[N'-123] Aku cinta Indonesia 💚|Jakarta KWave Behind

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  • 게시일 2019. 11. 07.
  • #NCTDREAM #Indonesia #Jakarta_KWave
    #인도네시아 #자카르타 #KWave
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  • @sunshinee7767
    @sunshinee7767 4 년 전 +9117

    JAEMIN : Apa kabarrrrrrrrr
    shombonk banget si bambank bisa ngomong "R"

  • @kimuwu1415
    @kimuwu1415 4 년 전 +3959

    Indonesia nctzen : too happy to get nct content in indonesia for these three days:))

  • @hanhanna992
    @hanhanna992 4 년 전 +6955

    What they want to say:
    Jisung: assalamualaikum
    Jaemin: selamat pagi
    Jeno: apa kabar
    They know so many indonesian greetings 😂😂

    • @novhiyaaryanti3745
      @novhiyaaryanti3745 4 년 전 +45

      Ey jangan gi tu loh hahahahahaahahah

    • @yumnatoganesha8531
      @yumnatoganesha8531 4 년 전 +460

      Lama lama mereka salamnya = Piye kabare rek?

    • @novasrr
      @novasrr 4 년 전 +38

      @@yumnatoganesha8531 ngakakk bangett😭😭

    • @lindsayc372
      @lindsayc372 4 년 전 +164

      nanti pas nct dream ke indo lagi tb tb mereka blg "pun10 slurr"

    • @pika.rosmeri
      @pika.rosmeri 3 년 전 +15

      Jisung canim banget🥰

  • @tzcyunestlew1198
    @tzcyunestlew1198 4 년 전 +2282

    jisung : assa, assalamualaikum

  • @melo3454
    @melo3454 4 년 전 +688

    “Im the host of chenji this and that”
    Jisung: am i a joke to you

  • @nrsyfqhh3798
    @nrsyfqhh3798 4 년 전 +330

    "i won't help him even though there's a camera"
    the savage jisung

  • @rritcheez
    @rritcheez 4 년 전 +570

    6:30 itu njunnn buah yang bang doy idam-idamkan 😌

    • @closet-odor
      @closet-odor 3 년 전 +6

      Mbak doy melihat ini bilek: 👁💧👄💧👁🔫

  • @xiulee2787
    @xiulee2787 4 년 전 +723

    Manners member nct dream yang bersihin bekas bekas makanan even itu bisa di bersihin staf patut lah di contoh anak anak kpopers jaman sekarang, so good nct dream 💕

    • @emendaputri09
      @emendaputri09 3 년 전 +9


    • @velvet5391
      @velvet5391 3 년 전 +22

      Itu didikan managernya bagus banget😊
      Tiap hari mas manager selalu bawel ngingetin kalo mereka 'harus mengutamakan atitude, harus selalu ramah dan rendah hati'. makanya anak2 nct itu jarang ada yg betingkah arogan apalagi ngeyelan.

    • @alfaasusanto2170
      @alfaasusanto2170 3 년 전 +2


    • @adeknybbh3569
      @adeknybbh3569 2 년 전 +7

      Up bener banget, dream and anak SM lain tuh gak ada yg gagal udah

    • @ravieliameylvie7045
      @ravieliameylvie7045 2 년 전 +6

      Sebenernya itu manner d korea yg paling basic..mkanya cafe or tempat makan..bahkan mini market yg bisa buat makan ttp terlihat bersih krna mrka terbiasa sll langsung beresin sndiri..

  • @hihello-cb9dr
    @hihello-cb9dr 4 년 전 +550

    This should be titled “renjun being bullied for 10 minutes straight” LMAOOO

    • @tariyuliana9515
      @tariyuliana9515 4 년 전 +1

      ㅇㅈ!! ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @betsy9077
      @betsy9077 4 년 전 +24

      or “Haechan being a bully for 10 minutes straight” 😂😂😂

    • @GlitteredinDPR
      @GlitteredinDPR 4 년 전 +7

      hyuck throwing in 0% viewer rating at him yet again, while Renjun is looking like a Gem 💋💚😂

    • @airunika
      @airunika 4 년 전


    • @wsofea
      @wsofea 4 년 전 +1

      @@betsy9077 what about...Haechan being a bully for 19 years? Jk not really but-

  • @CarlaaaChuaaa
    @CarlaaaChuaaa 4 년 전 +466

    "I should have made it messier" -lele 2019
    "Haechan cam doesnt even have its own channel" -lele 2019
    This dolphin is getting more savage by the day

    • @raracinta
      @raracinta 4 년 전 +7

      haechan's pose when arguing with lele is sending me zjdhsjd

    • @ibreathebaejinyoung6728
      @ibreathebaejinyoung6728 4 년 전 +2

      he be spending too much time with renjun

    • @CarlaaaChuaaa
      @CarlaaaChuaaa 4 년 전

      @@ibreathebaejinyoung6728 hahaha funny u mentioned that cos i was thinking, okay renjun's energy got transferred to chenle, so renjun is now being bullied 🤣🤭

  • @kjtn_official3669
    @kjtn_official3669 3 년 전 +386

    6:37 doyoung menangis melihat ini:'

  • @mischievouslaura7256
    @mischievouslaura7256 4 년 전 +808

    Renjun bilang salak mirip trenggiling 🤣
    Pasti dia dikasih tau sama Doyoung deh😂

    Btw merek baik banget ya, suit buat nentuin siapa yg bakal beresin sampahnya, padahal kan pasti ada pelayannya disitu

    • @bundakeishakaesang4412
      @bundakeishakaesang4412 3 년 전 +71

      Aku juga salfok disitu,org kita aja klo habis makan kaya gitu pasti berantakan ngga bakalan dirapihin,inimah sampah diambilin,dibuang tempat sampah,piring kotor lgsg ditumpuk n beresin,keren bnget budayanya

    • @marvazora2218
      @marvazora2218 3 년 전 +27

      @@bundakeishakaesang4412 iya, di Korea kalau makan di restoran, gak ada yang namanya embak embak tukang bersihin meja, habis makan kita harus tarik sendiri👍

    • @Nana-wv4ve
      @Nana-wv4ve 2 년 전 +11

      @@bundakeishakaesang4412 Alhamdulillah aku kalo makan bareng temen atau keluarga di mana pun, pasti inisiatif buat beresin sampah sama numpuk piring. Kadang sampe sampah kubawa pulang, masuk kantong/tas padahal sampah temen itu, kadang juga aku omelin bilang kalo sampahnya diberesin dulu, gak sopan. Yah, meskipun gak bersih² amat tapi setidaknya mengurangi lah. Gak cuma aku sama temen²/keluarga kok. Pasti masih banyak lagi di luaran sana yang sadar.

  • @143_gungdyah7
    @143_gungdyah7 4 년 전 +842

    “Haechan cam doesn’t even have it’s own channel.”
    Now we know. We need it.

  • @marcla1340
    @marcla1340 4 년 전 +4562

    Renjun:"siapa yg makan jorok begini"
    Chenle:"seharusnya tdi gue lebih jorok lagi"
    Hahahaha ngakakkk😂😂

  • @lubnabukanlubang2559
    @lubnabukanlubang2559 3 년 전 +186

    Jisung : assalamualaikum
    Chenle : apa kabar
    Jeno : selamat pagi
    Jaemin : apa kabarrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • @user-ne3uc6ro6p
    @user-ne3uc6ro6p 3 년 전 +280

    Sapaan bahasa indonesia : selamat pagi, selamat siang, selamat sore, selamat malam,
    Assalamualaikum : for muslim people

    • @fidela3184
      @fidela3184 3 년 전 +1

      @Jenjaem Pyong bahasa gaada adab itu anjir wkwkwkwk

    • @annisazhr_
      @annisazhr_ 2 년 전

      @@fidela3184 mksd??

  • @yesitya4225
    @yesitya4225 4 년 전 +169

    Jaemin: "Apa kabarrrr"
    R nya jelas banget na😆
    Kemarin nct 127, sekarang nct dream dong💚💚💚

  • @galaxyfullsun6721
    @galaxyfullsun6721 4 년 전 +1222

    Haechan: fights dreamies with jokes and his humorous style.
    Dreamies: fight haechan by hitting him

  • @fatinihidayah9930
    @fatinihidayah9930 4 년 전 +97

    8:02 When Renjun entered with that whole ass trash can I cackled lololol
    He was soo ready to throw the dremies in them🤣

  • @kimae-ri1826
    @kimae-ri1826 3 년 전 +133

    Jisung: Assalamualaikum..
    Me: Waalaikumsalam..
    Jaemin&Jeno: Apa Kabar?
    Me: Baik

    • @azrielwildanriyandi4699
      @azrielwildanriyandi4699 3 년 전 +2

      Ngakak bundddd

    • @adeknybbh3569
      @adeknybbh3569 2 년 전 +6

      Jawab nya jgn Waalaikumusalam kak...Waalaikum yg bener(jika yg mengucapkan Assalamualaikum non-muslim)
      Tpi klo yg mengucapkan Assalamualaikum muslim jawab nya Waalaikumusalam
      Hanya ingetin🙏🙏☺

  • @indahpujirahmawati3382
    @indahpujirahmawati3382 4 년 전 +527

    Padahal ada staff, tp mereka baik bgt beresin sampah sendiri :'))

    • @yuzadani7727
      @yuzadani7727 4 년 전 +45

      Didikan mereka emang kyk gtu,,, beda dg artis2 dr negara kita bknya membntu brsih2 mlh sring kepergok buang sampah smbrangan

    • @kun11xd39
      @kun11xd39 4 년 전 +30

      Jangankan artis,,, org2 biasa ajh sering buang sampah sembarangan 😑😑😑

    • @gitaputri4712
      @gitaputri4712 4 년 전 +23

      Budayanya mereka memang bersih2 dan beresin sampah setelah makan (ngga ngerepotin orang lain). Patut dicontoh 👍🏼

    • @kevinaadi739
      @kevinaadi739 4 년 전 +16

      @@yuzadani7727 bukan artis aja sih, emang kebanyakan orang indo didikanya kurang masalah sampah, semoga aja sijeuni bisa nyontoh mereka deh

    • @aureliyaharun7942
      @aureliyaharun7942 4 년 전 +1


  • @dreamu127._9
    @dreamu127._9 4 년 전 +1043

    this should be titled as "nct dream bullying renjun in indonesia"

  • @solisaluna_books4297
    @solisaluna_books4297 4 년 전 +56

    Jaemin and Jeno looked at each other when they said “Selamat”, I miss the days when they went to that The Best Day program 🥺💚

  • @patikayen8683
    @patikayen8683 3 년 전 +12

    Boyband internasional, diundang ke luar negri, dah siap tampil, bisa2 nya masih mau beresin meja yang berantakan...
    Ya Allah... Sahlut banget sama kalian naak.... Dreamiis😍👍

  • @l_ex900
    @l_ex900 4 년 전 +528

    No one:
    Not a single soul:
    Renjun: *pushes Haechan*

  • @markleeinthehouseyo
    @markleeinthehouseyo 4 년 전 +798

    renjun: *loses rock paper scissors*
    also renjun: *_grab the dustbin and pushed jeno_*

  • @elll2049
    @elll2049 3 년 전 +63

    jaeminn:Apa Kabarrrrrr
    Pamer bngt keknya sih Bambank Bisa ngmng R:)

  • @LeiEreve
    @LeiEreve 3 년 전 +47

    3:05 Haechan always tease Renjun because he is fun to tease. 😂

  • @fahirahazque
    @fahirahazque 4 년 전 +653

    no one:
    literally no one:
    haechan: "nctzen mantul"

    • @Rabisme
      @Rabisme 4 년 전 +4

      My mood ♡♡♡

    • @user-ck5dt3oh6g
      @user-ck5dt3oh6g 4 년 전 +7

      At first I thought he said "mandul" and im like : damnnn

    • @chellumi
      @chellumi 4 년 전

      I'm like 'but we don't use that word tho'

    • @chellumi
      @chellumi 4 년 전

      Do u guys use that word?

  • @ranishere
    @ranishere 4 년 전 +779

    "I'd like to make a channel too" - Haechan, 2019.
    You heard him, SM :)

  • @nadifaprada
    @nadifaprada 4 년 전 +30

    I'm re-watching this bcs miss dreamies so much😭😭😭
    Kangen dreamies bgt asli saking kangennya cuma bisa liatin fancam sama rewatch nct daily. SM give them fixed unit pleaseee and come to Indonesia again. 드리미 우리 다시 만나자 ㅠㅠ💚💚

  • @khairunnisaramadhani5954

    me : nontoin nct
    my mom : blekpink tr000S

    • @yamahikaru3080
      @yamahikaru3080 3 년 전 +15


    • @graciarachel4540
      @graciarachel4540 3 년 전 +47

      Gw nonton NCT dibilang nonton BTS:)

    • @7bnadiasabila462
      @7bnadiasabila462 3 년 전 +25

      @@graciarachel4540 2in....gw nonton NCT dibilang nonton BTS giliran gw nonton BTS malah dibilang nonton NCT.....

    • @sasaa_santan
      @sasaa_santan 3 년 전 +6

      Aku be lyke: "dia mak mu shaf, sabar..."

    • @partyanthem
      @partyanthem 3 년 전 +13

      ortu gw tauny bts😟 , pdhl gw lgi nntn nct

  • @luvu4eva16
    @luvu4eva16 4 년 전 +85

    We don't need them fighting on the rooftop with suits, we have Haechan and Renjun fighting every second lol

  • @stannctstopdegrading6936

    Haechan : filming Jeno
    Renjun: *I'm better than him you know it*

  • @myhandle127
    @myhandle127 3 년 전 +15

    Jeno appreciating Jaemin cleaning up like a dad and a mom

  • @astinarantija6362
    @astinarantija6362 3 년 전 +29

    3:26 Awhhh!!!!!
    Uri mochiiiii Jisung-ahhhhh

  • @WahidiniNurAflahdinikopi
    @WahidiniNurAflahdinikopi 4 년 전 +3411


    • @wabisabiruu
      @wabisabiruu 4 년 전 +69

      Jaemin, Jeno, and Jisung

    • @nominculture9320
      @nominculture9320 4 년 전 +112

      Probably SuJu

    • @rain_zhang
      @rain_zhang 4 년 전 +24

      @@nominculture9320 yes HAHAHAHA

    • @clerith
      @clerith 3 년 전 +20

      @@nominculture9320 ik, they are such great fans of assalamualaikum greeting

    • @risariaisy516
      @risariaisy516 3 년 전 +19


  • @ayrissqisya8795
    @ayrissqisya8795 4 년 전 +190

    Haechan: **asks Jeno which song is his favorites**
    Renjun: Imma end this man whole career.

  • @sausansalsabil6396
    @sausansalsabil6396 3 년 전 +32

    Jaemin: Apa Kabareeee
    Bengek bund😭

  • @qkharis__rutokyu1632
    @qkharis__rutokyu1632 2 년 전 +13

    Dulu waktu nct dream ke indo gua belum jadi si jeuni. Kan nyesel, yuk bisa kesini lagi kangen banget astaga. Kek pengen nangis gitu ngeliat mereka ke indo.

  • @heyitschrissy8593
    @heyitschrissy8593 4 년 전 +602

    the title should’ve been “Haechan bullying everyone for 10 minutes straight”

    • @verasuciani5083
      @verasuciani5083 4 년 전 +48

      But get bullied by Chenle xD

    • @a4539
      @a4539 4 년 전 +13

      He was bullying them so much. He’s still in his mischievous teenage years. At the end of the day they all love each other.

    • @_sana_mhd8793
      @_sana_mhd8793 4 년 전 +8

      but get hit by jeno😂

    • @a4539
      @a4539 4 년 전 +4

      I would have hit haechan for being a brat but he’s so damn cute I wouldn’t be able to do it. Now I understand the other’s frustration 😂

  • @sunshine3046
    @sunshine3046 4 년 전 +164

    No one :
    Literally no one :
    No boss :
    Renjun and Haechan : Fight about camera

  • @arydachannel4739
    @arydachannel4739 3 년 전 +26

    Jaemin: Apa kabarrrrrr
    Sombonk kali mazzz

  • @annisaachda5868
    @annisaachda5868 4 년 전 +20

    7:46 Renjun gemesh banget sumpa daaa mo nangis aja saking gemeshnyaaa

  • @wonayep3736
    @wonayep3736 4 년 전 +1454

    Jaemin : 00's maknae
    Also Jaemin : More matured than the other.

  • @fishyfishyfishyOMGMRFISH

    Renjun wanted to get interviewed by haechan has the same energy like doyoung had

    • @renjunsdaintyhands3868
      @renjunsdaintyhands3868 4 년 전 +4

      looks like renjun got it from doyoung during their vlive

    • @GlitteredinDPR
      @GlitteredinDPR 4 년 전 +7

      hyuck: please get him out
      lmao! when too much goofiness runs in the family 😂😂💚

    • @etherealselina9236
      @etherealselina9236 4 년 전 +3

      So he is gonna make a squad with doyoung (and maybe jisung) called “biggest revenge on haechan”

  • @xoxosawo4476
    @xoxosawo4476 년 전 +4

    NCTZEN Indonesia must be the happiest of the fandom in the world coz NCT really loves NCTZEN Indonesia.. They cover Indonesian song, send love messages and trying to speak bahasa Indonesia.... Congratulations NCTZEN Indonesia...

  • @user-sf6kp3wf4y
    @user-sf6kp3wf4y 2 년 전 +24

    3:58 "YO! NCTZEN MANTU"

  • @ameliapratiwi9780
    @ameliapratiwi9780 4 년 전 +493

    I'll never invite chenle again to my show - haechan 2019

  • @renjunct
    @renjunct 4 년 전 +103

    Renhyuck is really a bestfriends goal xD

  • @johnlembong8390
    @johnlembong8390 3 년 전 +1

    Nct-zen indonesia:AKU CINTA KALIAN NCT!!!

  • @jodohnyataeyong4638
    @jodohnyataeyong4638 3 년 전 +13

    Jaemin: a-aku cinta kamu i love you
    Me: pingsan estetik

  • @taesang5664
    @taesang5664 4 년 전 +454

    haechan: im helping him clean because there’s a camera
    jisung: i wont help him even if there’s a camera

  • @aarushi._.
    @aarushi._. 4 년 전 +566

    Haechan also kind of felt bad when renjun had to clean the table again that’s why he was looking at him and ultimately ended up helping him. Honestly though Haechan and Renjun should have their own segment, they are damn entertaining and cute together. The way they bicker is so fun to watch, I am just waiting for some more renhyuck content....uhmm @SM 🙄

  • @ashleybelleXD
    @ashleybelleXD 4 년 전 +11

    Haechan wanting to create a channel because Chenle was teasing him and no he’s got haechan radio 💚

  • @haehana612
    @haehana612 4 년 전 +6

    So this is when chenle mention in haechan radio that he the reasons haechan 37.5 radio channel become reality.

  • @fayes.3538
    @fayes.3538 4 년 전 +713

    No one:
    Literally no one:
    Jeno: _caressing jaemin's exposed arms_

  • @moreenannee
    @moreenannee 4 년 전 +217

    haechan literally out there bullying his members non-stop then play the victim in front of the camera im laughing sO HARD WHY IS HE LIKE THIS

    • @fujiisgrlfriend
      @fujiisgrlfriend 4 년 전 +1

      he's not 'bullying', he's teasing. plz use your words more wisely.

    • @handmadepie
      @handmadepie 4 년 전

      @@fujiisgrlfriend #TwitterShizzzzzz

  • @stanseventeenct7203
    @stanseventeenct7203 3 년 전 +1

    Ditonton berakali pun ttp gk bakal ngebosenin

  • @syazaafifah3332
    @syazaafifah3332 2 년 전 +3


  • @indahputri5435
    @indahputri5435 4 년 전 +631


    • @ShabiraSamual
      @ShabiraSamual 4 년 전 +10

      Dan jisung bilang jangan kasih spoiler besoknya mau ngapain waaaahhh berarti ada video yg lain doooonnggg 🤣🤣🤣

    • @sakuraworlds3053
      @sakuraworlds3053 4 년 전 +7

      @@ShabiraSamual mungkin pas behind the scene mereka foto bar bar wkwk

    • @indahputri5435
      @indahputri5435 4 년 전 +3

      @@ShabiraSamual Iya dooong hahahah kita tunggu aja ya vlog berikutnya di indonesia!

    • @indahputri5435
      @indahputri5435 4 년 전 +1

      @@sakuraworlds3053 WAKAKAK BENER

    • @asaliatyas5821
      @asaliatyas5821 4 년 전 +3

      @@ShabiraSamual Video yang mereka main ke museum, terus nge batik jugaa

  • @minhcarat
    @minhcarat 4 년 전 +1152

    Chenji: just being babies
    Nomin: relstionship goals
    Renhyuck: bickering like an old married couple
    Thats dream in a nutshell

  • @deswitasafitri4603
    @deswitasafitri4603 3 년 전 +9

    YaAllah haechan betingkah bgt dah,jd komedian aje lu can😭😭🤣

  • @erikhakusuma8432
    @erikhakusuma8432 년 전 +3

    Dan skrng mereka datang lagi buat allobank cukup senang tpi ga bisa dateng

  • @sofijuj
    @sofijuj 4 년 전 +1231

    *hyucks helping renjun*
    chenle: he is helping bc there’s a camera!!!
    *jaemins cleaning up*
    jeno: how kind he is!!! he helps without saying anything... he is quite different from somebody (hyuck) :D

    • @icakandela440
      @icakandela440 4 년 전 +1

      ma nomin eurghhh

    • @jdhalia5353
      @jdhalia5353 3 년 전 +1

      Renjun, jaemin, good boys. People will love u.. Arrogant boys, u wait..

  • @ranishere
    @ranishere 4 년 전 +260

    Petition for RenHyuck own content on NCT Daily ✊

  • @user-bg5hz3tf6y
    @user-bg5hz3tf6y 4 년 전 +9

    3:45 okay that smile kills me

  • @agness2202
    @agness2202 년 전 +1

    GUEH nntonya Ampe senyum² pwis pdhl udh lama neh vid😭😭😭😭😭

  • @mariaojeda7267
    @mariaojeda7267 4 년 전 +396

    ** Haechan evading Renjun **
    Renjun : if you don't come to me, you'll be dead
    Another of Renjun's phrases, this is so normal hahahsgah

    • @Taehyunshour
      @Taehyunshour 4 년 전

      vitamin cee imagine this being his line in a drama I-

    • @mariaojeda7267
      @mariaojeda7267 4 년 전

      @@Taehyunshour Haechan and Renjun in a drama ajsjhdha yes pls

  • @stannctstopdegrading6936

    Absolutely noone:
    Haechan: *I'm HAECHAN who has 37.5% viewer ratings*

  • @miratussholikah106
    @miratussholikah106 4 년 전 +7

    I love nct dream...
    love baby chenle..
    love chenji..
    love chenhyuk...

  • @uridashimanaja7890
    @uridashimanaja7890 4 년 전 +11

    4:37 hyuck with haechan😂😍

  • @fomi1172
    @fomi1172 4 년 전 +1776

    7:30 jaemin menghayati bgt lagu Rossa - Pudar, Nana ya~ 😂

    • @spkpronfire263
      @spkpronfire263 4 년 전 +140

      Jaemin sama si Renjun juga hahaha

    • @puputs616
      @puputs616 4 년 전 +19

      Fo Mi salpokkk 😭

    • @puputs616
      @puputs616 4 년 전 +20

      SPKPR ON FIRE jisung jg tuhh 🤣🤣

    • @zefanyadheaa2144
      @zefanyadheaa2144 3 년 전 +87

      keknya gegara suara rosa bagus deh😔🥺, makanya mereka takjub gtu. dan skrg akhirnya mbak rosa keterima di SM karna dipanggil manager nya SM😭😭💘💘💘

    • @adknyaasahoyanduncuk210
      @adknyaasahoyanduncuk210 3 년 전 +16

      @Ghaniya Adiva R ya sekarang Rossa masuk di sm

  • @renjunct
    @renjunct 4 년 전 +162

    Chenle: haechan cam even dont have a channel!
    Haechan: i would make my own too!

  • @mutiarachaerunisa3766

    Attitude mereka bagus bgt pdhal ada bagian sendiri org yg membersihkan sisa makanan tp mereka sangat bertanggung jawab

  • @melvacalysta8737
    @melvacalysta8737 3 년 전 +3

    Huaaa😭 손세르 가고싶어요

  • @ShotarollAlan
    @ShotarollAlan 4 년 전 +73

    7:49 rise chenhyuck nation RISE
    seriously tho their dynamic is so funny...one of the few friendships where haechan is the one being clowned and he just accepts it

  • @jessicaalicia
    @jessicaalicia 4 년 전 +538

    Jeno : "Jisung bagaimana sapaan dalam bahasa Indonesia?"
    Jisung : "assa..."
    Jaemin : "selamat?"
    Jisung : "Assala...mala...kum?"
    *gemes bgt gw sama si Jisung😍 eh itu si Jaemin ngmng "selamat". Selamat itu kan nama bocah yg dia sama Jeno bantuin wktu dtng ke Indonesia😅😂 Gw salut dia masih inget sama si Selamat😘❤

    • @babyji655
      @babyji655 4 년 전 +16

      Kok dia malah ingat assalammualaikum sih? Haha

    • @jessicaalicia
      @jessicaalicia 4 년 전 +9

      @@babyji655 mungkin dia keinget salam wktu di SMT Dubai😅

    • @idkimsad7273
      @idkimsad7273 4 년 전 +2

      keknya jaemin tuh mau ngomong selamat pagi atau selamat apa tapi lupa kata keduanya hehe

    • @jessicaalicia
      @jessicaalicia 4 년 전

      @@idkimsad7273 iya😅 berpikir keras dia😂

    • @mellaandhika5747
      @mellaandhika5747 4 년 전 +1

      Jaemin bilang selamat pagi

  • @myae6175
    @myae6175 2 년 전 +4

    nct dream: aku cinta indonesia
    aku: aku cinta nct

  • @pacarnyadirga3338
    @pacarnyadirga3338 2 년 전 +2

    2:06 echan muka lu lokal bngt😌berasa semakin bisa digapai😳💔

  • @sarahberlaud4285
    @sarahberlaud4285 4 년 전 +89

    "What kind of person is Haechan?"
    Smart. Gorgeous. Honey voice. Sexy. Cute. Cheeky. Mischievous. Fun. Great style. Great taste in food and music. Everything I could ever want in a man. My ultimate bias.
    THAT was the correct answer.

  • @3r33n56
    @3r33n56 4 년 전 +275

    haechan avoiding filming with renjun reminds me of when he avoided interviewing doyoung in the black on black behind the scenes video.....seems like renjun and doyoung really are the same person lol

  • @melodykhundrakpam9426

    Jaemin remembering salamat... how lovely🤗🤗 did u feel anything to go salamat and poduri home🙁🙁

  • @fransiscas.r3894
    @fransiscas.r3894 2 년 전 +3

    KANGENNNN KALIAN SEMUAAAA. ayooo datang lagiii ke Indonesia sering2 setelah pandemiii😭😭😭

  • @cindyhuang6399
    @cindyhuang6399 4 년 전 +220

    Haechan: “It’s time to meet our guest”
    Renjun: _high expectation_
    Haechan: “YES HERE IS CHENLE”
    Renjun: *HITS HAECHAN*

  • @Amy9905
    @Amy9905 4 년 전 +58

    Renhyuck is little DoTae, Tom and Jerry duo 😂😂

  • @cacaa5831
    @cacaa5831 3 년 전 +15

    “Assalamualaikum” waalaikumsalam ya ampun lucu bgt

  • @iloy0u
    @iloy0u 3 년 전

    gemes bgt sih💚💚

  • @amanifiorentina1911
    @amanifiorentina1911 4 년 전 +75


  • @pukupukupangpang7796
    @pukupukupangpang7796 4 년 전 +139

    2:15 Besides Doyoung and Renjun are like sibling they were treated the same way by Haechan too😂lol

    • @bloomingdays9828
      @bloomingdays9828 4 년 전 +12

      This is probably why they hit it off well after the Boa concert. They be conspiting against lee haechan 😂

    • @1993mermaid
      @1993mermaid 4 년 전

      @@bloomingdays9828 It would be funny if they try one up the other with how Haechan treat them...😂

  • @chilis_7472
    @chilis_7472 2 년 전 +1

    aku juga cinta kamu💚

  • @peach7681
    @peach7681 2 년 전 +4

    sabi lah ke indonesia lagi ot23 sekalian study tour

  • @NN08
    @NN08 4 년 전 +123

    Haechan is the life of NCT ! He is the energy of this group 💚

    • @Rabisme
      @Rabisme 4 년 전 +3

      That's so truee.. !! He's a talk-active person, and that's his charm ♡

    • @NN08
      @NN08 4 년 전 +2

      @@Rabisme yeeeess! You can throw him anywhere and he will get rid all the awkwardness within seconds 😂

    • @Rabisme
      @Rabisme 4 년 전 +2

      @@NN08 It's exactly what I mean ♡♡♡
      I think that's a special ability, like a gift, cuz not everyone can do that.

    • @NN08
      @NN08 4 년 전 +1

      @@Rabisme yes 💚

  • @eggs1249
    @eggs1249 4 년 전 +118

    renhyuck is the best. funny af. Injunnie looked so pitiful tho. I can't 😂😂😂😂

  • @elianadelacruzjimenez6119

    Wow when l saw jaemin's clothes l suddenly said.
    Na Jaemin has a very cool and beautiful clothing stlye.

  • @user-qg1vr6ox8m
    @user-qg1vr6ox8m 4 년 전 +1

    jisung baby is clever because recognizing Jakarta-Indonesia similar to the great Dubai.. ayey!!

  • @howtobeacoat132
    @howtobeacoat132 4 년 전 +338

    We got a whole lot of family dynamics here: JaemJen being parents travelling with their kid in the car, uncle Hyuck interrogating successful son Lele at a family reunion, and just plain old married couple HyuckRen bickering anytime and anywhere they can.

    • @lenndly
      @lenndly 4 년 전 +4

      HOW TO BE A COAT and Jisung is regretting his life choices

    • @howtobeacoat132
      @howtobeacoat132 4 년 전 +1

      @@lenndly lol 💚 regretting life choices and just wanting to go to college so he can move out

    • @lenndly
      @lenndly 4 년 전 +1

      HOW TO BE A COAT if that isn’t me then I don’t know

  • @zlanazla6524
    @zlanazla6524 4 년 전 +98

    We need haechan and renjun channel a.k.a duo savage

  • @desara5034
    @desara5034 4 년 전 +1

    Jaemin:apa kabarr
    Logatnya indonesia banget

  • @user-ns5zl4ff6r
    @user-ns5zl4ff6r 2 년 전 +1

    gue kangen bgt AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa bisa yuk bisa ke sini lagi