

  • @reaannodem3336
    @reaannodem3336 4 시간 전

    Sam and Colby vine at the end

  • @Fineperch4649
    @Fineperch4649 4 시간 전


  • @misslisamarie420
    @misslisamarie420 4 시간 전

    The puppy’s looked like fried chicken 😂

  • @UseToPewProfessionally

    These are vines

  • @dantegiangrande73
    @dantegiangrande73 4 시간 전

    People who knew what was coming at the end 👇

  • @speggthevinegregg5425

    We need some new stuff like this rn, good humor seems to have died 😢

  • @plagiarized_tiktoks5728

    When life gives ya lemons was, and still is, my all time favorite. But I don't go a single day with our saying hurricane tortilla.

  • @deviantgaming9726
    @deviantgaming9726 5 시간 전

    These are from tiktoks of vines 😂

  • @user-fr5pb5ux3y
    @user-fr5pb5ux3y 5 시간 전

    This is so funny

  • @Joshua-mb9rc
    @Joshua-mb9rc 5 시간 전

    The last one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @yooooooo4790
    @yooooooo4790 5 시간 전

    I just got a tornado siren and it nighttime😭

  • @Neveyah245
    @Neveyah245 5 시간 전

    "am I a woomf?" got me dying 😭💀💀💀

  • @Thelittlestpasta
    @Thelittlestpasta 5 시간 전

    Rue died that was uncalled for

  • @unknownmxn7683
    @unknownmxn7683 6 시간 전

    Her dyslexia is on another lvl

  • @greattowerproductions

    Whyd he hit his head at the end 💀💀💀

  • @Drippie_trap
    @Drippie_trap 6 시간 전

    Imagine having 1 limb n u get a ticket for parking in a handicapped spot😂😂😂

  • @greattowerproductions

    Whud bro become a fire alarm 💀💀💀

  • @Zero.betaofficial
    @Zero.betaofficial 6 시간 전

    The most supportive school counselor ever

  • @madetoconquerthisworld

    I didn’t laugh either

  • @konnerpaxton9082
    @konnerpaxton9082 6 시간 전

    Quadruple a batteries exist

  • @wajh3123
    @wajh3123 7 시간 전

    Shot ain't even funny only thing funny is the dudes face watching these clips with his headphones on wtf is up with his face trying to hold his laughter in when shit ain't even funny