Grand father's Candy factory

소스 코드
  • 게시일 2021. 01. 31.
  • Grandfather who has been making candy in Korea for over 50 years. Grandpa's back is bent and his hands are damaged, but he makes candy every single day. The finished candy is pretty and delicious, but it's all the more precious because of my grandfather's sincerity!
    Store - 유한푸드
    Price - 5,500KRW
    Thank u for watching it. Be happy and good luck 'u'

댓글 • 3.4K

  • @Leg5244
    @Leg5244 3 년 전 +571

    옥춘달인 할아버님
    항상 건강하시고 오래 장수하시길 바랍니다

  • @RuturajPatki
    @RuturajPatki 4 개월 전 +6

    Hats off to that first person ever who thought of making such a thing using very limited resources available that time. Amazing creativity. ❤😮👏🏻

  • @radhagovind2447
    @radhagovind2447 개월 전 +1

    Hats off to Granpa. God bless you. Love from Tamilnadu India ❤

  • @sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsfds1833

    Спасибо Вам, уважаемый мастер, за интересное видео. С любовью и пожеланием здоровья из России. ❤❤❤

  • @user-hl8qg9sl2p
    @user-hl8qg9sl2p 2 년 전 +45


  • @Dobviews
    @Dobviews 3 년 전 +604

    Whomever has this guy as a grandpa, spend every moment with him learning all you can. This craft is one to pass down to all generations.

    • @Dobviews
      @Dobviews 3 년 전 +9

      @Silver The Hedgehog "Bless your little heart."

    • @eshkoshka9011
      @eshkoshka9011 3 년 전 +11

      Not much to learn hes making *candy*

    • @jongseobluvr3000
      @jongseobluvr3000 3 년 전 +8

      @@eshkoshka9011 if it’s not much to learn than you make it

    • @eshkoshka9011
      @eshkoshka9011 3 년 전 +1

      @@jongseobluvr3000 I have I made zangulu before very very easy made it in my kitchen

    • @steppenfuchs5608
      @steppenfuchs5608 3 년 전 +10

      @@eshkoshka9011 The only Zangulu I know is Nigerian place but let’s assume you mean TANGHULU which is basically candied fruit and NOT candy like shown in this vid. The candy clearly requires a lot of skill and anyone would be stupid to say otherwise.

  • @beancurd_73w09
    @beancurd_73w09 2 년 전 +33

    우와...사탕을 저렇게 만드는구나...할아버지 오래오래 건강하게 사세요~

  • @user-vv9se3nm6k
    @user-vv9se3nm6k 2 년 전 +103

    저도 꼭 저렇게 나이가 들어도 몸이 예전같이 않아도 자기할일을 묵묵히 처리하는 멋진 사람이 되고싶네요...

  • @IT-ey2su
    @IT-ey2su 3 년 전 +276

    생활에 달인에 나오셨던 할아버지 달인 이시네요.

    • @Worlder-Jun
      @Worlder-Jun 2 년 전 +22

      PD가 말 싸가지없게 한것만 기억남ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @user-ej3ru7pt1s
      @user-ej3ru7pt1s 2 년 전 +3

      @@Worlder-Jun 진짜요? ;;;

    • @user-uq7xu4bh2s
      @user-uq7xu4bh2s 2 년 전 +5

      @@user-ej3ru7pt1s 네네 검색해서 영상 댓글들보세요 그 피디양반 욕 겁나먹음

    • @user-ej3ru7pt1s
      @user-ej3ru7pt1s 2 년 전 +3

      @@user-uq7xu4bh2s 미친넘 세상을 모르는거같은데..

    • @user-fy8ft4gy3w
      @user-fy8ft4gy3w 2 년 전 +4

      즌능 행넨됴 엥 놰괠 죌 엘엤늉되 만뉘 낙강놔 붸유~
      다시 생각 해도 ㅈ갔네

  • @foxiepepper1927
    @foxiepepper1927 3 년 전 +1426

    Oh, in Russia we had the same candies and my grandma always gave me some. This video give me so nostalgic.

    • @nickolaskucher4637
      @nickolaskucher4637 3 년 전 +85

      Oh yes! We have some candies in Russia, my grandfather gave me some too and he called it VODKA, that’s why now iam a candyholic

    • @foxiepepper1927
      @foxiepepper1927 3 년 전 +14

      @@nickolaskucher4637 Yes, indeed

    • @nazarrei6863
      @nazarrei6863 3 년 전 +69

      Ага , сахар на ложке плавили все

    • @Goggo_Bo
      @Goggo_Bo 3 년 전 +7


    • @sebthe11th
      @sebthe11th 3 년 전 +3

      Gives you nostalgia?

  • @st.charlesstreet9876

    This is one of the reasons why I love KRplus. To see these things and to realize the vastness of all great skills. Thank You very much for the post!❤️

  • @denmcx6538
    @denmcx6538 2 년 전 +106

    I'm absolutely fascinated how incredibely colorful all the candy became after adding just A TOUCH of food-coloring...

    • @user-qh6zj4sn1h
      @user-qh6zj4sn1h 2 년 전 +1

      he didnt wearing mask

    • @benmatthews7867
      @benmatthews7867 2 년 전 +4

      that aint food coloring, its a type of sugar that is colored they mix in. like food coloring, just significantly more potent

  • @JesusSavesRepent
    @JesusSavesRepent 3 년 전 +131

    I appreciate this man more than he will ever know. I bet that is hard work.

  • @82turbo
    @82turbo 3 년 전 +667

    The fact that it’s hand made basically all the way through is just amazing

    • @iHlebMaxim
      @iHlebMaxim 3 년 전 +46

      Bro u noticed those things called machines?
      Sure thing it’s impressive but it’s not hand made all the way through

    • @82turbo
      @82turbo 3 년 전 +28

      @@iHlebMaxim “the fact that it’s hand made BASICALLY ALL THE WAY through...”
      read that carefully

    • @wefo4833
      @wefo4833 3 년 전 +13

      @Coleman Parmer I think he ment that he was working and that the machines did not do all the work

    • @closethedoornow7538
      @closethedoornow7538 3 년 전 +4

      Are u joking?

    • @Bodybuildingarchives
      @Bodybuildingarchives 3 년 전 +2

      Describe “hand”

  • @RisingTidesAC
    @RisingTidesAC 2 년 전 +7

    What a dedicated, hard working and proud man your grandfather is!

  • @Stawrr
    @Stawrr 개월 전

    Дедушка классный! Дай Бог ему долгих лет! С такой любовью относится к своему ремеслу

  • @dojugi123
    @dojugi123 3 년 전 +22

    와.. 할아버지 진짜 대단하시다는 말밖에 안나오네요~ 평소에 쉽게 볼수있는 캔디들이 실제로는 이렇게 만들기 힘든거였다니 정말 힘도 엄청 들거같은데 만드시는데 힘들거같은데 50년동안이나 만드셨다니 정말 끈기도 대단하시고 멋있으십니다. 슈퍼에 옥춘사탕 보이면 자주 사먹을게요 항상 건강하세요~~

  • @YT-yq8bm
    @YT-yq8bm 3 년 전 +585

    알고리즘이 나를 썩 괜찮은곳으로 이끌었다

  • @user-xj5qr5ny8t
    @user-xj5qr5ny8t 2 년 전 +1

    그 참 신기한 공장이네.. 다보게 되네. 매력정인 영상 올려주셔서 즐감했어요~!

  • @supahfly_uk
    @supahfly_uk 2 년 전

    No annoying music, no stupid narration. Thanks this is amazing.

  • @_deockbaegwak1199
    @_deockbaegwak1199 3 년 전 +416

    Explain for foreign friend
    This is one of korean candy called Oakchun. It looks very delicious but it has only one flavor "mint". Whatever its color it tastes mint. Many korean children look forward to fruit flavor because of its color.

    • @firz76
      @firz76 3 년 전 +34

      Sad truth .-.

    • @sidstone8845
      @sidstone8845 3 년 전 +23

      Lol, sounds kinda cool but kinda mean

    • @fluffybunny4891
      @fluffybunny4891 3 년 전 +3

      Are these soft or hard candies?

    • @comrade2942
      @comrade2942 3 년 전 +6

      Dang, I like mint but I want some variety (still looks good and so much effort I respect it, I just like fruit candy lol)

    • @user-ky1lq3rw8p
      @user-ky1lq3rw8p 3 년 전 +1

      @@firz76 พะะะพะะะะะะพพะะะะะะะะะะพพะะะพาะทะะะพาะะะะะะะะะะะะะะพะะะะะพะพะใะะะะพะะพทะะะะะมะะ้ะพะทะะ้ะะะพะะะะะทะะทะะะะะพทะเ้ะ้ะ่ะะพะะมะะะะะพทพะะะะพะะพะะพะะะะพะะะะพะะะะะะะะทะะะะะะะพาะะะพะะะะพ่ะะะะใะะะะะะะะมะะะะทะะทะะะทพทพทะะทะะะะมะพะะ้พะะมะะทะมะทะะะะพะะะะะะะะพะะะะะะะะพทะะะะะาะะะะทะ้ะะะะะะะะพาพะะะทะะะะะะะะะะะะะ้ะพาพทะะะะะะะ้ะะะะะะะใะะะ้ะะ้เะะะะทะะะะทะเะะะะะะะะทพะะพาะะมะะะะะะะะะมะะท้ะะะะะะพะะ้ะะะะะะะทะะะะมะะะทพพะะะะะะะะะะะพะะะะะะะท้ะมะะะะทะะะทะะะพะมะม้ะะะะพะะทะะะะทะะะะะะะะะะะะะพะทะะะะะพาะทะ้ะะะทะะะะะะะพะทะะะะเะทะะะะะะะะะะะะะะพทพะทะทะะะะะะทะมะพะะะพะะะะะพะะะมะพะทพะะะะะะะะเ้พทะทพะะะพะพะพะะะะพะพะะะะะะะะะะะะะทะะะะทพะะะพพพพะมะพะะพะทะะะพทะทะะพะะะะะะะะะพ้ะทะะทะะาะะะะะะ

  • @vin2392
    @vin2392 3 년 전 +650

    제목이 되게 동화 이름 같다
    할아버지의 이상한 사탕가게

    • @user-dl8ft7rh5q
      @user-dl8ft7rh5q 3 년 전 +2


    • @Cistus-vw8qo
      @Cistus-vw8qo 3 년 전 +1

      @@user-dl8ft7rh5q 띄어쓰기 좀... 뭔말인지 모르겠음....

    • @user-qr9im2ic4s
      @user-qr9im2ic4s 3 년 전 +3

      @@Cistus-vw8qo 달리기하냐?

    • @BlackLarva2331
      @BlackLarva2331 3 년 전 +1

      @@Cistus-vw8qo 띄어쓰기 지적하는 사람이 맞춤법은 틀리노ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @Cistus-vw8qo
      @Cistus-vw8qo 3 년 전 +1

      @@BlackLarva2331 오타인데ㅠㅠ 그만 때리라 마이 맞았다 아이가....

  • @DeltaD36
    @DeltaD36 2 년 전 +55

    There's something so fulfilling as doing something you love and that you're good at for the rest of your life. As I go to stores and put stuff on shelves I can only watch this happiness and even some envy that this man is doing exactly that, despite how old he is.

    • @mxs4193
      @mxs4193 2 년 전 +4

      It's a dangerous path though. Some say "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" others say "don't turn your passion into a job as you'll lose the love for it". I've personally had a very niche hobby for around the last 13 years. I'd sometimes stay up all night enjoying it, think about it all day while working at my boring gardening job. Then, about a year ago through some unbelievable luck, I managed to turn my hobby into a full-time job (even becoming completely self-employed). I quit my gardening job and started earning way more money and was happier than ever before. But then just after a few months I started completely losing passion for my hobby. To the point where now it's more difficult for me to force myself to do it than it ever was doing my gardening job and I don't know what to do anymore... If you have something you're passionate about then you shouldn't be envious of anything. Only now do I truly understand how valuable excitement is. If you hate your job but have a hobby, friends, TV show, video game, or anything like that that you can be excited about while doing your job then know that you might actually be a lot happier than some of these people who look like they're doing what they love...

    • @ifeelit4448
      @ifeelit4448 2 년 전

      @@mxs4193 wise words

    • @yeahmans
      @yeahmans 년 전

      it's either "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" or "don't turn your passion into a job as you'll lose the love for it"

  • @teamnevalus6363
    @teamnevalus6363 2 년 전 +15

    장인의 정신, 장인의 손길 항상
    오래오래 건강하게 지내세요.
    힘든 사양산업이지만 장인이 있기에
    우리전통이 이어질수록 있는 것 같아요.
    I hope that Korean tradition will be widely spread.

  • @heidygalindo8406
    @heidygalindo8406 6 개월 전 +6

    Es de admirar al abuelo, aún trabajando con toda la vitalidad, pues esa pasta pesa un montón, en Colombia aún todo es artesanal poca tecnología, se hacen dulces tradicionales, los más vendidos son los alfondoques de panela y las paletas del chavo, está bonita actividad a trascendido por tradición y soy de la última generación, abrazos❤❤❤❤❤

  • @ziropi4898
    @ziropi4898 3 년 전 +26

    What a clean candy factory! and The man is a hard worker, mostly He did all the job by himself...incredible...

  • @chiro2560
    @chiro2560 3 개월 전 +1

    이게 뭐라고 힐링이 되냐?
    마음이 차분해지고

  • @higorc.freitas7573
    @higorc.freitas7573 2 년 전 +33

    Very cool! Your Grand father is a candy artist! Thank you for sharing this. :)

  • @razvancrudu886
    @razvancrudu886 2 년 전 +9

    I just watched 15 minutes of an old man making candy, and I enjoyed it.

  • @yaewonjeong8426
    @yaewonjeong8426 3 년 전 +103

    연세가 있으신데도 불구하고 지극정성으로 옥춘사탕을 만들다니 너무 멋있으세요.

  • @affandy6790
    @affandy6790 2 년 전 +17

    nice video, it's really simple your grandfather's factory, but the candy production is amazing. I hope your grandfather is always healthy.

  • @jasoncanadian
    @jasoncanadian 2 년 전 +20

    Like OMG ... its so simple, but at the same so amazingly complex.
    Add a little colour and a little kneading and it jumps to a whole new level!
    50 years of time, knowledge and proof that sometimes the Old Ways ... just hold True -- and still make a great candy treat!!

  • @user-vm7tq8ev8y
    @user-vm7tq8ev8y 3 년 전 +66

    이 영상의 킬포는 선생님의 양동이 사탕섞기와 오래된 계근기..

  • @walterengler5709
    @walterengler5709 2 년 전 +36

    I am always amazed at the skill and dexterity displayed by those folding and manipulating the lovely sugary strands .. the perfect blending in of the color .. I could never hope to do this.

    • @veronicarodriguez8171
      @veronicarodriguez8171 2 년 전

      There you go folks he made two million candy that is fabulous

    • @Bubu567
      @Bubu567 2 년 전 +3

      What you don't know is how hot that slab of sugar is. Eventually the heat stops hurting, as long as you are fast and precise with your work.

  • @ivankrawtschenko228
    @ivankrawtschenko228 2 년 전 +8

    A mesmerizing video. Great work and very passionate. It is satisfying to watch the candy dough turning into the small hard candy bits. Thank you for sharing,

  • @inrediblepotatoe7764
    @inrediblepotatoe7764 2 년 전 +23

    Whoever has this guy as a grandpa must be having a "sweet time"
    Pls dont kill me i know my joke sucks im sorry

  • @user-uc2nu7ej3m
    @user-uc2nu7ej3m 3 년 전 +21

    젓가락 세개로 기계처럼 요리조리 왔다갔다 하실때 대단하세요!

  • @galliumg8483
    @galliumg8483 3 년 전 +79

    I have made hard candy before and folding in the food coloring is so much harder then he made it look. Respect

    • @finncarlin7173
      @finncarlin7173 3 년 전 +1

      Tbh It doesnt even LOOK that easy, i cant imagine the coordination it must require

    • @galliumg8483
      @galliumg8483 3 년 전 +3

      @@finncarlin7173 it’s impossible but very fun

    • @therestorationofdrwho1865
      @therestorationofdrwho1865 3 년 전 +1

      It’s actually better to add the food colouring when it’s still liquid so that it boils out the water inside the colouring.

    • @OKayD3N
      @OKayD3N 3 년 전 +1

      @@galliumg8483 akshully it’s not impossible 🤓

  • @ffff1758
    @ffff1758 6 개월 전

    the best candy video on youtube!!!

  • @juliantotriwijaya9208
    @juliantotriwijaya9208 2 년 전 +10

    I just realized it and now I can't stop thinking about it. Imagine how sticky everything in that candy factory is, I mean you are working with sugar, everything you touch while you work will end up becoming sticky/sugary.

  • @my_name_is_ppojunug
    @my_name_is_ppojunug 3 년 전 +34

    할아버지 힘드시겠다...그래도 가족분들 이랑 하시니까 조금은 덜들 겠지??

  • @Komiopa
    @Komiopa 3 년 전 +142

    13:37 who called him a grandpa? This man is so strong!

  • @FatLittleOldLady
    @FatLittleOldLady 년 전 +2

    Woah! My boyfriend just bought me a tafffee puller off Amazon and I could have just used 3 sticks? This guy is to candy making what Eddie Van Halen was to guitar playing! Totally glad I watched this. your grandfather is an amazing person

  • @okim8807
    @okim8807 년 전 +2


  • @TonVerkleijT3
    @TonVerkleijT3 2 년 전 +18

    It is a hard and labourious job, which he does perfectly!

  • @comrade2942
    @comrade2942 3 년 전 +7

    I respect people who work hard like this and put their soul into their work.

    • @comrade2942
      @comrade2942 3 년 전

      well yes, but I was kinda talking irl too lmao

  • @othmankassim4508
    @othmankassim4508 2 년 전

    The best make candy..Number1..this uncle are Specialist

  • @user-zl1ux2wu2o
    @user-zl1ux2wu2o 2 년 전 +6

    Восхитительно! Какие карамельки! Правда это лучше, чем огромная фабрика, где бездушные автоматы все делают. Здесь Мастера! Они трудятся, они любят свою работу и от этого конфетки ещё вкусней!

  • @DarkRoomAmbience
    @DarkRoomAmbience 2 년 전 +11

    Interviewer: "why have you been doing this for 50 years?"
    Grandfather: "its satisfying"

  • @asteverino8569
    @asteverino8569 2 년 전 +1

    Great video of a great process.
    Thanks Grandfather.

  • @therealbahamut
    @therealbahamut 2 년 전 +2

    Factories fascinate us. The process of taking raw materials and seeing them go through a series of transformations into something unrecognizable, yet wonderful, is something that just seems to intrigue us. Bigger is often better and the sheer scale of a factory can impress, but there is something distinctly satisfying about watching a single person with just their hands, just enough technology and a dash of technique working some magic. Watching this process of going from sugar and water to golden gooey taffy to little bites of sweetened just feels right, doesn't it? Like maybe the world DOES make some sense after all. Funny how watching one man make candy can make you look forward to life, isn't it?

  • @hanslepoeter5167
    @hanslepoeter5167 2 년 전 +6

    Must be a very rewarding job. look what a beautiful product he makes.

  • @foodtruck128
    @foodtruck128 3 년 전 +22

    색소 뭍혀서 뱅뱅 돌리는거 신기하고 재밌어요~

  • @user-ov6mq8iq4x
    @user-ov6mq8iq4x 2 년 전 +1

    달인 할아버지 장수하시고 다치지 안으셨음 좋겠습니당!

  • @Johnbro8
    @Johnbro8 2 년 전 +5

    Fascinating to watch it all come together, thanks for sharing

  • @DeusExMalto
    @DeusExMalto 3 년 전 +10

    Really enjoyed watching this, great job on capturing the sounds of the process as well!

  • @ahrasan2629
    @ahrasan2629 2 년 전 +3

    His a very hardworking man. Salute!

  • @Wisnuariyadi01
    @Wisnuariyadi01 2 년 전 +3

    I pray that grandfather is always healthy , love you grand pa 🥰

  • @asppo9450
    @asppo9450 2 년 전 +18

    In India, we make Sohan Papdi by this process.
    Just we put all the sugar stuff stretching and in the middle of the process, we add Besan(Gram flour) roasted with some Ghee(clarified butter) to keep the sugar wires appart from each other. It gives rich taste and texture to the dish. Then after stretching manually(much hatdwork!) the stuff is casted into small cubical pieces and garnished with dry fruit slices.
    Much famous and tasty dish it is!

    • @zxzzen
      @zxzzen 2 년 전 +1

      and no hiegenis of course lol

    • @bratiranjan26
      @bratiranjan26 2 년 전

      @@zxzzen It is hygienes..🙂
      It is very hygienic... atleast better than most stuff now a days people eats... Modern day Fast-food 🙂

    • @zxzzen
      @zxzzen 2 년 전

      @@bratiranjan26 SORRY I MEAN IN INDIA

    • @ahaha8
      @ahaha8 2 년 전

      @@zxzzen so same as here in this factory...pheeeew..hihihi

  • @user-cd8kr7tm1n
    @user-cd8kr7tm1n 3 년 전 +132

    집에 묵혀있던 사탕 왠지 모르게 한개씩 먹고싶어서 보는데 먹을라고 하니까 못찾아서 못먹는

  • @themealmanx330
    @themealmanx330 3 년 전 +54

    this man's slow movement... I respect that

  • @snpamine6366
    @snpamine6366 2 년 전

    Congratulation.Nice job .only by Hand so Nice...more and more success.

  • @user-jb6ub2mf9q
    @user-jb6ub2mf9q 개월 전

    Человек достойный уважения❤

  • @Damir_abyi
    @Damir_abyi 2 년 전 +9

    Дай Аллах здоровья и долгих лет дедушке:)

  • @dktl2388
    @dktl2388 2 년 전 +20

    제목 진짜 잘 생각하셧다

  • @texaspyropro
    @texaspyropro 년 전 +1

    Great craftsman and skill!

  • @airfunmachinery8655
    @airfunmachinery8655 2 년 전 +2

    I hope your grandfather will always live a long and healthy life.
    I hope he will always be happy and happy.
    I hope he can always smile every step of the way.

  • @user-eh5vs3ih7w
    @user-eh5vs3ih7w 3 년 전 +18

    와 설렁탕먹고 계산할 때 옆에 있던 그 박하사탕??

  • @user-nf1ei2bw7k
    @user-nf1ei2bw7k 년 전 +3

    찰리와 초콜릿공장 현실판!

  • @mackjsm7105
    @mackjsm7105 2 년 전

    Not ONE word spoken.. and everyone knows exactly what the out come will be I love this.

  • @uswaamjad
    @uswaamjad 년 전 +9

    Wow MashaAllah he does this all by himself. So inspiring ❤

  • @TheConstantSeeker
    @TheConstantSeeker 3 년 전 +348

    Me: I can't go out, I have too much work to do.
    Also Me: Sitting here watching this nonstop.

    • @SavignyWRT
      @SavignyWRT 3 년 전 +5

      Wow u just same as me
      Lazyness make us wont get out of your phone/PC and make us introvert

    • @lordbabun
      @lordbabun 2 년 전


    • @akron3839
      @akron3839 2 년 전


  • @anthonygarcia5375
    @anthonygarcia5375 3 년 전 +100

    this is nice reminds me of a place/KRplus channel called lofty pursuits they hand make candy too and give history of candy making facts too

    • @McMissile3612
      @McMissile3612 3 년 전

      I used to watch them as well

    • @hanikazuha
      @hanikazuha 3 년 전 +1

      Dude give his viewers history lesson than just candy making videos

  • @user-iu9vs4uh1s
    @user-iu9vs4uh1s 2 년 전

    옥춘달인 할아버님
    항상 건강하시고 오래 장수하시길 바랍니다

  • @TheSoulRavager
    @TheSoulRavager 2 년 전 +8

    Now I want to go buy candy always nice to see how these are made :3

  • @user-zu6kj8fv2w
    @user-zu6kj8fv2w 3 년 전 +21

    What a pro, this is a pleasure to watch.

  • @46ayelen
    @46ayelen 3 년 전 +19

    Cuanta dedicación. Eso si es arte 🍭❤️

  • @Bonzman
    @Bonzman 2 년 전 +1

    We used to have candyrock shop in my seaside hometown and we used to go and watch it being made, the smell was fabulous too.

  • @user-vm1qm3vl5t

    Wow 어릴 때 먹던 사탕인데 이렇게 만드는 구나. 대단한 장인이십니다~~

  • @stikbugglol8817
    @stikbugglol8817 3 년 전 +17

    When he mixes in the food coloring chefs kiss 😚👌

  • @haif__
    @haif__ 3 년 전 +419

    bro imagine getting out of bed and actually doing something every day
    cant relate

  • @foreverkulineran3386

    Very good video and detail... greeting from Indonesia... I love food and also make a food video...

  • @user-vn7yt7rh2w
    @user-vn7yt7rh2w 2 년 전 +2

    It's made like this.

  • @bevemslie8797
    @bevemslie8797 3 년 전 +11

    Those sweets looks absolutely delicious and they’re also very pretty.

    • @abhikdas8464
      @abhikdas8464 3 년 전

      Hmm.... respect the grandfather my dear lady 🙏

  • @mfdaus9485
    @mfdaus9485 3 년 전 +303

    3:38 i died of satisfiedness

  • @billrea66
    @billrea66 2 년 전 +1

    I remember working in a candy factory back in the 60s . I was in cream and gum making jujubes and soft candies whilst hard candies were beside us . They used the same machinery then .

  • @user-bx5eq3qd6r
    @user-bx5eq3qd6r 2 년 전 +1

    어릴때 먹던 사탕이 이렇게 만들어지는거였구나 ..감사합니다~

  • @pinkladybathbody1127
    @pinkladybathbody1127 3 년 전 +11

    The texture on the white portion is fluffy. This is what differentiates candy makers. This man is extremely skilled...😇

  • @skeloluke4967
    @skeloluke4967 2 년 전 +5

    This is so relaxing to watch

  • @damiennoir1301
    @damiennoir1301 2 년 전

    Thank you for this documentation :)

  • @kooyeona0608
    @kooyeona0608 2 년 전 +1

    50년 넘게 하신거 치고는 청결하시다.. 만수무강하시길

  • @Criar.m
    @Criar.m 년 전 +12

    Confesso que teve uma hora que pensei que não ia dar certo, mas ficaram lindas ❣️

  • @aices3438
    @aices3438 3 년 전 +5

    반죽돌리는거는 보고있으면 기분이 좋군요.

  • @CaptainRonAhoy
    @CaptainRonAhoy 2 년 전 +1

    Sacrificed a baby beluga for candy!......I'll enjoy my next piece even more! Thanks for the great video and have fun making people happy!

  • @ezhilarasan6499
    @ezhilarasan6499 2 년 전 +1

    Only one man working the factory 🤩🤩🤩

  • @serenitymanggayo5908
    @serenitymanggayo5908 3 년 전 +22

    The way he mix those candy colors is just like magic

  • @mabieeen8930
    @mabieeen8930 3 년 전 +79

    3:39 pure satisfaction!

  • @user-qj2yx6jd4n
    @user-qj2yx6jd4n 년 전 +1

    혼자서 항상 힘이 많이드는 사탕만드는 일을 하는저 할아버지에게 엄첨난 고수의 향이 느껴진ㄷr...

  • @unclefester9113
    @unclefester9113 2 년 전

    This is all learned over time. There are no candy schools. You apprentice. This is a lifetime of learning. Its not rocket science. But it is indeed art. Temperature, cooking, cooling, cutting, rolling, coloring and visual quality control.

  • @Fun_Fire
    @Fun_Fire 3 년 전 +51

    Why only one man working in whole factory 😂