Camping Overnight With No Technology

소스 코드
  • 게시일 2019. 04. 29.
  • We were sick and stuck inside for an entire week. Just laying down looking at our phones while we were resting in bed. When we were finally not sick anymore we decided that we needed to get out of the house and disconnect from technology... heres what happened.
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댓글 • 28K

  • @coralcored
    @coralcored 5 년 전 +3019

    Ethan: why do you always treat me like a little bitćh or something
    Grayson: *what are you then?*

  • @geetsandhu2797
    @geetsandhu2797 4 년 전 +4450

    Grayson: I’m literary the only person here
    Camera man: Am I a JoKe To YoU

  • @madeleinegrace2299
    @madeleinegrace2299 4 년 전 +2157

    E: that was dangerous
    Gray: did you almost fall ?
    E: no I almost pissed on myself

    • @audclaire4498
      @audclaire4498 4 년 전 +15


    • @kamaricrews3780
      @kamaricrews3780 4 년 전 +4


    • @ste.f
      @ste.f 3 년 전 +3

      hahahahaahhahaahahahahhaahhahahahaahhahahahaahhahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahahahahah is this a chain hahahahahahahaha

    • @playswith_squirrels
      @playswith_squirrels 3 년 전 +2

      Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhaahahahahahahahahhaaaaahaaaahaaaaaa...I think so

    • @annegracebr
      @annegracebr 3 년 전 +2

      Hahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahaahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahaaahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahhahahaah ... I think I won babahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahaajjajajajaja

  • @elgrace0
    @elgrace0 4 년 전 +1778

    When Ethan was peeing and Grayson went
    "He's finally doing it, I'm proud of him." I lost it😂

  • @tannermills8143
    @tannermills8143 5 년 전 +2072

    Ethan: who’s hand is on my butt?
    James Charles: hehe mine kitty girls

    • @froggy1243
      @froggy1243 5 년 전 +68

      I wish! Plot twist * Emma jumps.out from behind rock*

    • @kiel6759
      @kiel6759 5 년 전 +30

      Tanner Mills actually that's probably something Grayson would say instead of Ethan

    • @novaorchard5983
      @novaorchard5983 5 년 전 +8

      That would be terrifying!! haha

    • @ihavebibble2289
      @ihavebibble2289 5 년 전 +4

      Tanner Mills I CHOKED

    • @avaqueen8250
      @avaqueen8250 5 년 전 +2

      Tanner Mills lmaoooo i’m dead

  • @koradevil
    @koradevil 5 년 전 +3868

    Gray: Im tHe OnLy oNe HeRe
    Camera man: *am I a joke to you??*

  • @coopertheboi5172
    @coopertheboi5172 4 년 전 +2693

    This is how many times Ethans has ever told us he’s dairy free

  • @marshawnlynn1547
    @marshawnlynn1547 4 년 전 +597

    Ethan: “Um excuse me Chef I don’t know if the beans are supposed to be on fire”
    Grayson: “ Yeah I’m trying to work that out... umm there’s a little bit of bugs in the beans”

  • @isag1221
    @isag1221 5 년 전 +1170

    “There’s literally no one else here”
    Cameraman: am I a joke to you?

    • @aria5926
      @aria5926 5 년 전 +8


    • @taylorjordan5649
      @taylorjordan5649 5 년 전 +1

      Isa G 😂😂😂😂

    • @alyssamurphy7792
      @alyssamurphy7792 5 년 전 +5

      Lmao, i literally thought the same exact thing when he said that! I was like, well what about your camera man....? Lolol 😂 😂❤️

    • @lalla4407
      @lalla4407 5 년 전

      Memer over here

  • @chloecancassi4451
    @chloecancassi4451 5 년 전 +2448

    12:45 this is how many people would have given the high five to Ethan

  • @lilpluto3860
    @lilpluto3860 4 년 전 +575

    *I HAVE QUESTIONS: why is the camera man so silent and when Grayson said “I’m the only one here” technically there’s still another dude/gorl*

    • @lexnikolle
      @lexnikolle 4 년 전 +73

      Bc camera men aren't supposed to talk lol. It's like watching a movie the camera person doesn't talk.😂

    • @emmabaker2854
      @emmabaker2854 4 년 전 +18

      Ma’am It’s not Gorl

    • @aditi8403
      @aditi8403 4 년 전 +23

      Kyle is just like that😂

    • @briellelopez5119
      @briellelopez5119 4 년 전 +5

      He is not a girl 😑😑

    • @adanyadupont2568
      @adanyadupont2568 4 년 전 +15

      Brielle Lopez Chill out She said he/her basically for a reason so- and plus the other people in the comments told her so that wasn’t necessary.

  • @allisonpf5301
    @allisonpf5301 4 년 전 +629

    I love how ethan is always such a mood lmao

    • @isayyousay3663
      @isayyousay3663 3 년 전 +9

      Expectation: Grayson
      Reality: Ethan (I love him though 🤣)

    • @rileys7231
      @rileys7231 3 년 전 +4

      He was so sassy in this video 😂.

  • @oliviacline6918
    @oliviacline6918 4 년 전 +2549

    “We saw a really cool shooting star, and we hugged each other in excitement” my heart

  • @emilyb8628
    @emilyb8628 5 년 전 +538

    Ethan: "Who's hand is on my aSs?"
    Grayson: "it's my fOoT"
    I died at this part lmao

    • @sk8kate836
      @sk8kate836 5 년 전

      Emily B. U

    • @ryliejohnson65
      @ryliejohnson65 5 년 전

      I literally just posted a comment like this, and then I see this comment ooooooommmmGgggFFff 🤣

  • @reeceray3017
    @reeceray3017 4 년 전 +216

    Grayson: just you me and mother nature...
    The camera man:.....

    • @ruchikamahi
      @ruchikamahi 4 년 전 +2

      You is da Camera man. AND ME IS GRAYSON

  • @annie7325
    @annie7325 4 년 전 +346

    ethan: climbs rocks to go pee
    the camera man: proceeds to sprint after him and record

  • @user-iq9lr8lc2t
    @user-iq9lr8lc2t 5 년 전 +2287

    Can we just talk about the fact that the camera man also had to spend the night camping with them LMAOO

    • @dayshannamae
      @dayshannamae 5 년 전 +59

      Queen probably went to slept in the car and left them in the tent😂

    • @philiplee5901
      @philiplee5901 5 년 전 +9

      I think the camera guy is Dylan

    • @marielaa.9775
      @marielaa.9775 5 년 전 +3

      JAW GANG laughing ass my off ? Lamo ? 😂😂 lmao* 😂

    • @ollie5066
      @ollie5066 5 년 전 +12

      And say nothing the entire time

    • @idkyet4571
      @idkyet4571 5 년 전

      Mariela A. Yea ur right lmao not lamo

  • @carolinebishop3436
    @carolinebishop3436 5 년 전 +572

    That moment when you realize there are actually 3 grown people in the tent😂

  • @itzmoonlight5583
    @itzmoonlight5583 3 년 전 +296

    I imagined James Charles being inside the tent when they came back 😂

  • @lisasacramento3928
    @lisasacramento3928 4 년 전 +723

    Literally nobody in the universe:
    Ethan: wHy aRe yOu wEaRiNg a dOuChEbAg sHiRt

    • @FernandesClementina
      @FernandesClementina 4 년 전 +4

      Ikr😂 To be honest, I found ethan to be wearing the douche bag shirt 😂

    • @amynguyen9189
      @amynguyen9189 4 년 전 +1

      Lisa Sacramento bro I was reading that while they were sang it and I was like ... 😐🤭

    • @userm180
      @userm180 3 년 전

      for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have eternal life"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 3:16."But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 1:12. hi! JESUS loves you and died for you if you accept HIM! HE rose from the dead to show us that death cant hold HIM! repent and start living your life for HIM and when the time is right HE will get you to Heaven💜

  • @sophiewilliamsss
    @sophiewilliamsss 5 년 전 +6064

    it's not a Dolan twins video without ethan reminding us he's dairy free

  • @abrilgomez4608
    @abrilgomez4608 5 년 전 +11767

    grayson sounds like a dad that's trying to spend time with his emo son 👏🏼
    edit- i don’t think people know that this is a joke, i didn’t say emo just cause ethan was wearing black. i just meant the way they were throughout the whole video

    • @miayalight570
      @miayalight570 5 년 전 +81

      Abril Gomez FACTS😂

    • @francescook3998
      @francescook3998 5 년 전 +34


    • @aeriona7091
      @aeriona7091 5 년 전 +77

      wait, you’re emo right? You know because you wear black clothes, wear eye liner, and you’re depressed. right? *looks at friend* right?, isn’t that what they do🤨

    • @rosevaj6094
      @rosevaj6094 5 년 전 +19

      Omfg that’s so true😂💀

    • @jenniortiz639
      @jenniortiz639 5 년 전 +5

      Abril Gomez 500 like

  • @skylarshorter625
    @skylarshorter625 4 년 전 +70

    Why is no one talking about when ethan said "I know your hiss when I hear it" 😂😂

  • @alyssia8180
    @alyssia8180 4 년 전 +194

    No One:
    Literally No One:
    Grayson: WeRe GoNnA cHeCk ThE tEnT fOr AnY gUyS

  • @demo-jw2hs
    @demo-jw2hs 5 년 전 +3755

    Grayson: it’s only me and you Ethan
    Kyle: aM i A jOkE tO yOu

  • @laurenlavigne624
    @laurenlavigne624 5 년 전 +1689

    Ethan: I get pee shy sometimes
    Grayson: iM tHe oNly oNe hErE¡!
    **camera man has left the chat**

    • @danaycampos8207
      @danaycampos8207 5 년 전 +2

      thelifeofgrethan on insta lmao that was me too 😂🚫🧢

    • @mikaylaritt6019
      @mikaylaritt6019 5 년 전 +10

      thelifeofgrethan on insta well nolan is their camera man and they ignore his presence so yeah

    • @natalieansel
      @natalieansel 5 년 전 +1

      thelifeofgrethan on insta that’s what I thought too lol

    • @mariabarajas3182
      @mariabarajas3182 5 년 전 +1

      @@danaycampos8207 v9

    • @neogotmywig5741
      @neogotmywig5741 5 년 전 +2

      Thats what i thought lol

  • @kiwi-gm1yr
    @kiwi-gm1yr 4 년 전 +98

    *title : “no, electronics!”*
    *”camera : “am I a joke to you?”*

  • @kaleydanielle5064
    @kaleydanielle5064 4 년 전 +168

    Is anyone else binge watching them?

    • @0lliipop
      @0lliipop 3 년 전

      Same girl

    • @userm180
      @userm180 3 년 전 +1

      for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have eternal life"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 3:16."But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"-the Gospel of JESUS written by john 1:12. hi! JESUS loves you and died for you if you accept HIM! HE rose from the dead to show us that death cant hold HIM! repent and start living your life for HIM and when the time is right HE will get you to Heaven💜

    • @casualcrybaby
      @casualcrybaby 년 전

      Me rn

    • @absolutelynotz
      @absolutelynotz 7 일 전

      meeee lmao

  • @yyyamila
    @yyyamila 5 년 전 +602

    “I don’t think two 6 foot dudes, one of them being thicc, in... particular, can have a comfy experience in a tent together..”
    *oNe oF tHeM bEinG tHicC iN pArtIcuLar*

  • @candelariosanchez3546
    @candelariosanchez3546 5 년 전 +1469

    Says "me, you and mother nature"
    Camera man: "am i a joke to you?"

    • @emilybutler5979
      @emilybutler5979 5 년 전 +32

      does any one actually know who their camera man is I always wonder ?

    • @fridajimenez5638
      @fridajimenez5638 5 년 전 +5

      Emily Butler Same omg

    • @Caitlinmcg
      @Caitlinmcg 5 년 전 +8

      His name is Kyle Houck :) he has Instagram

    • @remorbits
      @remorbits 5 년 전 +7

      Emily Butler either Kyle or Bryant lol

    • @zoec6375
      @zoec6375 5 년 전 +2

      @@Caitlinmcg his name is Bryant 😂

  • @joelle4473
    @joelle4473 4 년 전 +69

    everyone: cacti
    ethan: cactuses

  • @taleahsmith4972
    @taleahsmith4972 4 년 전 +53

    No one:
    Literally no one:
    Ethan: wait I have to do my skin care routine😂
    I love them ♡

  • @rosieescutia6424
    @rosieescutia6424 5 년 전 +906

    E: "I get pee shy sometimes..."
    Camera man:
    *the cameraman has left the chat*

  • @Grace-ju1gp
    @Grace-ju1gp 5 년 전 +2061

    Grayson: I’m literally the only one here
    Camera guy:
    ☹️ 🎥

  • @musicisbetter1015
    @musicisbetter1015 4 년 전 +24

    At 11:16 when he said he was proud of him made my heart melt 💖

  • @Reemkhaili26
    @Reemkhaili26 4 년 전 +17

    I like how Ethan keeps saying
    "LeTs gEt aN eNsTanTeD RePlY"
    Grayson: Ugh how many times did you say that

  • @yanniceilunga4115
    @yanniceilunga4115 5 년 전 +775

    Nobody at all:
    Not a single soul:
    Ethan: RaCE tO tHE pEnIs

  • @Briannyy
    @Briannyy 5 년 전 +546

    No one:
    Not a single soul:
    Not even JESUS:
    Ethan: “I’m dairy free.”

    • @Hannah-xy5pw
      @Hannah-xy5pw 5 년 전 +2

      Bri I was literally just about to comment this😂😂😂

    • @nkibiz786
      @nkibiz786 5 년 전 +1

      Bri i literally came to write this lmao

    • @oliviahano3271
      @oliviahano3271 5 년 전

      Bri I came and wrote the same thing :(

    • @madsomae
      @madsomae 5 년 전 +1

      you saw someone else say this I saw it. You copied them.

    • @abiramibalachandran2975
      @abiramibalachandran2975 5 년 전

      @@madsomae ok but whats wrong with that like stop ruining the joke

  • @algahim2724
    @algahim2724 3 년 전 +52

    No one:
    Literally no one:
    Ethan: "can we get a replay"

  • @kristyramjattan2848

    The funniest and cutest thing was Grayson flinching when Ethan put on the taser😭😭😭

  • @ilssemendoza
    @ilssemendoza 5 년 전 +2171

    Ethan was gone for ONE day and gets “117 unread texts” .... even if I were never to pick up my phone again, MY PHONE WOULD STILL BE DRYER THAN THE DESERT ITSELF

    • @jackielymber7320
      @jackielymber7320 5 년 전 +25

      Thats a whole moodd

    • @makaiyaramjohn7585
      @makaiyaramjohn7585 5 년 전 +5

      Me tooo

    • @froggy1243
      @froggy1243 5 년 전 +5

      Same lmao

    • @averyjohnson565
      @averyjohnson565 5 년 전 +18

      I’m in a group chat with 10 people and in 1 hour I get 400 texts 😂

    • @maddip9682
      @maddip9682 5 년 전 +11

      Once I was gone for a week and my group chat has 13 people in it. I had 9840 it’s not like exact, but it was 9 thousand 8 hundred something 😂

  • @alyssagrogan5248
    @alyssagrogan5248 5 년 전 +320

    " iM thE oNLy oNe heRe" - Grayson
    *Camera man starts to cry*

    • @berribun
      @berribun 4 년 전

      I think the camera "man" is Cameron *their sister*

  • @jessgentile4766
    @jessgentile4766 3 년 전 +46

    GRAYSON we actually enjoy your informative talking LMAO don't listen to Ethan

  • @_b3llazz429
    @_b3llazz429 3 년 전 +6

    Ethan doing his skin care routine in the middle of the desert is literally a mood

  • @ange_2361
    @ange_2361 5 년 전 +466

    Ethan: I almost died
    Grayson: Did you fall?
    Ethan: No, I almost peed on myself

  • @mavids3032
    @mavids3032 4 년 전 +3391

    Literally this video is just Grayson being a responsible dad and Ethan being a little kid 😂

  • @kaitencepay8781
    @kaitencepay8781 4 년 전 +29

    No one:
    Literally no one:
    Grayson: “Nature makes great crevasses”

  • @Kendalllatrice
    @Kendalllatrice 4 년 전 +9

    22:12 when Ethan was talking and running out Of breath 😂😂

  • @thecircus5229
    @thecircus5229 5 년 전 +1526

    Omg Grayson is acting like such a dad and Ethan is acting like his 16 year old son XD

  • @rissapissa
    @rissapissa 5 년 전 +600

    “I don’t think two 6 foot long men can sleep in a tent”
    camera man: *AM I A JOKE TO YOU*

  • @jerseyfisher9709
    @jerseyfisher9709 3 년 전 +10

    Grayson is the dad who liked camping when he was a kid and E is his teenage son that just wants to hang out with his friends and go skateboarding and like play on his phone

  • @clo6870
    @clo6870 4 년 전 +13

    “Where are we sleeping? In a cactus?”
    -Ethan Dolan

  • @ethangraebel7120
    @ethangraebel7120 4 년 전 +2704

    Ethan: Where r we sleeping, in a cactus?
    Grayson: A tent
    Ethan: (looks around) I don’t see any tents

  • @mehreenn
    @mehreenn 5 년 전 +235

    Grayson looks like a guy in his 40's you'd find in the forest with his caravan 😂

  • @dancewithdhriti2169
    @dancewithdhriti2169 3 년 전 +10

    I love how gray is just always so adventurous and excited for stuff like this and E is the opposite

  • @evanbuntcake879
    @evanbuntcake879 4 년 전 +9

    I literally died inside when Grayson tried to prank Ethan when he was sleeping. Btw Ethan reminds me of Harry styles idk why doe.

  • @theblondecrew
    @theblondecrew 5 년 전 +4307

    Is it even a Dolan Twins video if Ethan doesn’t flex on being dairy free at some point??? 😂😂

  • @shush1718
    @shush1718 5 년 전 +885

    Twins: Camping overnight with no technology
    Camera: Am I a joke to you???

  • @ameliedwyer291
    @ameliedwyer291 3 년 전 +6

    The sounds that Ethan makes is so cute

  • @lucafrancis5572
    @lucafrancis5572 3 년 전 +19

    We’re going camping, not surviving
    -Ethan Dolan 2019

  • @merina4281
    @merina4281 5 년 전 +1334

    "Remember the umbilical days"

  • @taylormcclain573
    @taylormcclain573 5 년 전 +634

    no one:
    ethan in the middle of the desert: “i have to do my skincare routine”

  • @rudymohamed1736
    @rudymohamed1736 4 년 전 +16

    Gray: BeANS AnD HoT Dogs
    E: WHY:
    Gray:ThATs WhAT THeY AtE In The oLDeN DAYs

  • @abeer580
    @abeer580 4 년 전 +10

    Grayson: next we're gonna add some cranberries, they're really good for your bladder

  • @aliyaj1190
    @aliyaj1190 5 년 전 +294

    “Excuse me chef, I dOnT kNoW iF tHe bEAns Are sUpPoSe tO bE oN fIrE😤” okay I freaking DIED😂😂

  • @chloehall6077
    @chloehall6077 5 년 전 +786

    20:53 “Uh, excuse me chef, I don’t think the beans are supposed to be on fire” 😭

    • @chloestedman8001
      @chloestedman8001 5 년 전 +13

      I just put a can of beans in the microwave little do i know you have to take the beans out of the can
      And now my mothers fricken house burnt down house burnt down and now i dont have anywhere to live where to live

    • @Hanna-hr3sd
      @Hanna-hr3sd 5 년 전 +7

      tHeRes BUGs IN tHE bEAns

    • @xaleer8609
      @xaleer8609 5 년 전 +1

      the tea is hot sis

    • @chloestedman8001
      @chloestedman8001 5 년 전 +1

      @@Hanna-hr3sd oH nO bUgS aRe As PoIsInOuS aS eAtInG aN eLePhAnT oN dRuGs

    • @Dnxl03
      @Dnxl03 5 년 전 +1

      @@chloestedman8001 you can live at dessert

  • @yada5289
    @yada5289 3 년 전 +6

    19:22 *ethan* : “nah- nah-ah th- that is *definitely* not a twig”😂😂😂

  • @jakefromstatefarm412
    @jakefromstatefarm412 4 년 전 +52

    If this was this year everybody would have been in the comments c-c-carona

    • @maria-kc3cl
      @maria-kc3cl 3 년 전 +1


    • @bibby6718
      @bibby6718 3 년 전 +2

      J&the j family I knew the only reply on this was gonna be a freaking spelling correction 😂

    • @jakefromstatefarm412
      @jakefromstatefarm412 3 년 전

      @@bibby6718 ?

    • @bibby6718
      @bibby6718 3 년 전

      J&the j family idk 😕

    • @bibby6718
      @bibby6718 3 년 전

      Cuz like, corona is spelled with an o. And the first person to reply said like, corona meaning a spelling correction so. Idk 😕
      I just knew it was gonna be something like dat

  • @zekqeitashanellelewis5377

    7:30 “Gray where are we sleeping dude? In a- in a cactus?” I died😂😭

  • @loserclub8254
    @loserclub8254 4 년 전 +6

    “excuse me chef, i don’t know if the beans are supposed to be on fire” LMAOOO 💀 “chef i think there’s a lil beans in your bugs”😭😂

  • @catdadclouds
    @catdadclouds 4 년 전 +7

    “alright get up and let me get my pbj”
    “bro hang on im eating my trail mix”

  • @emmaaphaea7650
    @emmaaphaea7650 5 년 전 +494

    “Guys I have no idea what time it is”
    *Two minutes later*
    “This is the hottest *9am* ever”

  • @rosyshadow4963
    @rosyshadow4963 5 년 전 +190

    Gray: I’m the only one here
    Cameraman: Am I a joke to you?

  • @adrianitaluna6738
    @adrianitaluna6738 3 년 전 +7

    Ethan : were are we sleeping dude, in-in a cactus?!
    Gray:in a tent Ethan.... 😂

  • @baileymarie3050
    @baileymarie3050 3 년 전 +11

    25:30 you can see graysons phone in his front pocket

    • @Babewhat
      @Babewhat 3 년 전 +3

      Bailey Marie he probably went to get it from the car to check the time

  • @melinabermudez8654
    @melinabermudez8654 5 년 전 +990

    E: Gray where are we sleeping? In a cactus?
    G: in a tent Ethan
    E: I see only cactuses
    G: yea I know but you can’t sleep inside one of them so I brought a tent
    Ethan is me at math class

    • @m14.50
      @m14.50 5 년 전 +2

      Laughing my ass off

    • @melinabermudez8654
      @melinabermudez8654 5 년 전

      khade._ y a vos como te va en español porque para ser latina me va re piola en la English class

    • @chloeschroeder3255
      @chloeschroeder3255 5 년 전 +3

      @@m14.50 Lmao*

    • @courtneytodaro1050
      @courtneytodaro1050 5 년 전

      Melina Bermúdez sameeee hahahahaha

    • @emilyb4162
      @emilyb4162 5 년 전 +1

      literally why do people comment what happened in the video? we all watched it u dont need to recap

  • @lily_x_rose
    @lily_x_rose 5 년 전 +634

    *Every intro*
    Grayson: makes a suggestion
    Ethan: brO thAt’S sO chEesY

  • @gabbijones2930
    @gabbijones2930 3 년 전 +4

    this is so random, but grayson is gonna be such a good dad🥺

  • @simp_city8860
    @simp_city8860 4 년 전 +27

    Them saying they had a fever
    11 months later: wait, corona is that you! You came early!!

  • @No-bg6hz
    @No-bg6hz 5 년 전 +661

    Grayson being serious AND seriously annoyed by Ethan for 30 minutes straight

  • @pavithrashaji
    @pavithrashaji 5 년 전 +230

    No one:
    Literally no one in the entire universe:
    Ethan: I’m dairy-free

    • @miweya
      @miweya 5 년 전 +1

      the accuracy omf

  • @haileyy.ramoss
    @haileyy.ramoss 4 년 전 +7

    ethan’s a whole ass mood.

  • @pizzaqween7785
    @pizzaqween7785 3 년 전 +9

    This video should be called Ethan being hot for a whole video

  • @subscribetomefornoreasonwi3332

    Ethan: “Where are we sleeping? In a cactus?”😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Livid..dreams
    @Livid..dreams 4 년 전 +2323

    *grayson being educational*
    Ethan:bro no one cares shut up
    Me:but I was listening to him..

  • @shylahsvorai8595
    @shylahsvorai8595 4 년 전 +14

    How come when someone is lying Ethan always says “that is not factual"

  • @gavinrohde9609
    @gavinrohde9609 4 년 전 +4

    Ethan: can I have some water
    Gray: maybe
    Ethan: remember the umbilical days

  • @kealanmccrarren8161
    @kealanmccrarren8161 5 년 전 +2004

    Twins: wE aRe LiTeRaLlY iN tHe MiDdLe oF tHe DeSert
    Me: Theres a picnic table and a fire pit

    • @startledmoth4165
      @startledmoth4165 5 년 전 +18

      Kealan McCrarren They’re at a campground in Joshua Tree National Park I believe.

    • @melissahesselman1729
      @melissahesselman1729 5 년 전 +22

      Kealan McCrarren and I saw a road with a caravan and cars lmao

    • @EsMe3_
      @EsMe3_ 5 년 전 +2

      Kealan McCrarren lol

    • @rosieprange5529
      @rosieprange5529 5 년 전 +11

      Kealan McCrarren yeah I think at one point I heard kids yelling 😂

    • @223cw7
      @223cw7 5 년 전 +2

      You really thought these two would go camp in an actual desert

  • @aniyahlewis526
    @aniyahlewis526 5 년 전 +466

    gRaYsOn rEmEmBeR tHe UmbiLiCal DaYS
    Im dead 😂😂
    Edit: Thank you for 488 likes!!! Omg

  • @therealmakaylajames2339

    I love how whenever they do challenges like in the “wild” like their Australia videos Grayson is so pumped and Ethan just dreads it and questions his life choices😂

  • @toddtepper4150
    @toddtepper4150 4 년 전 +4

    “It’s called a sandwich bag”. I’m crying from these crazy boys, so f-ing funny!

  • @basicallygee
    @basicallygee 5 년 전 +787

    is it really a dolan twins video if ethan didn't remind us he's dairy free😂💀

  • @chloehepperle5886
    @chloehepperle5886 5 년 전 +487

    Grayson: I'm literally the only one here!
    Camera Guy: *aM i A jOkE tO yOu?*

    • @chloehepperle5886
      @chloehepperle5886 5 년 전 +5

      @Hannah Bordofsky Same, although I think they have more than one😂

    • @vaniarobles4072
      @vaniarobles4072 5 년 전 +2

      Hannah Bordofsky slideshow mikeeee 🥵

    • @JasmineLau-ee8up
      @JasmineLau-ee8up 5 년 전 +1

      Hannah Bordofsky i bet it’s Bryant

    • @chansbigfoot9959
      @chansbigfoot9959 5 년 전 +3

      Hannah Bordofsky their name is Kyle Houck. He has an instagram account :)

  • @111jade
    @111jade 년 전 +2

    grays hair is killin me (I love him so much this is a light hearted joke!!)

  • @artsyashlyn4111
    @artsyashlyn4111 4 년 전 +4

    Ethan the only person on earth who will touch a cactus and think it’s gunna be fuzzy

  • @kaffydaffy1091
    @kaffydaffy1091 5 년 전 +1499

    Ethan: I get pee shy sometimes...
    Grayson:dude I’m literally the only one here
    Camera man: *tear rolls down face as sad violin plays*

    • @daddyshark6792
      @daddyshark6792 5 년 전 +4

      Alethea & Anthony tbhhhhh😎😌

    • @gertrudegertrude7869
      @gertrudegertrude7869 5 년 전 +27

      At least acknowledge Nolan by his name;)

    • @hereliesjordan9194
      @hereliesjordan9194 5 년 전 +22

      My favourite part of these videos is knowing Kyle is out in the desert filming Ethan peeing off a rock.

    • @kaffydaffy1091
      @kaffydaffy1091 5 년 전 +2

      Hereliesjordan 😂

    • @janaihab7568
      @janaihab7568 5 년 전

      Alethea & Anthony Guys please follow this Instagram acc “@jana_almasaeed” please support me✨💫

  • @HazyBri
    @HazyBri 4 년 전 +624

    *Walking into tent in pure darkness*
    Ethan: "wHo'S hAnD iS oN mY aSs?!?!"

  • @iwishiwasu200718
    @iwishiwasu200718 4 년 전 +11

    I just realised that peanut butter has dairy in it.

  • @annamorgan8154
    @annamorgan8154 2 년 전 +4

    I like how Ethan does his skincare while camping😂😂

  • @fatoumatabarry8133
    @fatoumatabarry8133 5 년 전 +1013

    “ excuse me chef, I don’t know if the beans are suppose to be on fire” 😂