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The Jerk's Guide To Content Warning
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Twitter: RowbyYT 🐣
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Awesome People
Chibi Artist/End Screen: scribbledoll
Thanks to my buddy @opaluVA for joining in on stream
Ending Theme: It's Going Down Now (Instrumental) Persona 3 Reload
조회수: 15 278


The Jerk's Guide To Deceive Inc
조회수 36K6 개월 전
The Jerk's Guide To Starfield
조회수 26K7 개월 전


  • @user-zr7jd3lm6m
    @user-zr7jd3lm6m 9 시간 전

    "What do you mean that's my job?" Dude, I died! 😂😂😂

  • @user-zr7jd3lm6m
    @user-zr7jd3lm6m 17 시간 전

    I don't like your tastes in video games. I think people who play Dead by Daylight must just hate themselves, lol. Love the content! Subscribed! 💕😂

  • @zzodysseuszz
    @zzodysseuszz 일 전

    6:44 far cry 3 incoming

  • @user-zr7jd3lm6m

    I watched all your videos and loved every single one! So I decided to try the game out. Uninstalled after the first round. Lol

  • @christophermiller5241

    Dude, the characters in the show talk like you do. What the fuck?

  • @jim-cq3xh
    @jim-cq3xh 일 전

    Half a minute in, you got me with your Sable joke. :>

  • @syhbi9609
    @syhbi9609 일 전

    Can you do a video about Pokemon unite 🙏

  • @Lightbulb43231

    0:38 demo should be at s tier for being cute :)

  • @seraphimipx2611

    pfff… lethal company… perfect gen-z game… no content, all cheap laughs. :) a success story.

  • @TKG73
    @TKG73 2 일 전

    im so excited to play her when i get her prestiged

  • @mindtrollthegreat774

    Ouin t'es mieux te sentir mal . lol

  • @omg2manyusers
    @omg2manyusers 2 일 전

    I, uh I got to 1:10 I wanted the knight based on his visuals and power description.

  • @MyOpinion-s
    @MyOpinion-s 2 일 전

    6:10 had me rolling

  • @Sl0thESP
    @Sl0thESP 2 일 전

    Seeing Opalu doing normal content is odd lmao

  • @dendren1
    @dendren1 3 일 전

    Dude Hag is a blast but you definitely gotta make your fun with her

  • @sonofsparda657
    @sonofsparda657 3 일 전

    i just hate how much of a moneygrab the superficial "2" became that got slapped onto it

  • @Zero-pg1ft
    @Zero-pg1ft 3 일 전

    I nearly wet myself at the mash potato man

  • @mindtrollthegreat774

    im Batmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

  • @mindtrollthegreat774

    3:06 . Toé tu doit me connaitre lol .

  • @CapProGames
    @CapProGames 4 일 전


  • @xshandy5812
    @xshandy5812 4 일 전

    BC? you mean AD

  • @mmdkotetsuth8728

    I also get same problem as you right now. If I can get some help. I will be thankful.

  • @GlowZoe
    @GlowZoe 5 일 전

    I think a lot of people have missed the point of the unknowns story. It is a hyperstitional creature he becomes an amalgamation of things that people believe it to be as an adaptive strategy

  • @Yuh_zhimmy
    @Yuh_zhimmy 5 일 전

    Is the entire red line just ads? 💀

  • @gravarosyoutube8

    Is this a DBD video or a improvised comedy skit. I just wanna see Singularity, don't think this is for me.

  • @Deimos627
    @Deimos627 5 일 전

    how shove?

  • @StopWhiningManguideCultists

    Fun fact: if you start the invocation, get off, amd get downed, youll be put ti injured as it ends even if you're on the floor

  • @yurei3714
    @yurei3714 5 일 전

    lol playing on 4

  • @yurei3714
    @yurei3714 5 일 전

    Deisgn wise hes cool. gameplay. not very

  • @elizabeth-lmhxmx

    3:28 fuuk

  • @cardsofman6851
    @cardsofman6851 7 일 전

    I loved this game. I bawled my eyes out with this game. I would compare the emotional weight of this game to devilman crybaby

  • @goldkiker7342
    @goldkiker7342 7 일 전

    Hope your doing ok bro. always fun watching your videos

  • @zullen.
    @zullen. 7 일 전

    "he's the only killer who thought to bring a gun" i wheezed

  • @Soapwunnn22222
    @Soapwunnn22222 8 일 전

    lame ah game

  • @Mustaxhe
    @Mustaxhe 8 일 전

    Great game, people suck though. I solo.

  • @btcbuster5556
    @btcbuster5556 8 일 전

    "If furries can afford a $3000 dollar fursuit, they can afford a pipebomb in your mailbox" - TheRussianBadger

  • @yigityasar6397
    @yigityasar6397 8 일 전

    I was NOT expecting this video to be one of the places I've heard Opalu's voice in.

  • @MartyFreeze
    @MartyFreeze 8 일 전

    9:54 comedic genius.

  • @CrystalOatz
    @CrystalOatz 8 일 전

    i did not know about the thing that happens in the overworld sometimes. freaky

  • @minip1geon
    @minip1geon 8 일 전

    i was here from 6k and holy shit dude congrats. u deserve each and every sub. keep it up and don't fall off like all the other youtubers I used to watch :)

  • @CybenX_yt
    @CybenX_yt 8 일 전

    sorry the month was rough :( still glad to see a video from you though!

  • @randomdude0699
    @randomdude0699 9 일 전

    This is amazing

  • @luna_knight_6777


  • @joachimlihn8905
    @joachimlihn8905 9 일 전

    Are we ever gonna get a Jerks Guide to Nurse?

  • @NewAndImprovedOnSteam

    Quick explanation noodle men wanna be yourubers do unspeakably foul acts to get views

  • @PebsieTTV
    @PebsieTTV 9 일 전

    To be honest with you I'm only not gonna buy it because I missed the free window. I don't know why that bothers me so much because I'd be happy paying £8 for it... but knowing that I could've got it for free makes it feel like a waste, ya know? Weird marketing tactic. I wonder if it will negatively or positively impact sales over time.

  • @Aproximal
    @Aproximal 9 일 전

    Points for the eyepatch wolf reference. The moment I heard that music, I laughed. XD