Woodturning - Woven Plywood Stool

소스 코드
  • 게시일 2022. 04. 07.
  • Welcome to this weeks woodturning video:
    Woodturning - Something Very Different
    In this woodworking video I use a woodturning lathe to turn a blank made with segmented plywood into a hand made stool.
    When woodturning a piece I find it important to nibble away at it until I see what shape the wood wants to be, this is what is so enjoyable about woodturning. I feel my video's fall within the ASMR category.
    If you find these videos entertaining I’d appreciate you like, share and subscribe.
    Thanks for watching.
    Social media accounts:
    Facebook - / jackmackwoodturning
    instagram - / jackmackwoodturning
    #woodturning​​ #asmr #plywood #stool #woodturningprojects​​ #woodturninglathe​​ #woodlathe​​ #handmade #wood
  • 엔터테인먼트

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  • @andresfeliperamosromero3060

    This was the very first cut my turf has received since been laid (1 month) krplus.net/upostUgkxTPN04aT-Qdjr_KS3ql7ng8wnU3wwsCqk also recommend Very happy with the product and delivery. Was cut at the highest setting, I Was able to cut upto the boundaries with ease with exception of the corners for obvious reasons. Very little loose grass left ad the box was large enough to hold everything garden size roughly 24m2. There was no assembly instructions with it, it's not difficult to put together, KRplus the item if your unsure. Would recommend for small gardens like myn.

  • @phillyboy1813
    @phillyboy1813 2 년 전 +20

    Jack, great job on that stool…great look. I have dabbled in woodworking over the years and now that I am retired, I decided to refit my workshop and get back to it. I also decided to add a lathe to my tool chest and already turned a couple of bowls and some handles for my chisel retrofit. Love the mallet…I built one using a 3 layer plywood plan…really useful. Working with wood is very relaxing for me.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전 +3

      Sounds great buddy. Do you make any video’s?

    • @phillyboy1813
      @phillyboy1813 2 년 전 +8

      @@JackMackWoodturning No, I am very unconventional in my methods...it would take me longer to edit the video than to make the project...besides, so many can do it easier or faster than me, I just take my time and if I have to take the long way around the barn to get it done, then so be it. I take pics of the finished items to show people and if they are interested, I make it for them.

  • @Joe1935429
    @Joe1935429 년 전 +1

    A stool, perhaps the simplest of work furniture here is now classic art. Luxuriously and beautifully overbuilt. Thanks!

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  10 개월 전

      Nice one Joe. Glad you enjoyed it. I reckon you will like my latest vid.

  • @TheOriginalJphyper

    People usually think of plywood as some cheap material used to slap things together quickly and on a budget, but this video shows that even this material can be beautiful.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전

      I do wish ply was cheap.. this stuff is +£300 per sheet

    • @TheOriginalJphyper
      @TheOriginalJphyper 년 전 +1

      @@JackMackWoodturning Maybe it's a regional thing. Here in the US, there are a lot more trees, so it would make sense for wood to be cheaper. Don't quote me on that; it's just a guess. The economic variances of the world lumber industry is not exactly my area of expertise.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전

      This birch ply is made in north Russia.. as far as I know it is not manufactured in Canada which would be the only other place you’d fine birch forest. I hear from my friends In The us that ply has more than doubled in price in the last few months.. it’s almost doubled in price here in the uk.

    • @TheOriginalJphyper
      @TheOriginalJphyper 년 전 +1

      @@JackMackWoodturning Economics is a very complicated field. I suppose I should correct myself and say that it WAS a cheap material once.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전

      I don’t think you need to correct your self. What you said was accurate.. “people think” .. as I said, I wish it was. 😉👍🏻

  • @Cradley684
    @Cradley684 년 전 +5

    Again EXCELLENT friend, have a nice day !!!.

  • @will.scotnativeingreece

    Hi Jack, that was "Different" what a cracker of a bar stool and nearly tartan as well amazing stuff!! Cheers Will.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전

      Nice one Will. You made it back to Scotland yet?

    • @lucya.caracoglia5781
      @lucya.caracoglia5781 2 년 전

      What beautiful Work you do. I love to watch you work. Best stool I've seen. Very artistic woodworker, thanks for video.

  • @lolcec81
    @lolcec81 2 년 전 +1

    Комментарий в поддержку канала и ролика, а также труда мастера.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전 +1

      Sorry I have no way to translate this 👍🏻

    • @lolcec81
      @lolcec81 2 년 전 +1

      @@JackMackWoodturning Translation of my comment into English:
      A comment in support of the channel and the video, as well as the work of the master.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전

      Thank you 😊

  • @melissacicio4688
    @melissacicio4688 년 전 +1

    Wow. Gorgeous!

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전 +1

      Nice one M. Have you worked with ply?

    • @melissacicio4688
      @melissacicio4688 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning no I haven’t. But, I have a brilliant son in law who can do so much. Thx for sharing your talent! Blessings. 😎

  • @gsdfan8455
    @gsdfan8455 2 년 전 +8

    I don’t know how you dream up this stuff, but I’m sure we all are happy you do. Another cool project, thanks.

  • @thomasnaas2813
    @thomasnaas2813 2 년 전 +3

    I've done plenty of block and strip lamination before, but that was way over the top! Wow!

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전 +1

      Hope that means you enjoyed it T. Thanks for watching 👍🏻😊

    • @thomasnaas2813
      @thomasnaas2813 2 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning I did! I guess over the top can mean bad in another context.

  • @forlorndream1400
    @forlorndream1400 년 전 +1

    Who would think to use plywood in that way to make a truly unique pattern? Both this stool and the bowl I saw you make are outstanding.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전 +1

      Thanks buddy. I’m currently working on my best ply wood one yet . Video should be out soon. 👍🏻

    • @forlorndream1400
      @forlorndream1400 년 전 +1

      @@JackMackWoodturning I look forward to watching you do that as do some of my work colleagues who watch your vids with me on my mobile.
      I'll stick to scratching on my violin while trying not to make it sound like my cat with its tail caught in your lathe. :)

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전 +1

      Thank you.. I’m glad you and your work mates enjoy my videos..
      do you play professionally??
      I’m partial to some nice classical music in my AirPods while I work..

    • @forlorndream1400
      @forlorndream1400 년 전 +1

      @@JackMackWoodturning Sorry no, not at all and never. I'm teaching myself how to play using books and KRplus vids. I paid for a few dozen lessons to get me started. I play stuff for my wife as she likes to listen but its mainly for my own enjoyment. Many, many hours alone practicing, sounds sad but I enjoy it. If you want to listen to a true master then I'd suggest Patrick Contreras.
      Bud, you have a real gift. I've watched lots of your vids and it seems you have a vision, you can see the finished product before you start.
      I also think you're left handed? In my experience, as a left handed engineer, left handed people are 50/50 in engineering roles and I've found thats also true in the creative section too.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전 +1

      Thanks man. That is an interesting fact.
      Violin is the hardest of all instruments to master. I admire your dedication. 😊👍🏻

  • @sahanebilgiler1
    @sahanebilgiler1 2 년 전 +2

    Hallo MaBu,
    Gutes und schönes Werkzeug. Der Laser ist beeindruckend. Alles Gute.
    Danke. LG Mehmet

  • @HilaryB.
    @HilaryB. 년 전 +5

    Not only does this look beautiful, it looks comfortable too, great work!

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  10 개월 전

      Thanks HB. It’s not bad. I have it in my workshop.
      I think you might like my new vid.

  • @susanwills4723
    @susanwills4723 2 년 전 +20

    Another great 👍 episode. This is so cool 😎. Stunning . Wow wow wow . Your pride is on show with your work. As I have said before you are quite the artist. Well done 👍 thank you for sharing. 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😎😎😎😎😎

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전 +1

      Thank you. I’m glad you enjoy my work

    • @carlosibarra3139
      @carlosibarra3139 2 년 전 +1


    • @mehmetkayhan9568
      @mehmetkayhan9568 2 년 전 +1


    • @user-yr6hz5wf3j
      @user-yr6hz5wf3j 년 전

      Э1ээ1ээ1ээ1эээ3эээ1ээ1ээ1э1э1э1э13э1ээ1эээээээ1эээ13эээээ135ээ1э15щээээээ1ээ1эээээ1э121эээ3эээ132эээ1ээ13э2ээ1ээ1эээ13ээ1ээ1эээээ1эээээЭээээ1э1эээ1ээээ1ээээээ1э1ээ1ээ1э3эээээээ3ээ1эээээ15ээ1ээ2ээээ4эээ3ээ4эээ1ээээээээээээ123ээ1эээээээгээээ3эээээ1эээ3эээээ1эээээээ6э4ээ2ээээ1эээээээээээээээээ3э4гэээ1эээээ1ээ3эээээээээээ16эээээ5эээээ1эгэээЭэээээ1э1эээ1эээнэнэээээээээээээээээээээээ1эээээгФэээ1эээуээ1Ээгэээээээээээ6ээээй3ээээ1ээ1эээээээ1эээ1ээФэээээээээйэээээ1ээ1эээээээээээээ3эээ1эээээ5эээ1эээ3эээээээ5эээ3ээээээээ3эээ1э1эээээЭээээ1ээээээээ1эээ56эээ1э1э3ээээээ3ээээээ1ээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээ6Ээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээ1эээээээээ5ээээээщэгээ6эщэээээээээээээээ1эээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээгэээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээжэээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээ÷э энд ÷÷ээээ÷э÷эээээээ÷ээ÷÷эээээ÷ээ÷÷э эдак э÷э÷÷эээ÷э÷ээээээээээ÷÷эээээээ÷э÷÷ээээ÷э÷ээ÷÷эээээээ÷ээээ÷ээ÷ээ÷ээ÷÷ээ÷ээ÷э÷э÷ээээээээ÷эээээ÷÷÷эээээээээээ÷эээээ÷эээ÷эээээ÷эфФ÷ЭЭЭ÷ЭЭЭЭЭЭЭ÷Э÷ЭЭЭЭ÷ЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭЭ÷ЭЭЭЭЭЭ÷÷ЭЭЭ÷Э÷÷ЭЭЭЭ÷ЭЭ÷ЭЭ1÷÷ээээ÷ээээ÷ээ÷ээ

    • @clovisrodrigues5137
  • @Madonnalitta1
    @Madonnalitta1 년 전 +1

    Wow, who knew that ply could be beautiful!

  • @jeffreylebowski4927
    @jeffreylebowski4927 2 년 전 +1

    Didnt know multiplex could look so beautiful... nice idea

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전

      I didn’t know plywood was referred to as multiplex.. that’s got to be an American brand right ?

    • @jeffreylebowski4927
      @jeffreylebowski4927 2 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning I thought it was an international term, but it might be just a german thing, here we call veneer plywood made from very thin layers that is more than 12mm thick and has more than 5 layers multiplex, I guess just to differentiate it from other kinds of plywood... just plywood is a very broad term after all

  • @sergiofontana6173
    @sergiofontana6173 년 전 +5

    Great work. I just love the patterns combined with the shape.

  • @jaynerichards7527
    @jaynerichards7527 2 년 전 +5

    Such a beautiful, tactile, functional work of art. Than you for sharing this.

  • @randallmccorquodale3290

    As far as a stool I don't know that it gets any better than that.

  • @billmorris2613
    @billmorris2613 년 전 +2

    Good morning to all from SE Louisiana 17 Jun 22.

  • @umeyba
    @umeyba 2 년 전 +5

    Absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing 🌷

  • @dshe8637
    @dshe8637 2 년 전 +7

    Beautiful and unique. I love how you matched the woods at the edges. Nice attention to detail

  • @robertapreston4200


  • @sophie-gw9hd
    @sophie-gw9hd 년 전 +1

    Rebonjour ,alor là, chapeau .
    Toutes les autres video aussi......
    Mais ca ,x 4 autour d,une table :
    La grande classe .avec vos vase,assiette,bol
    Tout ca,tout ca .👍👍👍...............

  • @toniajackson102
    @toniajackson102 년 전 +3

    Your work every time is museum quality- true genius!

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전

      Thanks T. Much appreciated. You know any good museums?

    • @toniajackson102
      @toniajackson102 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning Afraid nothing in Eastern WA comes to mind -I'll try to research a bit and will forward if I find something.


    Just WOW!

  • @derektrips
    @derektrips 년 전

    Should be Jack "GobsMacked" Woodturning. AMAZING! Watching from the Philippines.

  • @conniepeterson122
    @conniepeterson122 4 개월 전

    Beautiful! Nice to see something that is solid wood with no acrylic added.

  • @stanleysheppard8464

    This is not a craft, but work of high art! Interlaced patterns look unbelievable!

  • @danstephensen9032
    @danstephensen9032 2 년 전 +4

    My Grandfather used this method making stools, tables, lamps etc back in the 1960's .
    I inherited several of these Heirloom items. I have a photo of him with his creations and Many
    Blue Ribbons from the Oregon State Fair back in the day. Great Work!!

  • @naderakhzari7969
    @naderakhzari7969 년 전 +1

    The world of wood and wood... Thank you

  • @judithfairchild8620
    @judithfairchild8620 2 년 전 +2

    That looks like the prettiest plaid I've ever seen. I would almost be afraid to sit on it. It's so lovely

  • @user-nr2wk6ks8f
    @user-nr2wk6ks8f 년 전 +4

    Классная табуреточка,и я такую хочу.🤗🤗🤗

  • @perezfecto
    @perezfecto 2 년 전 +4

    Simply gorgeous!

  • @eliotshimkofsky8752
    @eliotshimkofsky8752 2 년 전 +2

    Just when I think you couldn’t possibly come up with something more creative than your last project, you do this. I bow to your skill sir.

  • @12345678910022222
    @12345678910022222 년 전 +1

    Now this is awesomeness. Belongs to the royal. Good works

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전

      Thanks L. Much appreciated. I’m sitting on it as we speak. Have you seen ply used like this before?

    • @12345678910022222
      @12345678910022222 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning my first time bro

  • @mikep.9005
    @mikep.9005 2 년 전 +3

    All I can say is......Damn he's good! Very talented. I would've used a table saw instead of the bandsaw 😂 but that's me. Great job!!

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전 +2

      More than one way to skin a cat Mike haha 😊👍🏻
      But… I did use a table saw … hmmm

  • @monopinion8799
    @monopinion8799 2 년 전 +30

    I must admit this stool is definitely the most impressive one I’ve ever seen. Great job !

  • @madeleinegombert661

    Beautiful Stool.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전

      Thank you. I made this one for myself and use it every day. I love it 😊

  • @boriskaru
    @boriskaru 년 전 +1

    Хорошая работа Jack

  • @amandatallis9875
    @amandatallis9875 2 년 전 +4

    What a great job this stool is fantastic you are so clever

  • @paulvonblerk9365
    @paulvonblerk9365 2 년 전 +5

    Really stunning!!!!! Well done and thank you for posting.

  • @stecortipon7088
    @stecortipon7088 년 전 +1

    Wow! If I were wealthy, I would ask you to refurnish my house from scratch! I love your craft!

  • @mehribanmovlyanova3142

    Смотрела с большим удовольствием, получился очень красивый табурет. Удачи вам.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  10 개월 전

      Thanks MM. Glad you enjoyed it. I reckon you will like my latest vid.

  • @johnoldonekanole602
    @johnoldonekanole602 2 년 전 +7

    WOW . Your brain works different than most other people . That pattern is hard to believe yet there it is . Fantastic artistic and wood working skills . Thanks for sharing your vision with us.

  • @abbynormal2111
    @abbynormal2111 2 년 전 +5

    Absolutely stunning piece of work!

  • @redsfan6472
    @redsfan6472 2 년 전 +2

    Oh yeah let’s go new video!

  • @faisalaziz7517
    @faisalaziz7517 년 전

    without using nails or screws . good job.👍👍👍

  • @desertsmeagol7073
    @desertsmeagol7073 2 년 전 +3

    Damn great job 👏 I would not have the patience to cut up and put so many pieces together lol

  • @Dogo24h
    @Dogo24h 2 년 전 +11

    You have created a very beautiful and unique product! Have a nice day!

  • @bajolasombradeldiosvivient6935


  • @mjrulez100
    @mjrulez100 2 년 전 +2

    I love watching wood turning. Knowing nothing about it I would be interested in the process of what and why.

  • @skylark2077
    @skylark2077 2 년 전 +3

    man that's just beautiful craftsmanship 👍🏾

  • @redwandennaoui4508
    @redwandennaoui4508 2 년 전 +4

    Magnificent, you are very talented at what you do.

  • @asadullahkhan7739
    @asadullahkhan7739 2 년 전 +2

    Really Beautiful product

  • @chewar7537
    @chewar7537 년 전 +1

    Mesmerizing, beautiful stool and craftsmanship!

  • @KingMinhvuong
    @KingMinhvuong 2 년 전 +14

    Very nice stool and excellent work. Respect from U.S!

  • @bibekbose5676
    @bibekbose5676 년 전 +3

    Awesome piece of work.. i love the way you create such masterpieces by using plywood..
    It would make a great classical guitar stool..
    Keep turning n post mooooore videos..

  • @coscienza
    @coscienza 2 년 전 +1

    Mi auguro che questi preziosi artigiani col tempo non spariscano.

  • @babuvarghese6786
    @babuvarghese6786 년 전 +1

    Thank you !👏

  • @ZoonCrypticon
    @ZoonCrypticon 2 년 전 +9

    Your woodturning pieces are magnificent! Would like to take a course for that.

  • @user-iy8sz2zs2y
    @user-iy8sz2zs2y 년 전 +3

    прекрасная работа

  • @spudnikholyghostroller7314

    My dad taught me on a wood lath how to make spindles the same size and that takes a lot of talent no beginner builds furniture, that was a unique idea for a stool sit.

  • @joeroscillo4015
    @joeroscillo4015 2 년 전 +1

    That's quite the improvement on an everyday stool!!

  • @typerexc
    @typerexc 2 년 전 +12

    Amazing. Love the mix of common and elegant, and the attention to detail is magnificent. Your skill definitely made this a work that was more than the sum of its parts.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전

      Thanks TR. Much appreciated. What is your pic?

    • @typerexc
      @typerexc 2 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning I damn with faint praise. :) Pic is a doodle from a million years ago of a scuba diver encountering something they didn't expect.

  • @CreativeIdeasMaker
    @CreativeIdeasMaker 2 년 전 +8

    We really enjoyed seeing you. In addition to your carpentry skills, your design was the most interesting. We are waiting for your next arts.

  • @docdee770
    @docdee770 2 개월 전 +1

    Makes me wish that I had equipment like this to make my own furniture.

  • @fan-hien
    @fan-hien 2 년 전 +1

    Ghế đẹp quá ! Mẫu mã mới mẻ, làm thật công phu, bác thợ rất giỏi !

  • @ideaschannel.
    @ideaschannel. 2 년 전 +5


  • @duaneheadworth6275
    @duaneheadworth6275 2 년 전 +3

    I was wondering what is the advantage of the 2 bottom braces attaching to the other 2 braces instead of to the legs? Is it stronger that way? Or is it so they are not staggered? This was really nice being able to see this build from beginning to end. I think I might be able to make a stool like this but I don't think I could drill the holes in the legs as precisely as needed (or perfectly like you have). I have watched you marking the center line for the holes several times. I have tried that in the past but have not known if I could trust my results. Your precision and confidence is impressive. I have such a long way to go.Thanks for spending the time to share this with everyone .

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전 +3

      Hey. The lay out of the stretchers is purely aesthetic,
      If you’d like to make items like this the only piece of advice I would give you is to watch ALL of Curtis Buchanan KRplus channel. He is outstanding and he explains all you’ll ever need to know about chair making.

    • @duaneheadworth6275
      @duaneheadworth6275 2 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning Thank you. I took your advice and checked out his channel. Helpful.

  • @sureshbhide1443
    @sureshbhide1443 년 전 +1

    The initial designing, the craftsmanship and the finished product is excellent 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @robertapreston4200


  • @brucejones5879
    @brucejones5879 2 년 전 +3

    Nice job, looks great!

  • @vichn8595
    @vichn8595 2 년 전 +3

    Belíssimo trabalho!👏👏👏😍😍😍

  • @billhatcher2984
    @billhatcher2984 2 년 전 +2

    That plywood turned out way better than I thought it would good job

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전

      Cheers bill. Have you turned birch ply before?

    • @billhatcher2984
      @billhatcher2984 2 년 전

      No only cabinet grade oak and it had some voids in it I tried a small glue up of fiber core it finished well but looked strange

  • @ABDULWAHAB-py8ro
    @ABDULWAHAB-py8ro 년 전 +1

    ماشاءاللہ ۔دلیل کامل ہے۔اللہ پاک اجر عظیم عطا فرمائے ۔سبحان اللہ۔

  • @mdaley3102
    @mdaley3102 2 년 전 +6

    A very cool and unique stool. I just came across your channel and subscribed. Nice work.

  • @plthwaites
    @plthwaites 2 년 전 +6

    Now, that IS one beautiful stool!! Takes your imagination into whole different directions. However, a quick question from a newbie in the craft: What is the purpose of the circular walnut insert in the underside? Is it an accent piece or does it somehow add to the strength of the project?

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전 +6

      The recess was made to hold the piece to the chuck. I filled it to remove any sharp edges and add durability 😊👍🏻

    • @youtukang
      @youtukang 2 년 전


    • @jeanlim7524
      @jeanlim7524 2 년 전

      . .就

  • @samsen3965
    @samsen3965 년 전 +1

    I'm going to respect these stools if seeing one in the future, not knowing how much intense labor goes into the creation of a one!

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전 +1

      You can still sit on them tho.. and bash them around.. they like it rough. Lots of work yes, but they last forever

  • @rambladesmanmoe6291
    @rambladesmanmoe6291 2 년 전 +1

    Another beautiful piece. Thanks Jack Mack.

  • @AndyJame-eu2qr
    @AndyJame-eu2qr 10 개월 전 +53

    As an amateur with woodworker, i typically feel overpowered with the entire arrangement krplus.net/upostUgkxrYREG3-7f1Aqk9ams3ZESRNzGnfdUtyQ . Be that as it may, this arrangements drove me through with much clarity and effortlessness woodplans. Works i now work like a genius. That is great!

  • @rl2109
    @rl2109 2 년 전 +4

    Simply beautiful...! It seems you have an intrinsic ability to slap blanks together and pull ALL of the wonder out of it!
    Enjoyed watching another fine video! Thanks for posting, and keep doing what you love!

  • @AkaizWoof
    @AkaizWoof 6 일 전

    I am trying day by day to make more nice wood products like you. You are doing very good job.

  • @SmutchyBritches
    @SmutchyBritches 년 전 +1


  • @David-jn4fx
    @David-jn4fx 2 년 전 +3

    Jack! Very, very nice man! The grain and pattern are fantastic.. I love that technique and what an awesome piece! I saw you used the custom mallet you made too. Very cool. 😁 You and the family be well man!

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전 +1

      Thanks David.. aye I love that mallet,, perfect for a heavy th’whack!
      Have you made your own mallet ?

    • @David-jn4fx
      @David-jn4fx 2 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning ha.. Im just a business guy Jack. I don't have great skill like you man. I just enjoy your work!

    • @filam7371
      @filam7371 년 전

      I knew that mallet had to be homemade! I love it!!

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전

      Here’s the video of me making said mallet 👍🏻

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전


  • @vivekrabari60
    @vivekrabari60 2 년 전 +4

    Butiful video

  • @davedavem
    @davedavem 2 년 전 +1

    great work! I think of find myself saying "thank you" to that robotic pillar drill 🤣

  • @barrysheridan9186
    @barrysheridan9186 2 년 전 +1

    Very creative.

  • @johndeaux9987
    @johndeaux9987 2 년 전 +3

    Very cool. I've been playing with some pattern plywood stuff. What are you finishing it with? I like how it kinda makes it pop.

  • @nailgirl94
    @nailgirl94 년 전 +12

    That stool is so cool!! For such a simple idea, it came out looking so intricate & just amazing!! 😍. Also, I don’t mean to ask a stupid question, especially if this is *common knowledge*, but I am just learning/getting into woodworking & was curious about why you rubbed the lathed pieces w/ the shavings after? I kinda assumed it was for the oil or something, but I honestly don’t know & really wanna know all I can, lol. Sorry for bothering you w/ silly questions, lol. Thanks for sharing!!!! ☺️

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전 +13

      Hey Felicia. Please don’t worry about asking questions, that’s what I’m here for and I’m more than happy to help and share my experience.
      That process is called burnishing. It can be done with wood shavings or with extra fine wire wood. It’s function is to add a final sheen to the wood after sanding. It goes back to days of bodgers making chair parts in the woods (but most likely way further back to the birth of turning) before we had extra fine grit sandpapers and other abrasives it was used straight after final cuts and softens the effects of burnishing caused by tool bevels. I personally find it adds a shine that looks more natural than sanding a piece to 1200 grit or higher.
      Hope that helps and please don’t hesitate to comment questions on any on my videos.
      How long have you been woodworking for and what do you like to make ?

  • @otherpatrickgill
    @otherpatrickgill 년 전 +1

    I want that in my house!
    They say this guy has a whole orchard he mostly planted himself which nobody has ever seen. What a ledgend!

  • @angelamariarusso2897
    @angelamariarusso2897 2 년 전 +1


  • @stefanskanal8296
    @stefanskanal8296 년 전 +7

    Fantastic piece! I was wondering, what is the purpose of the central dark wood circular inlay on the bottom of the seat? I guess it's for construction stability since most users won't see it. Is there a risk the sitting surface could delaminate to its original pieces if you omit that inlay?

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전 +2

      The recess provided a hold for the chuck. I filled it more to remove any sharp edges but it does add a little strength as well 👍🏻😊

    • @nulnemo4214
      @nulnemo4214 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning I too was wondering what was its point. I thought that you might inlay your signature/logo on it or something.🤔

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전

      It’s covering the recess that was there to hold the top on the chuck.

    • @user-hw3jk5wl1t
      @user-hw3jk5wl1t 년 전


  • @diannpowell1077
    @diannpowell1077 2 년 전 +5

    Why do you use the woodshavings after sanding? I've seen others do this as well and wondered why. Fantastic looking work.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전 +4

      This technique is called burnishing. It is a finishing technique 👍🏻😊

  • @tobytollefsen8802
    @tobytollefsen8802 2 년 전 +1

    Soo cool. Nobody will EVER throw that stool away.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  2 년 전

      Well I certainly won’t. I am sitting on it now plotting world domination 😂

  • @brendaconner1076
    @brendaconner1076 2 년 전 +2

    Your talents and imagination never cease to amaze me.

  • @TheBereangirl
    @TheBereangirl 년 전 +3

    Just gorgeous!😍 Thank you for making that look easy...so we all know that it wasn't easy!😫☺️

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전 +2

      It’s not hard. But I know what your saying. It takes a lot of practice. 👍🏻

    • @TheBereangirl
      @TheBereangirl 년 전

      @@JackMackWoodturning indeed, that's true for most things in this life.☺️

  • @williamduley4077
    @williamduley4077 2 년 전 +2

    We're not worthy! We're not worthy! Always fun to watch, plus the added enjoyment of getting another sneak peek at your arsenal of awesome tools i.e. automatic stop depth gauge on your drill press.

  • @Terrythemaker
    @Terrythemaker 2 년 전 +1

    One word AMAZING !!!!!

  • @demef758
    @demef758 년 전 +1

    Using sawdust as sandpaper. That's a new one on me! Fantastic work, as always.

    • @JackMackWoodturning
      @JackMackWoodturning  년 전 +1

      Burnishing. It is a finishing technique that adds sheen. 😊👍🏻

    • @jameshennighan8193
      @jameshennighan8193 년 전

      My woodwork teacher Mr Donnelly showed us this in class back in the early 1960's.
      Jack is spot on when he says it gives the wood a certain sheen that abrasive papers cannot better........although it is true that abrasive papers have developed quite a lot over the years....
      James Hennighan
      Yorkshire, England