소스 코드
  • 게시일 2020. 03. 29.
  • #Seafoodboil #Seafood #Octopus
    🔥My Instagram : / fume_yamyam
    🐶Sleepy White Fox's Instagram: / mozziiya
    Hi, guys! Today I prepared Spicy Braised Seafood by using 3KG of Octopus and 3KG of Giant Scallops! I bought a fresh octopus at a fish market, and the fresh giant scallops were delivered! I got the octopus and scallops steamed, and fried them with the spicy sauce! I added glass noodles, and made fried rice after having some! I think because I really like an octopus and scallops I was really happy while eating! The texture of the octopus was really good, and the octopus was juicy and sweet! I bought the most expensive octopus, but it was worthwhile! The legs are really big, and I think it would be enough for several people! The giant scallops were really big and soft, and the juice of it was fantastic! The fried rice was also awesome because of fresh ingredients and tasty sauce! The octopus and giant scallops are so sweet that they go perfectly with the spicy sauce! Enjoy the braised seafood which is good for health and yummy, and prevent getting corona viruses! Thank you for watching my video today!
  • 엔터테인먼트

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  • @Fumeyamyam
    @Fumeyamyam  4 년 전 +925

    바쁘신 분들은 슝슝 01:42 💓 안녕하세요 푸메라니안 여러분🙇🏻‍♀️ 오늘은 매운문어가리비찜! 준비해봤어요 ❤️ 강원도 피문어 3kg과 대왕가리비 3kg 구입해서 따로 익힌후에 매콤한 양념소스에 살짝 볶아냈답니다! 중국당면도 넣고 마지막에 문어볶음밥도 만들어먹었어요 🥰 문어와 가리비는 제가 제일 좋아하는 해산물중 하나인데요 (사실 다 좋아하는 것 같기도..) 오늘 준비한 해물들이 싱싱해서 그런지 식감이 굉장히 부드러우면서도 꼬독꼬독? 살아있었어요! 더불어 씹을때마다 나오는 단물도 예술이었어요! 특히 문어는 이전에 먹은 부드러운 문어랑 다르게 씹히는 식감이 👍🏻 피문어가 비싼 이유가 있군요… 중국당면은 중국당제비가 되어버렸지만 하드캐리한 해산물과 양념 덕분에 2000% 만족스러울 수 밖에 없었답니다! 아! 문어랑 가리비가 달달한 편이라 양념을 매콤하게 해서 먹는게 잘 어울리는 것 같아요! 특히 매운고추 송송 썰어 뿌려준게 신의 한 수 였어요! 마지막 문어볶음밥도 달달하고 매콤하고 너무 맛있었답니다! 문어는 피로해복과 콜레스테롤 억제에 좋고 가리비는 나트륨 배출에도 좋다고 하더라고요! 요즘 같이 건강이 중요한 시기에 몸에 좋은 해산물도 챙겨드시고 항상 건강 유의하시길 바라겠습니다! 시청해주신 여러분 감사드립니다 🙆🏻‍♀️
    🔥My Instagram :
    🐶Sleepy White Fox's Instagram:
    Hi, guys! Today I prepared Spicy Braised Seafood by using 3KG of Octopus and 3KG of Giant Scallops! I bought a fresh octopus at a fish market, and the fresh giant scallops were delivered! I got the octopus and scallops steamed, and fried them with the spicy sauce! I added glass noodles, and made fried rice after having some! I think because I really like an octopus and scallops I was really happy while eating! The texture of the octopus was really good, and the octopus was juicy and sweet! I bought the most expensive octopus, but it was worthwhile! The legs are really big, and I think it would be enough for several people! The giant scallops were really big and soft, and the juice of it was fantastic! The fried rice was also awesome because of the fresh ingredients and tasty sauce! The octopus and giant scallops are so sweet that they go perfectly with the spicy sauce! Enjoy the braised seafood which is good for health and yummy, and prevent getting corona virus! Thank you for watching my video today!
    Hai kawan! Hari ini saya menyiapkan makanan laut yang direbus pedas dengan menggunakan 3KG gurita dan 3 kg kerang raksasa! Saya membeli gurita segar dan kerang raksasa segar di pasar ikan! Saya mengukus gurita dan scallop terlebih dahulu kemudian tumis dengan saus pedas! Saya menambahkan mie, dan membuat nasi goreng di akhir! Saya sangat suka gurita dan kerang jadi saya sangat senang saat makan! Tekstur gurita benar-benar bagus, dan gurita itu berair dan manis! Saya membeli gurita termahal, tetapi itu berharga! Kakinya sangat besar, dan saya pikir itu akan cukup untuk beberapa orang! Kerang raksasa sangat besar dan lembut, dan teksturnya juga fantastis! Nasi gorengnya juga enak karena bahan-bahan segar dan sausnya yang enak! Gurita dan kerang raksasa sangat manis sehingga cocok sekali dengan saus pedasnya! Nikmati makanan laut rebus yang baik untuk kesehatan dan lezat, dan mencegah terkena virus korona! Terima kasih telah menonton video saya hari ini!
    Chào các cậu! Hôm nay tôi đã chuẩn bị hải sản om cay bằng cách sử dụng 3kg bạch tuộc và 3kg sò điệp khổng lồ! Tôi đã mua một con bạch tuộc tươi và sò khổng lồ tươi ở chợ cá! Tôi hấp bạch tuộc và sò điệp trước sau đó xào chúng với nước sốt cay! Tôi đã thêm mì, và làm cơm chiên cuối cùng! Tôi thực sự thích một con bạch tuộc và sò điệp vì vậy tôi thực sự rất vui khi ăn! Kết cấu của bạch tuộc thực sự tốt, và bạch tuộc ngon ngọt và ngọt ngào! Tôi đã mua con bạch tuộc đắt nhất, nhưng nó đáng giá! Đôi chân thật to, và tôi nghĩ nó sẽ đủ cho nhiều người! Những con sò khổng lồ thực sự to và mềm, và kết cấu của nó cũng thật tuyệt vời! Cơm chiên cũng tuyệt vời vì nguyên liệu tươi và nước sốt ngon! Bạch tuộc và sò khổng lồ rất ngọt đến nỗi chúng đi cùng với nước sốt cay! Thưởng thức các món hải sản om rất tốt cho sức khỏe và ngon tuyệt, đồng thời ngăn ngừa vi-rút corona! Cảm ơn bạn đã xem video của tôi ngày hôm nay!
    हाय दोस्तों! आज मैंने 3KG ऑक्टोपस और विशालकाय स्कैलप्स के 3KG का उपयोग करके मसालेदार ब्रेज़्ड समुद्री भोजन तैयार किया! मैंने एक मछली बाजार में एक ताजा ऑक्टोपस और ताजा विशाल स्कैलपस खरीदा! मैंने ऑक्टोपस को चकमा दिया और पहले तो उन्हें मसालेदार सॉस के साथ हिलाया-फिराया! मैंने नूडल्स डाला, और अंत में तले हुए चावल बनाए! मुझे वास्तव में एक ऑक्टोपस और स्कैलप्प्स पसंद हैं इसलिए मैं भोजन करते समय वास्तव में खुश था! ऑक्टोपस की बनावट वास्तव में अच्छी थी, और ऑक्टोपस रसदार और मीठा था! मैंने सबसे महंगा ऑक्टोपस खरीदा, लेकिन यह सार्थक था! पैर वास्तव में बड़े हैं, और मुझे लगता है कि यह कई लोगों के लिए पर्याप्त होगा! विशाल स्कैलप्स वास्तव में बड़े और नरम थे, और इसकी बनावट भी शानदार थी! ताज़ी सामग्री और स्वादिष्ट चटनी की वजह से तले हुए चावल भी कमाल के थे! ऑक्टोपस और विशाल स्कैलप्स इतने प्यारे हैं कि वे मसालेदार सॉस के साथ पूरी तरह से जाते हैं! ब्रेज़्ड समुद्री भोजन का आनंद लें जो स्वास्थ्य और स्वादिष्ट है, और कोरोना वायरस को रोकने के लिए अच्छा है! आज का मेरा वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद!

    • @Fumeyamyam
      @Fumeyamyam  4 년 전 +40

      اهلا ياجماعة! لقد حضرت اليوم المأكولات البحرية المطبوخة بالتوابل باستخدام 3 كجم من الأخطبوط و 3 كجم من الاسكالوب العملاق! اشتريت الأخطبوط الطازج والاسكالوب العملاق الطازج في سوق السمك! لقد قمت بطهي الأخطبوط والاسكالوب على البخار ثم قليها مع الصلصة الحارة! أضفت المعكرونة ، وصنعت الأرز المقلي في النهاية! أنا حقا أحب الأخطبوط والاسكالوب لذلك كنت سعيدا حقا أثناء تناول الطعام! كان نسيج الأخطبوط جيدًا حقًا ، وكان الأخطبوط لطيفًا وعصيرًا! اشتريت أغلى الأخطبوط ، لكن الأمر يستحق! الأرجل كبيرة حقًا ، وأعتقد أنها ستكون كافية لعدة أشخاص! كانت الأسكالوب العملاقة كبيرة وناعمة حقًا ، وكان قوامها رائعًا أيضًا! كان الأرز المقلي رائعًا أيضًا بسبب المكونات الطازجة والصلصة اللذيذة! الأخطبوط والاسكالوب العملاقة حلوة للغاية بحيث تتماشى تمامًا مع الصلصة الحارة! استمتع بالمأكولات البحرية المطهوة جيدًا للصحة ولذيذ ، ومنع الإصابة بفيروسات الهالة! شكرا لمشاهدتك الفيديو الخاص بي اليوم!
      สวัสดีพวก! วันนี้ฉันเตรียมอาหารทะเลรสจัดโดยใช้ปลาหมึก 3 กิโลกรัมและหอยเชลล์ยักษ์ 3 กิโลกรัม! ฉันซื้อปลาหมึกสดและหอยเชลล์ยักษ์ที่ตลาดปลา! ฉันนึ่งปลาหมึกยักษ์และหอยเชลล์ก่อนจากนั้นจึงผัดกับซอสเผ็ด! ฉันเพิ่มก๋วยเตี๋ยวและทำข้าวผัดตอนท้าย! ฉันชอบปลาหมึกยักษ์และหอยเชลล์ดังนั้นฉันจึงมีความสุขมากในขณะที่รับประทานอาหาร! เนื้อของปลาหมึกนั้นดีมากและปลาหมึกก็ฉ่ำและหวาน! ฉันซื้อปลาหมึกยักษ์ที่แพงที่สุด แต่มันก็คุ้มค่า! ขาใหญ่จริงๆและฉันคิดว่ามันคงจะเพียงพอสำหรับหลาย ๆ คน! หอยเชลล์ยักษ์ตัวใหญ่และนิ่มจริงๆและเนื้อของมันก็ยอดเยี่ยมเช่นกัน! ข้าวผัดก็ยอดเยี่ยมเพราะวัตถุดิบสดใหม่และซอสอร่อย! ปลาหมึกและหอยเชลล์ยักษ์หวานมากจนเข้ากันได้ดีกับซอสเผ็ด! เพลิดเพลินกับอาหารทะเลตุ๋นซึ่งดีต่อสุขภาพและอร่อยและป้องกันการติดเชื้อไวรัสโคโรนา! ขอบคุณที่รับชมวิดีโอของฉันวันนี้!

    • @nctzenforever9188
      @nctzenforever9188 4 년 전 +9

      @@Fumeyamyam türkısh please

    • @icha2810
      @icha2810 4 년 전 +23

      Hai aku 🙂❤🇮🇩

    • @PrisTvv
      @PrisTvv 4 년 전 +3

      Nice one

    • @gizemss6547
      @gizemss6547 4 년 전

      @@nctzenforever9188 selam sjshjvdfhcxaweyhc💤😈

  • @limesaltlemonpepper3583
    @limesaltlemonpepper3583 3 년 전 +532

    4 thing your doing now
    Lying in bed
    Scrolling through comments
    Watch late at night

  • @catherinegolez9385
    @catherinegolez9385 4 년 전 +47

    When the video pop up on my phone. I Clicked it instantly..
    Hoping this pandemic will end soon! 🇵🇭
    Stay safe and stay healthy fume! 🤗😘

  • @lizard5284
    @lizard5284 3 년 전 +33

    I enjoy how fume always finishes her food idk why that makes me happy 😊 and doesn’t over exagérate ever

  • @bellamoura3227
    @bellamoura3227 3 년 전 +117

    Q bom que tem a legenda em português🇧🇷

  • @lauriziusseptim2141
    @lauriziusseptim2141 4 년 전 +159

    I really like to watch her because everytime she eats something and she smiles: its just the best thing!!
    I love it when she enjoys the food

  • @user-ve7lp7zn1c
    @user-ve7lp7zn1c 4 년 전 +30


    • @nemuiii4
      @nemuiii4 4 년 전 +1

      なつみかん 材料さえあれば煮込むだけなので簡単です!

  • @amondascully6745
    @amondascully6745 3 년 전 +80

    You know how to present your food and make it look good, you also know how to cook it.....I can tell

  • @AMOR3328
    @AMOR3328 3 년 전 +13

    Nossa como dá vontade!😋Sou aqui do Brasil!!!

    @SANAGAMINGS 4 년 전 +41


      @SANAGAMINGS 4 년 전

      KNOW YOU Sis..
      I just on my mobile data and your video notifications bel first on my phone !

  • @kerry-annsimpson5803
    @kerry-annsimpson5803 3 년 전 +6

    Love her content. This helps me relax ...... but then I find myself making noodles at 1am 👀🤣🤣🤣🤣. I have only one question. What is the red sauce you used on this?? Please I love coming noodles and sea food but hate when it’s not deep coloured or flavoured.

  • @jojobukoo
    @jojobukoo 3 년 전 +50

    HELLO and WELCOME to another episode of:
    Were has quarantine brought us today?

  • @yin-yangmaster1804
    @yin-yangmaster1804 4 년 전 +111

    she is like a nice and friendly woman, seen from the way she says greetings and smiles to the camera, she looks attractive when smiling, I hope you are fine and happy forever

  • @potcheepot
    @potcheepot 4 년 전 +29

    Braised seafood will never fail to make me hungry!!!

  • @JonaMMejos
    @JonaMMejos 3 년 전 +29

    Is this human? 😂😂😂😂 How come she's able to finish eating such foods. Many and spicy...😂😂😂
    I became hungry while watching! 😂😂😂

  • @veronibaa
    @veronibaa 년 전 +3

    They make their food look bomb af Everytime

  • @tanianadhifa8064
    @tanianadhifa8064 4 년 전 +1504

    Apa cuma aku yang orang Indonesia???
    Yang org Indonesia like👍

  • @anjahlavee4931
    @anjahlavee4931 4 년 전 +5

    Jus love to see Our Fume so happy! Is it just me or does anyone else think she is a SUPER HERO for slaying and cooking that octopus and eating it so spicy??? 👍You ARE MY SUPER HERO Mz. Fume!! 👸Love ya!😙

  • @manopiveta6364
    @manopiveta6364 3 년 전 +72

    Esse é o comentário BR que você estava procurando...

  • @bethalavijayalakshmi9430

    Mam I am getting mouth watering really u will eat this much of octopus mam 🤤🤤🤤

  • @desireeheremaia7636
    @desireeheremaia7636 4 년 전 +67

    It's 2:00 in the morning and I've caught myself watching another Fume Seafood Boil. YUMMMM!
    The things we do while in Quarantine, stay safe everybody!

  • @warrenmendoza6297
    @warrenmendoza6297 4 년 전 +169

    I feel like i can't eat that without rice

  • @enmalili9686
    @enmalili9686 3 년 전 +52

    Tan linda me encantaría comer mariscos también pero son muy caros ❤❤❤

  • @genalazaro5208
    @genalazaro5208 3 년 전 +7

    Always watch your cooking eating show. Love to get the recipes

  • @loveablecookies1974
    @loveablecookies1974 4 년 전 +14

    You really looked like your eating the octopus for the first time in your life🥺❤️🤣

  • @shariqahmed848
    @shariqahmed848 4 년 전 +19

    Fume aka The Queen of eating spicy food 👸🏻🌶🌶🌶🔥🔥🔥😁

  • @asmarahdhaen8604
    @asmarahdhaen8604 3 년 전 +1

    When ever I watch you eating seafood I really like and love to watch all you vedeo your very clean to eating that seafood

  • @kelseywelsey2924
    @kelseywelsey2924 3 년 전

    I don’t even like seafood and I’m salivating she makes it look so yummy!

  • @freya.158
    @freya.158 4 년 전 +17

    It looks appetizing❤️❤️❤️

  • @misssrawest2018
    @misssrawest2018 4 년 전 +22

    since im still on lockdown i will be watching a bunch of mukbangs😭

  • @anavitorianogueira3825

    Cadê os comentários em português 😂😂

  • @sahudymorenoceballos3839

    No sé cómo llegué aquí, pero se me antojó mucho 😂

  • @user-nu5ww5gd1m
    @user-nu5ww5gd1m 4 년 전 +8


  • @daisukekambe9397
    @daisukekambe9397 4 년 전 +406

    Me: *watching this at 3am*
    My stomach: *༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽*
    Me: no no no not again

  • @blogmaede3137
    @blogmaede3137 2 년 전 +5

    Me dá água na boca 😋😋

  • @majucavalcanti1625
    @majucavalcanti1625 3 년 전 +5

    Um canal MT bm, eu diria q é o melhor canal de ASMR❤❤❤❤❤

  • @aadiltalib9621
    @aadiltalib9621 4 년 전 +5

    Aww I love her smile her smile is so cute

  • @Karen_gsantos
    @Karen_gsantos 4 년 전 +4

    Um dos melhores canais de asmr !

  • @asianaechelaye3585

    I normally hate watching people eat but this look so good... 🤪🤣

  • @denisfrancisco7462

    Eu adoro quando ela cozinha 😋🤩

  • @lovesilver9084
    @lovesilver9084 4 년 전 +4

    와 오늘도 언니 금손이 열일하네요❤ 저였으면 절대 못해먹을것같은 메뉴를.. 저렇게 손쉽게..ㅋㅋㅋ 아니 근데 언니는 왜 저렇게 먹는데 안쪄요? 왜 점점 예뻐지지?? 왜 맨날 내가 1일1영상하게 만드는거야 증말!! 특히 그 언니 첫입먹고 참을수 없다는듯이 웃을때!ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 귀여워요!!❤❤❤ 오늘도 잘봤슴니다😍

  • @renzpacts6531
    @renzpacts6531 4 년 전 +4

    It looks delicious. My saliva is falling while watching. I want to eat like this☺

  • @marcoaurelioalvesrattes6588


  • @user-de3ui5tl8k
    @user-de3ui5tl8k 2 년 전 +1

    Такая симпатичная😊а кушаете так аж аппетит просыпается🤗

  • @StiloUnhas_
    @StiloUnhas_ 3 년 전 +25

    Só eu que fico na vontade de esperimentar? Deve ser muito bom!🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

    • @agathalima6466
      @agathalima6466 3 년 전 +1

      Também morro de vontade mais tenho nojo KKKĶK

  • @user-sr7ye7mc2i
    @user-sr7ye7mc2i 4 년 전 +4

    오늘도 너무 맛있는 영상 보고 갑니다 ㅠㅠㅠ 저도 해물 왕창 먹고싶네유 ㅠㅠ

  • @minaazizi2659
    @minaazizi2659 3 년 전 +19

    im hungry right now after watching this 😂

  • @wandarussell5983

    Hello Fume!! Girl I love your videos.. they’re fun to watch especially the spicy content added and it doesn’t seem to bother you!! WOW!! These video’s make me so hungry and I guess it’s the need or want to try different foods from different countries..😊😊 I’ve never ate any of the food you’re eating.. never was blessed with that type.. don’t even know what it tastes like other than rice or chicken as it’s a staple in the USA.. Thank you for posting this video my friend!! Your little Mosi is adorable!! So CUTE!! Wanda in 🇺🇸 USA❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊

  • @PrisTvv
    @PrisTvv 4 년 전 +6

    Nice one fume, i enjoy watching you always

  • @mezzoapolis
    @mezzoapolis 3 년 전 +26

    This startled,
    My appetite,
    To start eating,

  • @giochaves6967
    @giochaves6967 3 년 전 +5

    Meu sonho é experimentar essas comidas, fico na vontade 😋😋😋

  • @user-vp5yc7co4r
    @user-vp5yc7co4r 3 년 전


  • @Creegirl23
    @Creegirl23 4 년 전 +22

    “Damn little lady, you sure can put it away!” Lol
    I love your mukbangs Fume! Your cooking always looks so tasty 🤤

  • @khangbluetv4502
    @khangbluetv4502 4 년 전 +13

    "From việt nam with love"fume so cute 😘❤

  • @tanha.thvvvvv
    @tanha.thvvvvv 2 년 전 +1

    When I was hungry I watch those videos lol🥹 and that's make me more hungry

  • @tatianeogasawara4177
    @tatianeogasawara4177 2 년 전 +6

    Quais os ingredientes do molho? Da água na boca 🥲

  • @chiharu6
    @chiharu6 4 년 전 +6


  • @yxwxnn
    @yxwxnn 4 년 전 +14

    언니 영상 자주 올라와서 너무 좋아요 항상 볼 때마다 음식 만드는 것도 보기쉽게 편집해서 앞부분에 올려주셔서 감사해요 요리에 관심있어서 요리하는 영상, 요리한 걸 먹는 영상을 보면 기분이 좋아져요 ㅎㅎ 오늘도 행복한 하루도 마무리하길 바라요 항상 응원합니다!

    • @Fumeyamyam
      @Fumeyamyam  4 년 전 +3

      헉.. 너무 감사합니다.. 이웃집이면 맨날 요리해드리고 싶어요...❤️ 응원에 힘 뿜뿜 얻구가여...🤭

  • @juliaramos5377
    @juliaramos5377 3 년 전 +8

    Mais alguém do Brasil mds??🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • @nusaibauddin132
    @nusaibauddin132 3 년 전 +2

    I had realise that food makes u happy

  • @user-lo7qx1sg9v
    @user-lo7qx1sg9v 4 년 전 +7

    You like the queen of cooking scallops and octopuses

  • @hianne9539
    @hianne9539 4 년 전 +7

    언니가 가리비먹을때 웃으면 나도 좋아....🤩
    진짜 겨울에 바닷가가서 기가막힌 조개구이에 한잔먹어줘야하는데...이미 다 지나가고 코로나가왔네요...언니 아푸지마시고 매일 맛난것만 드쎄용...😘언제나 제 마음은 언니와 함께...❤👍

  • @hydiedelcampo762
    @hydiedelcampo762 3 년 전 +3

    Your puppy is so Cute ❤️❤️💕

  • @attianarobinson9787
    @attianarobinson9787 3 년 전 +7

    Watching these foods feels like it's in my mouth

  • @user-hc9qv6ld8y
    @user-hc9qv6ld8y 4 년 전 +3

    매운거 진짜 좋아하시네요ㅎㅎ 전 불닭도 잘 못먹어서 매운거 잘 드시는분들이 참 부러워요😂

  • @Varaidzo1
    @Varaidzo1 4 년 전 +51

    I can't believe that she can eat that whole octopus 😱 wow

    • @happycreation3515
      @happycreation3515 4 년 전 +3

      Compare 13:00 and 13:02 she did not use all the octopus at 13:00 for the fried rice at 13:02 maybe just a small part of it. She probably saved the rest.

    • @siskamamijameskevin
      @siskamamijameskevin 3 년 전

      She eats like zoombie

  • @dafnecastillo9032
    @dafnecastillo9032 3 년 전 +2

    Cada que veo estos tipos de videos se me antoja

  • @leamarie3213
    @leamarie3213 3 년 전 +1

    why i see this at night ! im hungry !

  • @shu4hara275
    @shu4hara275 4 년 전 +5


  • @user-qs3fs5jg6e
    @user-qs3fs5jg6e 4 년 전 +4

    Na jinjja 언니가 해산물 매운찜 할때마다 ssimjang이 떨려..✨🔥 내가 젤 조아하는 mukbang 유투버 당신이야.. Always 맛있는거 먹고 돈 많이벌어요..flower road만 걸어요..♥ (이렇게라도 영어를 섞으면 안묻히고 위로 올라갈까싶은 마음에...)

  • @crystaljadeluna2977

    Love your seafood mukbang. 😍😍

  • @kresettepatel9344
    @kresettepatel9344 3 년 전 +4

    One day....I'll try to experience this 🤤🤤🤤

  • @kangtaehyuns7913
    @kangtaehyuns7913 4 년 전 +14

    Fume: *eating spicy food*
    Also Fume: "So sweet"

  • @jpdrummer3172
    @jpdrummer3172 4 년 전 +4

    Amo esses tipos de vídeos ❤❤

  • @norminapalti513
    @norminapalti513 3 년 전

    I love your all mukbang.from Philippines🥰

  • @user-mi5lq6um4j
    @user-mi5lq6um4j 3 년 전 +2

    푸메님 사랑해애ㅠㅠ

  • @aether745
    @aether745 4 년 전 +78

    FUME: (Finding that what she want to eat first
    Scallops: me
    Scallops: EAT MORE
    FUME: (Eated more scallops)
    OCTUPOS: hey girl! What am i here a decorate you ate lots of scallops but how about me am i yummy or not !?!??????!!

  • @sparkle1537
    @sparkle1537 4 년 전 +469

    Stores don’t have food
    KRplus: fully stocked

    • @thechosen4125
      @thechosen4125 4 년 전 +10

      True af they eating all the damn food

    • @HashimKhan-yv7sl
      @HashimKhan-yv7sl 4 년 전 +5


    • @evelynvictoria9901
      @evelynvictoria9901 4 년 전 +4

      Hashim Khan umm 😐

    • @joshuatheunkownuniverse.2475
      @joshuatheunkownuniverse.2475 4 년 전 +7

      South Korea is not under knockdown...........

    • @sharlynglodove6996
      @sharlynglodove6996 4 년 전 +14

      Koreans are not panic buying. Their government have managed the situation really well.

  • @sitinurulsurayabintimohdyu5269

    your skin is soooo flawlesss!!!!!

  • @pandytheminecrafter9749

    Wow makes me drool 🤤🤤🤤 looks soooo tasty😍😍😍

  • @itzjustasi4
    @itzjustasi4 3 년 전 +338

    if i was eating that i would be licking the shells of this scallops 😂

  • @CozeASMR
    @CozeASMR 4 년 전 +3

    Spicy food always tastes better🔥🔥

  • @sakura19974
    @sakura19974 2 년 전

    I really want to know how she maintains herself so well!!!!!😭😭
    I eat 2 packets of noodles nd i cnt breathe 🙄🙄

  • @franciscoobregon643
    @franciscoobregon643 3 년 전 +8

    Me gustaría saber los ingredientes que le echa para preparar aki en Perú seve delicioso mmhhh..

  • @user-dr9yi1zq9u
    @user-dr9yi1zq9u 4 년 전 +10


  • @89Brownay
    @89Brownay 3 년 전 +8

    You always look so happy when you're eating. It looks really good.

  • @brendalopezmedina2896
    @brendalopezmedina2896 3 년 전 +39

    Cuando estoy aburrida en mi casa y me pongo a verla a ella, para ver las comidas que nunca are porque nose que dirá en el nombre de los ingredientes jajajaajaja saludos desde culiacan Sinaloa ❤

    • @fiscellamusicmore9048
      @fiscellamusicmore9048 3 년 전 +1

      Hahaha yo pienso lo mismo saludos desde Monterrey

    • @ctclavictoria9898
      @ctclavictoria9898 3 년 전 +3

      Echale salsa condimentada , picante chiles verdes y rojos, salsa de soya, aji nomoto y picale cebolleta. 7u7

    • @opiff7240
      @opiff7240 3 년 전

      Ese wey se sabe la reseta

    • @miriamzazueta5735
      @miriamzazueta5735 3 년 전 +1

      Yo también así me quedo! Quiero saber la receta de la salsa!
      Saludos desde Mazatlán, somos vecinas!😅

  • @wilhemlorilla
    @wilhemlorilla 8 개월 전

    Always watching from philipines

  • @williegame2289
    @williegame2289 3 년 전 +39

    Damn She have the best quality sounds I can even hear her heart beat😂😂

  • @vann4423
    @vann4423 4 년 전 +48

    Que ricooo, saludos desde México. Gracias por los subtitulos ❤️

  • @carlosemanoel.__4143
    @carlosemanoel.__4143 3 년 전 +1

    Só eu que fico com água na boca 🤤🤤🤤

  • @afraevamanzo7201
    @afraevamanzo7201 3 년 전 +3

    I love to eat scallops...

  • @_allisonarrma_
    @_allisonarrma_ 4 년 전 +15

    I've been wanting to mention this....
    Is it just me or does she look pretty similar to shin se kyung(not sure if I spelled it right) from the Korean comedy show high kick?

    • @afv847
      @afv847 4 년 전 +2

      yeah.. the girl on the bride of habaek?

    • @chhunkoungseng9364
      @chhunkoungseng9364 4 년 전 +2

      Omg she does in some angle she's look exactly like her 😄

    • @ayize627
      @ayize627 4 년 전 +1

      Nice picture

    • @_allisonarrma_
      @_allisonarrma_ 4 년 전

      @@afv847 is it? I'm not sure...never seen that drama before 😅

    • @afv847
      @afv847 4 년 전

      @@_allisonarrma_ it was

  • @gleycesilvaa8650
    @gleycesilvaa8650 4 년 전 +56

    agradecida pela legenda em português ❤🇧🇷

  • @cole_dfb5741
    @cole_dfb5741 3 년 전 +5

    I never had seafood but im addicted to watching people eat it

  • @user-zb3hp7nj4n
    @user-zb3hp7nj4n 3 년 전 +1


  • @_anupriya__
    @_anupriya__ 4 년 전 +7

    She cleaned whole plate😂🤣✔

  • @alessia1ale
    @alessia1ale 4 년 전 +5

    This look so good!!!! 😍

  • @adeebsheebahussain6910

    It looks extreme spicy

  • @nadinehelmy5951
    @nadinehelmy5951 3 년 전 +2

    She is like I am in love with the seafood💖😂