소스 코드
  • 게시일 2020. 11. 16.
  • WOODZ (조승연) - BUMP BUMP MV 입니다.
    WOODZ(조승연) Official Instagram : / woodz_dnwm
    WOODZ(조우즈) Official Twitter : / _chowoodz
    WOODZ(조우즈) Official Twitter : / c_woodzofficial
    WOODZ(조승연) Official Fan Cafe : cafe.daum.net/chowoodz
    WOODZ(조승연) Official V-LIVE : channels.vlive.tv/A54B3D
    WOODZ(조승연) Melon Page : kko.to/nSJkaL3D0
    WOODZ (조승연) 2nd Mini Album [WOOPS!]
    ‘WOOPS!’ 놀라움을 선사할 WOODZ의 두 번째 미니 앨범
    한 편의 영화 같은 트랙 리스트 속의 진정한 WOODZ의 모습
    미니 1집에 이은 전곡 작사, 작곡 올라운더 WOODZ(조승연)의 성장
    우리는 삶을 살아가면서 우리가 가진 수많은 모습 중,
    가장 상처받지 않을 모습으로 살아가고 있진 않은가?
    진정한 나를 발견하는 과정 안에서 오는 방황과 허탈함,
    멋있지만 멋이 없을 수도, 귀엽지만 잔인할 수도,
    행복하지만 행복하지 않을 수도 있는 혼란의 세상 속에서 살고 있는 우리는
    각자가 각자의 마음을 가장 잘 이해할 수 있는 내면을 가지고 있어야 하지 않을까?
    첫 번째 미니 앨범 [EQUAL]로 성공적인 도약을 이루어 낸 올라운더 WOODZ (조승연)가
    두 번째 미니앨범 WOOPS!를 공개했다.
    WOODZ(조승연)가 전곡 작사, 작곡한 이번 미니 2집 [WOOPS!]는
    모든 사람의 내면에는 여러 가지 자아가 숨어 있지 않을까라는 생각으로부터 시작된 앨범이다.
    ‘남들이 보는 나’와 ‘내가 보는 나’ 그리고 바깥으로 드러나진 않았지만 깊은 내면에 숨어 있는
    “진정한 나”, 과연 나는 누구이며, 어떤 모습인가? , 그리고 그런 “진정한 나”를 스스로 받아들이고 인정하는 것,
    그런 모습들을 이 앨범에 다양한 모습으로 담아내었다.
    WOODZ(조승연)는 이런 자칫 무거울 수도 있는 앨범의 주제를 한 편의 영화의 흐름에 빗대어 풀어내었다.
    가상의 영화를 설정하여 이 앨범 주인공의 과거, 현재, 미래를 트랙 리스트로 풀어내어 주인공은 과연 어떤
    선택을 했을까라는 스토리에 빗대어 여러 주제를 표현하였다.
    [WOOPS!]라는 앨범명도 이 영화의 주인공이 본인을 찾아가는 장면을 표현했을 때 ‘WOOPS!’라는
    놀라움의 말풍선이 나오지 않았을까라는 생각에서 만들어진 앨범명이다.
    이 앨범을 들으시는 많은 분도 본인을 한 영화의 주인공으로 생각하며, 전곡을
    본인들만의 해석 방식으로 듣는다면 여러 가지 다양한 해석이 나오는 재미있는 앨범이 될 것이다.

    1. 방아쇠 (trigger)
    Composed by WOODZ, 네이슨(NATHAN)
    Lyrics Written by WOODZ
    Track Produced by 네이슨(NATHAN), HoHo
    락기반의 기타 사운드가 들어간 컨트리 힙합 장르의 곡으로 나를 미워하는 사람들에게 하고 싶은 말을
    적은 노래이다. 이 곡을 듣는 사람들에게도 분명 본인을 미워하는 사람들이 있을 거라는 생각이 든다.
    그 사람들에게 하고 싶은 말을 대신해 줄 수 있는 곡이길 바란다.
    공격적인 메시지 전달의 의미보단, 트랙이 주는 긍정적인 반응이 일어나길 바라면서 곡을 쓰게 되었다.
    나를 미워했지만, 지금은 좋아할 수도, 나를 좋아했지만, 지금은 미워할 수도 있는 이들에게
    이 노래에서 나오는 가사처럼 방아쇠를 당겼을 때 긍정적인 총알이 박혔으면 좋겠다.
    *방아쇠의 캐릭터는 본인이 하고 싶은 말을 하는 성격을 갖고 있다.
    이 앨범을 영화적인 이미지로 생각했을 때 메인 캐릭터(BUMP BUMP의 캐릭터)가 동경하는
    영화 속 주인공의 성격을 가지고 있는 노래이다.*
    2. BUMP BUMP
    Composed by WOODZ, 네이슨 (NATHAN)
    Lyrics Written by WOODZ
    Track Produced by 네이슨 (NATHAN)
    레트로한 락 사운드가 들어간 팝 장르의 노래로 1번 트랙 ‘방아쇠’와 이어지는 트랙이다.
    놀이공원에서 타는 범퍼카를 보며 싸움이라는 이미지를 떠올렸고, 서로 부딪히고 싸우지만
    웃고 있는 사람들의 모습이, 연인들끼리 사랑하는 모습과 닮아있고, 사랑한다면 싸우는 것 또한
    범퍼카를 타는 것처럼 즐길 수도 있지 않을까라는 생각을 하면서 쓰게 된 곡이다.
    *‘방아쇠’의 아웃트로 부분에서 지지직거리는 사운드가 나오는데 그것은 ‘BUMP BUMP’에 나오는 주인공이
    즐겨 보는 영화의 주인공이라는 설정을 갖고 있다. 1번 트랙 ‘방아쇠’의 캐릭터를 평소에 좋아하고 있는 메인 캐릭터이다. 방아쇠의 캐릭터처럼 행동하고 살아가고 싶지만, 현실은 그저 사랑하는 연인 사이 잦은 싸움에 지쳐 왜 우리는 사랑하는데 싸우는 거야?라는 말을 하고만 있는 주인공의 내용을 담고 있다.*
    3. 내 맘대로 (On my own)
    Composed by WOODZ, 네이슨 (NATHAN), HoHo
    Lyrics Written by WOODZ
    Track Produced by 네이슨 (NATHAN), HoHo
    재미있는 기타 루프가 들어가 있는 팝 장르의 노래이다.
    연인 사이에 한쪽에 맞춰 주고 있는 사람이 나를 잃어버리고 있다는 생각을 가져
    이제는 내 마음대로 하겠다는 내용을 담은 노래이다.
    *‘BUMP BUMP’ 가사에서 이어지는 내용의 노래이며,
    후렴 부분에서 오히려 잔잔하게 흘러가는 구성이 재미있는 노래이다.
    4. Thanks to
    Composed by WOODZ, 네이슨 (NATHAN)
    Lyrics Written by WOODZ
    Track Produced by 네이슨 (NATHAN)
    팝 장르의 노래이다.
    이 곡은 그동안 나를 사랑해 주는 팬분들에게 그동안 하고 싶은 말들을 담은 곡이다.
    앨범 뒤에 thanks to가 들어가는 것을 노래로 만들어 보면 어떨까라는 생각으로 시작된 노래이고,
    전체적으로 몽글몽글한 가사들로 구성되어 있다. 나를 사랑해 주는 사람들이 항상 행복했으면 하는 바람으로,
    나와 함께한 모든 순간이 아름답고 향기로웠기를 바라면서 쓴 곡이다.
    *앨범의 드라마적인 면에서는 ‘내 맘대로’ 곡 이후의 주인공이 ‘그래도 행복했구나’라는 생각을 담고 있는 곡이다.
    5. Sweater (feat. JAMIE)
    Composed by WOODZ, JAMIE, Pop Time, Kako
    Lyrics Written by WOODZ, JAMIE
    Track Produced by Pop Time, Kako
    R&B 장르의 곡으로 할머니를 생각하면서 쓴 노래이다. 겨울과 어울리는 노래로 따뜻한 내용의 곡을 쓰고 싶다는 생각으로 시작을 하게 되었다. 겨울에 할머니가 짜주시는 스웨터의 향에서 느껴지는 향수를 과거 혹은 누군가에 대한 그리움으로 표현한 곡으로. 후렴 부분에 나오는 사람이 할머니라고 생각하고 만들었다. 평소에 힘든 일을 겪다 오랜만에 만나는 할머니를 보러 갈 때 그저 웃어 주심으로 위로가 되는 분위기를
    연출하고 싶었다.
    위에 내용처럼 주인공이 힘들어하는 모습을 가족이 위로해주는 내용이다.
    6. Tide
    Composed by WOODZ, 네이슨(NATHAN)
    Lyrics Written by WOODZ
    Track Produced by 네이슨(NATHAN)
    어쿠스틱 밴드 사운드의 노래이다. 우리가 헤어진 이유는 이기적이고 하고 싶은 게 많은 나 때문이며,
    너의 옆에 누가 있어도 행복을 바란다는 내용을 담고 있는 곡이다. 어쿠스틱으로 흘러가다가 2절부터 나오는 밴드 사운드가 매력적인 드라마틱한 흐름을 가지고 있는 곡이다.
    * 주인공이 연인이었던 이의 행복을 바라며, 결국 헤어짐은 본인의 잘못이었음을 인정하는 내용을 담고 있다.*
  • 음악

댓글 • 10K

  • @seungseokstrash2641
    @seungseokstrash2641 3 년 전 +4069

    TO EVERYONE who's asking about the gorgeous man here, He's CHO SEUNGYOUN, LUIZY before then came back last 2018 as WOODZ. And just as I said in the teaser, He is ONE of the GOD TIER ALL ROUNDER in the whole music industry. *warning* this will be very Long.
    Okay so let's start at the very beginning. Cho Seungyoun wanted to be an athlete at first. Yes. He's a football player. And it's not just plain he can play football, he's GOOD at it (Main striker) he got accepted at a school and lived at Brazil to pursue that athlete career. However Seungyoun got homesick so he started to listen to kpop and that WOKEN UP HIS DESIRES TO BECOME AN IDOL. He told his mom about this then soon enough, he given up his bright career as a football player and lived in the Philippines to study English for one year. Seungyoun went back to korea and studied at HANLIM (Dance major, Yes.). he auditioned for MORE OR LESS 50 TIMES to a lot of companies including the BIG 3, soon he got accepted at YG ENTERTAINMENT and trained for about 1.5 yrs before YG STARTED HIS SHITTINESS and placed Seungyoun and Sungjoo to the Yg+yuehua project where they debuted with another 3 chinese members and got called UNIQ (fandom name: Unicorn) last 2014. Seungyoun is the MAIN RAPPER and the sub vocal and fAke mAknAe (2nd youngest). After eoeo comeback, they were placed on hiatus because of the conflict between china and korea. He became one of the original members of M.O.L.A (no it's not an official grp, they're just good and talented friends who loves to create Good music) wherein later on kino from pentagon and vernon from seventeen also joined. At 2016, Seungyoun joined SMTM 5, SOME of the contestants looked down on him for being an Idol rapper and almost got eliminated at round 2 (effin THE QUIETT failed him because he got a noisy voice like?? Good thing madclown passed him) he proved them wrong by choosing flowsik as his opponent at 1v1 battle instead of PICKING AN EASY OPPONENT LIKE ALMOST EVERY uNdErGroUnd rApPeRs did. The judges praised their performance and wished that Seungyoun chose an easier opponent and he could've stayed and win that round. Anyway, Seungyoun and flowsik became good friends and released the track "RECIPE". He continued his solo activities as luizy with baby ride, He had a lot of Co produce songs, featurings (please just search em here on KRplus) then later Came back at 2018 as WOODZ with his summery rnb single "POOL" then a comeback with "DIFFERENT" and lastly the song "MEANINGLESS". I won't explain a lot about the song meaningless but to give you a brief background, he wrote that song when he was in his darkest days. ( Please.. please listen to his songs) at 2019, he joined PRODUCE X 101 where he was Known as the ALL ROUNDER trainee, started at 67th place and finally debuted in X1 (Fandom name: oneit) at 5th place. He's one of the Main Vocal of the group and also a Lead rapper.
    SHIT HAPPENS, and X1 disbanded (My poor seungseok heart) and now he came back with this amazing art.
    If you're still reading this. Thank you for making time on getting to know this amazing man. He's worth to stan. He just keeps on getting more and more amazing as times goes by, he's already almost the perfect idol, all that he needs is the recognition he deserves. NO IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO STAN. NEW MOODZ ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.
    Ps. I TRIED TO WRITE THIS AS LESS CHAOTIC AS POSSIBLE BUT I GUESS I FAILED. And also sorry for I've written this too long but trust me, I've got a lot more to say because CHO SEUNGYOUN IS JUST THAT AMAZING
    PPS: I posted it again for new moodz thank you!!

  • @syaayounie604
    @syaayounie604 3 년 전 +1556

    he's not called allrounder for nothing. he is a perfect all rounder.

    • @Eastlight3806
      @Eastlight3806 3 년 전 +2

      Moodz please collect stars on starplay. This week is really important twitter.com/CSY_INTL/status/1329032827292160000?s=20

    • @raven-kn6lv
      @raven-kn6lv 3 년 전 +2

      Who is he?

    • @user-jl4dl2bb4e
      @user-jl4dl2bb4e 3 년 전 +4

      As expected for someone who trained in yuehua all of uniq are so talented

    • @user-jl4dl2bb4e
      @user-jl4dl2bb4e 3 년 전 +9

      raven he’s seungyoun a now soloist who is also part on uniq a cpop group who is currently inactive but hasn’t disbanded but he was also in x1 who disbanded because of the controversy around produce groups. He’s known to be an all rounder and has a super lovely personality that’s very energizing and ofc he’s super talented in all aspects.

    • @hajarben311
      @hajarben311 3 년 전 +4

      @@user-jl4dl2bb4e i just wanna add that he is originally a rapper

  • @enfp6714
    @enfp6714 년 전 +395

    최근 몇년 전부터 펑크가 다시 유행하는 추세였는데 이 노래도 그렇고 최근 난 너 없이도 그렇고 트렌드 ㅈㄴ 잘읽는다 아이돌과 뮤지션의 장점을 모두 가진 느낌.. 우즈는 진짜 케이팝의 미래다..

    • @syk140
      @syk140 10 개월 전 +13

      펑크 처돌이인데 이런 미청년의 펑크 정말 귀합니다.. 심지어 노래도 좋고 실력도 좋아서 넘 행복하고요

  • @user-zy2uu1yd3p
    @user-zy2uu1yd3p 3 년 전 +670

    Can’t believe I just found out about him two days ago... what a sad life I had

    • @ri8144
      @ri8144 3 년 전 +22

      lol but you're here now ~ Welcome new Moodz :)
      check out his other stuff - he doesn't have any song that's less than soty quality

    • @Vlogyy.123
      @Vlogyy.123 3 년 전 +3

      Same here

    • @Love-ev07
      @Love-ev07 3 년 전 +6

      Well....I just came to know about him just now..lol😅😂 so you're still early 👍😂

    • @hannah4107
      @hannah4107 3 년 전 +5

      Haha, that was me a month ago! Now I own all of his solo albums and am going to preorder the new one, this went down pretty fast for me

    • @shookyinsin715
      @shookyinsin715 3 년 전 +2

      All that matters is that you’re here now !

  • @giovannacavazotti
    @giovannacavazotti 3 년 전 +387

    Girls don't wanna boyfriend⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀they wanna Woodz's first win

  • @AETopMusics
    @AETopMusics 3 년 전 +3223

    It's me or this song reminds me to 2000's?
    I feel so nostalgic when i hear it

    • @ralfyralf19
      @ralfyralf19 3 년 전 +62

      It's somehow christmasy for me with pop elements

    • @jogiordani3985
      @jogiordani3985 3 년 전 +24

      same, this is so perfect

    • @samsara9264
      @samsara9264 3 년 전 +102

      some said it’s inspired by 2000’s avril lavigne song vibes and now I understand🤩

    • @anisshafiqah7200
      @anisshafiqah7200 3 년 전 +29

      It is also has a chill vibe that I really adore!

    • @wanka_0112
      @wanka_0112 3 년 전 +7


  • @user-mj7wv3gd1z
    @user-mj7wv3gd1z 8 개월 전 +31

    콘서트 가면 들어야 할 노래 1위. 일단 음향이 펑펑 터지고... 응원법도 쉬워서 처음 듣는 사람들도 노래 중간부터 같이 부르게 됨;; 정신 차리고 보면 전율 흐르고 있음
    조승연 콘서트 갔을 때 그냥 열광만 하다가 이 노래부터 진짜 즐긴다는 느낌 들었음

  • @user-ij8uo8tx8f
    @user-ij8uo8tx8f 년 전 +80

    노래도 그렇고 전체적인 컨셉을 보면 자기한테 뭐가 잘 어울리는지 아는 것 같음 존내 감각 있어... 아냐 걍 다 잘 어울리는 걸지도

  • @sarahouria7301
    @sarahouria7301 3 년 전 +312

    It doesn’t matter where you’re from let’s show WOODZ lots of LOVE

    • @marinamedeiros7650
      @marinamedeiros7650 3 년 전 +2

      No emoji please

    • @jang9527
      @jang9527 3 년 전 +2

      please remove the em0jis

    • @haiky8104
      @haiky8104 3 년 전

      moodz here, & yess!! spread some luv!! also the emoji thing isnt real lol, no need to get pressedt

  • @kuuyhh
    @kuuyhh 3 년 전 +560

    In my opinion he's the best male soloist. Fr he's just so talented, he can do anything, he's like a group himself, he has the stage presence, he is just THE all-rounder.

  • @Seishuns1ck
    @Seishuns1ck 2 년 전 +21

    프듀볼땐 그냥 잘하는 애로만 기억하고 있었는데
    요즘 얘 왜이렇게 좋지…? 아존나조음 그냥 키크고잘생겻는데 노래 랩 댄스 다하는애 처음 봐… 개좋아 짓짜

    • @dnwm9685
      @dnwm9685 2 년 전 +8

      맞아요 본업 너무 잘하는데 겸손하고 팬들한테 잘하고 그리고 다정하고 따뜻하고 귀엽고 사랑스러워요~🧡💙

    • @kim-pj1yb
      @kim-pj1yb 2 년 전 +2

      노래 랩 댄스 프로듀싱 다 되는거 미쳤어 조승연.. 이 만능 올라운더 육각형 아이돌 개사랑해 진짜..

  • @litrrallywtf
    @litrrallywtf 3 년 전 +131

    he said if this hits 9M , then he's gonna dress as a princess . It hit 10M , did he dress as a princess ??

    • @babyrockstar337
      @babyrockstar337 3 년 전 +16

      No but he performed wearing a school uniform, looking like a highschool heartthrob :) you can watch it here krplus.net/bidio/gJqDmaKXX3m2pGE

  • @Skz-bk8eg
    @Skz-bk8eg 3 년 전 +707

    Lmao shame on MAMA they wasted the best soloist for not nominating him on the best solo male artist

    • @Eastlight3806
      @Eastlight3806 3 년 전 +5

      Moodz please collect stars on starplay. This week is really important twitter.com/CSY_INTL/status/1329032827292160000?s=20

    • @hanabunin131
      @hanabunin131 3 년 전 +50

      he should have been nominated for best male artist since he's not a new soloist but i get what you mean

    • @cheongliyan6302
      @cheongliyan6302 3 년 전 +19

      He debuted under woodz for quite some while now

    • @Skz-bk8eg
      @Skz-bk8eg 3 년 전 +1

      What i mean is solo lolol sorry skskss

    • @diveintosourcandychuu
      @diveintosourcandychuu 3 년 전 +1

      He isnt new artist anyway:)

  • @brittany7298
    @brittany7298 3 년 전 +345

    Sounds like a song that'd play at the end of a teen movie, like why am i getting nostalgic

  • @weeb_potato
    @weeb_potato 2 년 전 +5

    Yeah! we need to talk! because it's your birthday ✨✨
    Happy Birthday dear

  • @maepadilla265
    @maepadilla265 3 년 전 +168

    i keep coming back to this song, got7 are my ults and just found out yugyeom is friends with him, hope we can see them collab soon they have the same fresh vibe

    • @violetdanielle2816
      @violetdanielle2816 3 년 전 +4

      I'm an ahgase too. Its nice to see other ahgase here. But I know about him through ProduceX101. You should see his "Move" stage in Prod101.

    • @francesunalaude1963
      @francesunalaude1963 3 년 전 +1

      @@violetdanielle2816 omg same here!!!

    • @user-yw3ri5lk2b
      @user-yw3ri5lk2b 2 년 전 +2

      Yugyeom and WOODZ collab!? That’d be awesome!

    • @ferwoodz
      @ferwoodz 2 년 전 +2

      SeungYoun is bestie w everyone, lol.

  • @KpopAsianSub
    @KpopAsianSub 3 년 전 +1535

    Lyrics Translation:
    Love is fair, yeah in the beginning
    Love is fair, but now
    Where did all the sweetness go?
    We love so savagely
    We need to talk
    Open your heart to me
    There is no such thing as “tough” in our conversation
    My feelings are getting mixed up
    You’re hardening
    Where should we start?
    We keep fighting
    Why are you doing this to me?
    We meet to fight
    I know you love me
    Stop fighting
    But you push me away again
    Bump bump
    What’s the problem?
    Again, bump bump
    Why are you doing this again?
    Every day, it’s bump and love
    And once again, bump and love
    We get mad but we knew all
    It’s sick sick but I love you so much
    Every day, it’s bump and love
    And once again, bump and love
    We’re so passionate
    But it seems like
    We’re a bit too childish
    Why you act like this
    Let’s stop this now
    Why are you doing this to me?
    Let’s not look at anything else but our love
    The scent of love
    Is washing over us
    Filling us up once again
    We keep fighting
    Why are you doing this to me?
    We meet to fight
    I know you love me
    Stop fighting
    But you push me away again
    Bump bump
    What’s the problem?
    Again, bump bump
    Why are you doing this again?
    Every day, it’s bump and love
    And once again, bump and love
    We get mad but we knew all
    It’s sick sick but I love you so much
    Every day, it’s bump and love
    And once again, bump and love
    Bump bump
    Love hurts
    Bump bump
    Love is so bad
    Bump bump
    But we’re different
    We fight then make up then meet again
    Bump bump
    Love hurts
    Bump bump
    Love is so bad
    Bump bump
    We know
    That our love
    Aggressively bump bump
    (Aggressively bump bump)
    Bump bump
    What’s the problem?
    Again, bump bump
    Why are you doing this again?
    Every day, it’s bump and love
    And once again, bump and love
    We get mad but we knew all
    It’s sick sick but I love you so much
    Every day, it’s bump and love
    And once again, bump and love
    You can find more translation in high qualirt in our page > twitter.com/pop_gasa (pls, don't forget follow us) ^^

    • @adindaventy53
      @adindaventy53 3 년 전 +1

      thanks bro

    • @eAravind
      @eAravind 3 년 전 +8

      Thanks a lot!! Hope ppl don't watch lyric videos :)

    • @babyrockstar337
      @babyrockstar337 3 년 전 +4

      let's streaaaaam this moodz!! ♡

    • @lowkeyfngrl
      @lowkeyfngrl 3 년 전 +4

      thanks for this! now we get the understand the trans w/out having to watch lyric videos

    • @Eastlight3806
      @Eastlight3806 3 년 전 +3

      Moodz please collect stars on starplay. This week is really important twitter.com/CSY_INTL/status/1329032827292160000?s=20

  • @dyodidyodi815
    @dyodidyodi815 3 년 전 +581

    He isn't just an ultimate all-rounder, this guy has a personality that's all his own. With just a single look, you know no one else is like him

  • @user-mn2de8fy1p
    @user-mn2de8fy1p 3 년 전 +46

    진짜 전나 우연히 들었는데 진짜 개좋아서 뭔노래지 하고 찾아봄 개좋아 진짜 가사도 좋고 멜로디도 좋고 그냥 노래가 전체적으로 너무 잘 만들어져서 소름돋음ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @dnwm9685
      @dnwm9685 3 년 전 +13

      우즈(본명 조승연)노래 찐으로 잘 만들어요 파랗게도 들어보세요 휘파람소리가 중독적이고 뮤비가 영화예요ㅠㅠ그리고 3월15일 컴백해요:) 많은 관심과 사랑부탁드려요🧡💙

  • @Hansw1224
    @Hansw1224 3 년 전 +16

    금발 누가 박제좀 해ㅠ주ㅠ세ㅠ요ㅠ

  • @woodzwifeu6721
    @woodzwifeu6721 3 년 전 +598

    The only wrong about this song is it ends.

    • @Eastlight3806
      @Eastlight3806 3 년 전 +1

      Moodz please collect stars on starplay. This week is really important twitter.com/CSY_INTL/status/1329032827292160000?s=20

    • @fairuza8656
      @fairuza8656 3 년 전 +1

      thankyou for the compliment to our woodz 🥺💓 have a good day!!

    • @maisaramaisara7964
      @maisaramaisara7964 3 년 전 +1


    • @shineshine816
      @shineshine816 3 년 전


  • @unloyalshineestan9496
    @unloyalshineestan9496 3 년 전 +261

    Graduated as a dance major, debuted as main rapper, debuted again as main vocalist, is now a soloist who produces, composes and writes lyrics for all his songs, has an amazing personality, is SO ATTRACTIVE, honestly what doesn't he have 😩😩😂🧡💙

  • @kimhtr29
    @kimhtr29 3 년 전 +71

    He's cute. Know him from Billboard since this song Ranked #6 at Best Kpop Song of 2020 by Billboard.

    • @Eastlight3806
      @Eastlight3806 3 년 전 +4

      Woodz is the main producer of both his self wrote and compose mini album EQUAL AND WOOPS (Bump Bump included). Check out more about Woodz on his Yt channel krplus.net/uWOODZ_dnwm

    • @downfltr7384
      @downfltr7384 3 년 전 +1

      here’s the dance for it krplus.net/bidio/iJadq3Wlao-4imE

  • @aulyaputriwadyapratama2968

    All rounder cho seungyeon

  • @litrrallywtf
    @litrrallywtf 3 년 전 +542

    i clicked on this by mistake , best mistake of my life

  • @joy488
    @joy488 3 년 전 +336

    WOOPS isn’t just an album, it’s a cultural reset, the oxygen you breathe, the blessing we all need, the escape we all yearn for, the prize we get for fighting for so long, something to look forward to every day, a reason to live.

  • @elainediasgomes6930
    @elainediasgomes6930 2 개월 전 +4

    Woodz, o cantor coreano mais talentoso e versátil da atualidade. Amo!♥️🇧🇷

  • @luizyunisy4201
    @luizyunisy4201 2 년 전 +8

    He’s coming back with I HATE YOU! Please check it out on May 4!

  • @syaayounie604
    @syaayounie604 3 년 전 +180

    want to know something hurt? seungyoun said he really want to say his winning speech for moodz. but bcs he love doing music so he really doesnt care about it. but we know deep in his heart he really want to experience a win. so lets get him his first win at the show okay moodz ( •́ ̯•̀ )

  • @danteeluna9277
    @danteeluna9277 3 년 전 +510

    Still can’t understand how he wasn’t nominated for best male soloist at mama!!
    Forgive my bad english.
    Edit: mom I’m famous!!!!!

    • @michellelima4543
      @michellelima4543 3 년 전 +38

      your English is rly good! Mama this year rly sucks, a lot of groups/soloist dominated this year but don’t get nominated for anything😔 but WOODZ comebacks was one the best😁🙌🏻

    • @horanghaepower4140
      @horanghaepower4140 3 년 전 +30

      Same thing happened with Skz too. Woodz deserves all the love in the world. Let’s keep supporting him mama is rigged anyway lol

    • @michellelima4543
      @michellelima4543 3 년 전 +11

      @@horanghaepower4140 yeahh dat rly triggered me and many other artists too but lets keep supporting our king👑👑👑

    • @michellelima4543
      @michellelima4543 3 년 전

      @@aayushikhatri1371 hahahaha periodt

    • @user-fd2gl8hg6b
      @user-fd2gl8hg6b 3 년 전 +7

      @@michellelima4543 true mama is rigged even gd said so

  • @user-mn2de8fy1p
    @user-mn2de8fy1p 3 년 전 +25

    요즘 내 최애곡임 그냥 사람을 기분좋게 만드는듯

  • @marifecadondoy3808
    @marifecadondoy3808 2 년 전 +8

    When I first watched this, i was like--- He's kinda familiar,,, like Cho Seungyoun. THEN IT TURNS OUT THAT HE'S REALLY CHO SEUNGYOUN. I feel so dumb

    • @bolacoklat5003
      @bolacoklat5003 2 년 전 +1

      He belong to group who also have Woodz, Cho Seung Youn, Luizy, Evan & Uyon ^_^

  • @juicytheatre
    @juicytheatre 3 년 전 +674

    Woodz definitely deserves Best Male Soloist!!!! His talents are out of this world!!! Really one of the best soloist-singer-songwriter in Korea! Stan Woodz our baby!!!

  • @levigerrardhades
    @levigerrardhades 3 년 전 +426

    This song makes me wants to hang out with friends even tho I actually likes being alone

  • @ces3064
    @ces3064 년 전 +11

    하 .. 이노래 진짜 ㅈㄴ좋음.. 내 인생곡이다

  • @rensarea
    @rensarea 2 년 전 +6

    seungyoun in this mv was everything 😿

  • @expensivechanhyuk_1400
    @expensivechanhyuk_1400 3 년 전 +522

    This man literally has no bad song. Cho seungyoun literally said that is not in my vocabulary. From title tracks to bsides all of them slap. Every single one has its own flavor but seungyoun just gives it the Cho seungyoun flavor. Honestly stan talent stan Cho Seungyoun

  • @az-zahra5553
    @az-zahra5553 3 년 전 +279

    Lot of idol lately claim they are all rounder...they deserve to call all rounder if their talent can match with this guy...

  • @nugu5972
    @nugu5972 3 년 전 +8

    tall, blonde, and gorgeous = woodz

  • @aK-popfoodie
    @aK-popfoodie 7 개월 전 +4

    *•.¸♡𝕊𝕀𝔹𝔸𝕃♡¸.•* 개잘생김

  • @saturnsmoons15
    @saturnsmoons15 3 년 전 +698


  • @jotse7541
    @jotse7541 3 년 전 +137

    This is WOODZ 조승연. He’s the real all rounder, may be the most talented artist at the present!
    He’s the composer, producer, singer, rapper, dancer, artist, soccer player & idea bank! His heart is beautiful that he understands and listens to people all the time. He always prompt people to love & respect one another!
    He loves his parents, friends, MOODZ WHOLEHEARTEDLY!

    • @musiclove4633
      @musiclove4633 3 년 전 +5

      To the last part it is so obvious that he really loves his fans. I know all artists, especially idols, say they love their fans. But with Woodz I can actually believe it

  • @levigerrardhades
    @levigerrardhades 년 전 +6


  • @levigerrardhades
    @levigerrardhades 3 년 전 +7

    I watched Golden Disk Award today and saw BTS Suga wore an orange jacket with blue pattern, and I thought "I'm sure I've seen that jacket somewhere"
    Now I realize that it turns out I saw it here, one of the girls at the "painting car" scene wore it, but you can only see glimpses of her

  • @Eastlight3806
    @Eastlight3806 3 년 전 +57

    Dear MOODZ, WOODZ have reached 70k album sales, that means you have to stream harder so we can get him nominated for 1st win. Please we cant rely support from stoopid yuehoe. Woodz only have us

  • @stan3127
    @stan3127 3 년 전 +290

    Popular Opinion: WOODZ song is getting better and getting everytime has COMEBACK.

    • @fatuibestharbringer9444
      @fatuibestharbringer9444 3 년 전 +2

      Ikr. His music from me used to suck so much but now it’s getting so much better

    • @wasfiasafi2931
      @wasfiasafi2931 3 년 전 +4

      @@fatuibestharbringer9444 i always loved his music tbh .. he was underrated. His old songs "different " "meaningless" and "pool" were nicee

    • @lifeofmeme7898
      @lifeofmeme7898 3 년 전 +2

      *better and better

    • @kimchiiiya1893
      @kimchiiiya1893 3 년 전 +3

      @@fatuibestharbringer9444 his songs never even suck to begin with. Try to listen to them, they're very nice!!! Correct term would be that his songs keep getting better and better, and he's starting to get recognition for it. Fully deserved YAS

  • @dubuy9042
    @dubuy9042 3 년 전 +7

    come here because of uniq when I saw 10 m views I really feel very proud 💜

  • @eunflvrs1261
    @eunflvrs1261 3 년 전 +7

    i am so glad i found yibo then uniq then seungyeon! my fav soloist now

  • @sofeazon
    @sofeazon 3 년 전 +713

    the ultimate all-rounder simply NEVER disappoints.
    woodz world domination let’s go!

  • @themoon5201
    @themoon5201 3 년 전 +108

    He's the visual
    He's the rapper
    He's the dancer
    He's the vocalist
    He have stage presence
    He's the mood maker
    Add below if there's more fam!

  • @ea4961
    @ea4961 2 년 전 +8

    하이틴 조승연 너무 사랑해........

  • @ces3064
    @ces3064 2 년 전 +13

    짖짜 개띵곡이다 ... 아니 어떻게 이런 노래를 만드냐 .. 승연아

  • @renaw00dz72
    @renaw00dz72 3 년 전 +387

    Y'all WOODZ is a solo male artist,, it isn't a group,, cuz he has all of them visual, good voice, dance, music taste, even he produced all of his song.
    I thought forming a group isn't really necessary except UNIQ stuff

  • @kuuyhh
    @kuuyhh 3 년 전 +167

    Do i like Seungyoun: yes
    Do i like Woodz: yes
    Do i like his friends: yEs
    Do i like this bop: YESSIR

    • @imissuou
      @imissuou 3 년 전 +4

      do you like luizy:yessir😽

    • @kuuyhh
      @kuuyhh 3 년 전 +3

      @@imissuou luizinho too hahahhaha so many names

    • @Eastlight3806
      @Eastlight3806 3 년 전

      Moodz please collect stars on starplay. This week is really important twitter.com/CSY_INTL/status/1329032827292160000?s=20

    • @hanabunin131
      @hanabunin131 3 년 전 +1

      @@imissuou yes we can't forget about luizy

  • @ssimyyok2294
    @ssimyyok2294 2 년 전 +15

    와 듣기 넘좋아요. 신나네요

  • @user-jd6hq6vf4t
    @user-jd6hq6vf4t 3 년 전 +9

    오랜만에 들으러옴 너무좋아 노래 ㅋㅋㅋ개신나

  • @nanachan9390
    @nanachan9390 3 년 전 +227

    I swear this guy is such a rare gem in kpop and if people do not recognize his talents, it's not WOODZ's loss...

    • @weipingkang3248
      @weipingkang3248 3 년 전 +2

      I will start listening to his songs from now on😊 this is a masterpiece🤯😱😫

    • @auliamaretha9093
      @auliamaretha9093 3 년 전 +1

      @@weipingkang3248 you need to hear all of his songs bcs IT'S SO GOODD

    • @initialw6364
      @initialw6364 3 년 전

      Yass. I love his songs before he himself

  • @andreakrizsany6801
    @andreakrizsany6801 3 년 전 +154

    WOODZ is like a chameleon.
    Its crazy how many colours/sides he has.

    • @rumadas7597
      @rumadas7597 3 년 전 +4

      I just love his mischievous side..
      Did I tell you I love his caring side..
      Oh did I tell you I love his performer side..
      Oh did I tell you I love his unassuming natural side..

  • @anathandra7468
    @anathandra7468 3 년 전 +51

    the fact that I am a man and falling in love with this man is should be illegal

  • @aureliaureel
    @aureliaureel 2 년 전 +7

    bump bump my mood lifter

  • @reallyjustheretowatch
    @reallyjustheretowatch 3 년 전 +451

    He’s an AMAZING and TALENTED artist.
    At this point, he's not only underrated, he's also underappreciated.

    • @armymydaycaratnctzenatinyaroha
      @armymydaycaratnctzenatinyaroha 3 년 전 +6

      Not really tho. He is quite popular

    • @vaswatee
      @vaswatee 3 년 전 +19

      @@armymydaycaratnctzenatinyaroha he's actually very underrated. With the amount of talent he has he deserves even more recognition

    • @reallyjustheretowatch
      @reallyjustheretowatch 3 년 전 +18

      @@armymydaycaratnctzenatinyaroha he is popular, but with the amount of talent he has, he deserves WAY more appreciation and recognition

    • @lapetitemole
      @lapetitemole 3 년 전 +5

      omg yes he deserve MORE than this 😭

    • @watashimika94
      @watashimika94 3 년 전 +6

      Yeaa, he deserves more than he get now.. I hope more people will recognise and appreciate his talents~ ㅜㅡㅜ

  • @shazzyshahrizal
    @shazzyshahrizal 3 년 전 +140

    Moodz, can we all agree that Woodz is the artist of the year?

    • @loriecka5118
      @loriecka5118 3 년 전 +1

      and even without a trophy, he's the STANDARD, he's a KING, he's the ARTIST OF THE DECADE.

  • @user-oi5fk6ne1t
    @user-oi5fk6ne1t 2 년 전 +15

    진차.. 새하얀 사람이 노래도 잘 부르고 작사작곡도 잘하고.. 잘생기고 다 하네..

  • @musiclove4633
    @musiclove4633 2 년 전 +4

    Happy Woodz Day 🧡💙😍🥰💖💙🧡

  • @sofiaescorza6967
    @sofiaescorza6967 3 년 전 +1133


    • @goodmorning2111
      @goodmorning2111 3 년 전 +23


    • @user-gb5kj1mb6w
      @user-gb5kj1mb6w 3 년 전 +5


    • @katzen_man
      @katzen_man 2 년 전 +5

      Ha, redicules, Billboard is not able to score K-Pop.
      How smug will the US-Americans become until they realize?
      If you mean "real" K-Pop music it's obviously No.1

  • @TheMissEyk
    @TheMissEyk 3 년 전 +328

    The fact that this song is directly after trigger on the album. There’s nothing he can’t do.

    • @marydavis3882
      @marydavis3882 3 년 전 +15

      Right???? I was just thinking this. He is so dynamic and yet you know it’s him. He has a signature on all of his music even when he explores so many different styles. Ugh. I never cease to be totally impressed by him.

    • @tooth624
      @tooth624 3 년 전 +2

      Ikrrr like wow

  • @Dada-jm1ff
    @Dada-jm1ff 2 년 전 +5

    Hey my love, WOODZ ♥️

  • @brithxnny
    @brithxnny 3 년 전 +7

    1000 days with woodz~ 🧡💙

  • @lalaa2867
    @lalaa2867 3 년 전 +178

    lmao the person who presses the dislike button is jealous of woodz's soft voice

  • @ma.carmelitamatias1728
    @ma.carmelitamatias1728 3 년 전 +266

    woodz is not a human, he's a singing cute teddy bear uwu

  • @moodzc945
    @moodzc945 3 년 전 +6


  • @XerdBlue
    @XerdBlue 3 년 전 +51

    first time listening to Woodz but damnnn his song was all perfect...i started listening from Feel like then i watch this i was like whattt?? his voice can suit everything.The Talenttt

    • @musiclove4633
      @musiclove4633 3 년 전 +3

      And he sounds incredible when he sings live. Check out his live versions of Accident and Noid. And Horizon live where he sings several songs from Woops album in one take on a beach

  • @user-jt2ry4jm4i
    @user-jt2ry4jm4i 3 년 전 +101

    *People watching this like:*
    *-in bed* ✔
    *-not in a full screen* ✔
    *-reading comments* ✔

  • @username_canox
    @username_canox 3 년 전 +140

    I know I’m not the only one that has this song stuck in their mind.

  • @Jang_dnwm
    @Jang_dnwm 년 전 +5

    If i'm gonna love something. then let it be Cho Seungyoun's songs

  • @levigerrardhades
    @levigerrardhades 년 전 +5


  • @madzcndr7057
    @madzcndr7057 3 년 전 +124

    seungyoun don't need autotune , autotune needs him.

  • @simbabuu2724
    @simbabuu2724 3 년 전 +63

    I randomly came across this song on Spotify and WTF THIS IS THE BESTTTTT SONG EEEEEEEVERRRRRRRR

    • @syaayounie604
      @syaayounie604 3 년 전 +3

      stan and support woodz!

    • @laluna9012
      @laluna9012 3 년 전

      Please also checkout his other songs, he wrote all his songs, you won't regret staning this talented and fun all-rounder.

    • @simbabuu2724
      @simbabuu2724 3 년 전

      @@laluna9012 i already know and like him! I even watched his appearances on variety shows and so on :D im just not so up to date with his comebacks thats why i just found out about this comeback on spotify ^^

  • @ondayjosephineroseo.3403

    Who’s still watching this mv 🤚
    I love you woodz❤️❤️

  • @mar__245
    @mar__245 2 년 전 +5

    bump bump first anniversary!!

  • @dnwm9685
    @dnwm9685 3 년 전 +46

    승연이... 교복... 천만 가자!!!
    날티 팍팍 나게 입는게 공식인거 알쥐~?

  • @glrylrrn
    @glrylrrn 3 년 전 +73

    i know you all didn't come here to st***m and doesn't feel obligated to do that but you all came here because you genuinely like this song ;) and that's the highest compliment a MASTERPIECE could ever get

    • @feby895
      @feby895 3 년 전

      Yes, I like this song very much :)
      It's been ringing on my head since released. I love the whole album tbh

    • @sahas00
      @sahas00 3 년 전

      That is very true! I am streaming but I enjoy everytime I watch it

    • @babyrockstar337
      @babyrockstar337 3 년 전 +1

      i never get tired of listening to this it just gets better everytime!! ♡

    • @jase6019
      @jase6019 3 년 전


    • @sushyto
      @sushyto 3 년 전

      Ikr UwU

  • @urwave5150
    @urwave5150 2 년 전 +6

    Ten’s new song reminded me of this song so I came back lol

  • @nympha2014
    @nympha2014 3 년 전 +46

    i never thought i would ever stan someone other than blackpink but wow... now i have to.

    • @syaayounie604
      @syaayounie604 3 년 전 +2

      yess yesss !

    • @nympha2014
      @nympha2014 3 년 전 +5

      @@syaayounie604 i found him by that and the song is absolute bop. im literally searching his crafts now lol

    • @letsgoback8788
      @letsgoback8788 3 년 전 +4

      Glad everyone finally recognize him.
      Another songs that u have to listen:
      POOL, DIFFERENT, TRIGGER, ACCIDENT, BUCK, RECIPE, NOID, TIDE, but ALL HIS SONGS ARE SO GOOD i cant recomend u one but please looking forward to his discography cause it so interesting.

    • @nympha2014
      @nympha2014 3 년 전 +1

      @@letsgoback8788 thank you for all the recommendations i will check them out 💓

    • @azymdz
      @azymdz 3 년 전 +2

      thank you and welcome to the family! moodz always welcoming baby moodz

  • @lapetitemole
    @lapetitemole 3 년 전 +98

    Not even a fan of him but I accidentally downloaded all of his songs from the previous album and not gonna lie it's all so good...

    • @areebah8772
      @areebah8772 3 년 전 +4

      how do u accidentally do that-

    • @lapetitemole
      @lapetitemole 3 년 전 +9

      @@areebah8772 it's kinda like my habit (?) I always downloaded the whole of random albums and when I do something like study or working I just let it play on shuffle and after couple of time I always notice the good songs like "wait whose songs is this" and sometimes surprisingly I be like "ohh so this is stray kids songs?" "ohh so this is woods songs" just like that haha even tho I'm not in fandom but masterpiece still should be appreciated bc they deserve it ❤️

    • @hadadnwm3440
      @hadadnwm3440 3 년 전 +1

      yep, he's worth to stan. come and join our fandom!

    • @Eastlight3806
      @Eastlight3806 3 년 전

      Moodz please collect stars on starplay. This week is really important twitter.com/CSY_INTL/status/1329032827292160000?s=20

    • @yltp222
      @yltp222 3 년 전

      Stan woodz please

  • @__mixhelle__
    @__mixhelle__ 3 년 전 +79

    This song feels like it can be a 2000’s American show theme song and I LOVE IT!

  • @stefanesantosdelima5296

    *Stan Woodz for a better life!!*

  • @amor8886
    @amor8886 3 년 전 +6

    매일 들어도 안질려

    • @brithxnny
      @brithxnny 3 년 전 +1

      저도요 너무 좋아요 ^^

  • @alan-rw4dp
    @alan-rw4dp 3 년 전 +52

    let's just appreciate the existence of cho seungyoun, let's love him and support him, always.

  • @musecsy1476
    @musecsy1476 3 년 전 +64

    근데 위에화야 같속 여그룹은 프로모 해주던데 제발 우리 승연이도 아껴주라
    매번 팬들이 다해주니깐 손 놓고 있지말고 팍팍 밀어주라고!!

  • @lydelen6377
    @lydelen6377 3 년 전 +12

    I have watched three of his MV after Feel like this and he looks/acts/sings like three different people but it’s impossible to look away wowowowow where have you been until now
    (better late than never I guess)

  • @user-qj7ps8kd3k
    @user-qj7ps8kd3k 3 년 전 +7

    He is really handsome.

  • @princessventia
    @princessventia 3 년 전 +106

    I really admire him. Whrn he writes a sad song, he makes people cry with him. When he writes a happy song, he makes people happy. We love you Woodz

    • @vivelles
      @vivelles 3 년 전

      Seungyoun always spread happiness right 🥰🥰

    • @princessventia
      @princessventia 3 년 전

      @@vivelles Yess, that's right. But when he writes a sad song, we know that it'll be so deep and like we also feel what he feels. A true artist indeed

  • @nasrulzaffrey6437
    @nasrulzaffrey6437 3 년 전 +630

    Billboard Best K-pop Songs of 2020:
    *6. WOODZ - BUMP BUMP*

  • @chadd1430
    @chadd1430 3 년 전 +4


  • @user-sd5hp8dm4r
    @user-sd5hp8dm4r 3 개월 전 +5

    시작부터 귀여우면 반칙이지..

  • @alexryder8125
    @alexryder8125 3 년 전 +45

    you can always count on him to release only quality music. He is one of the few soloist I listen to on an almost daily basis. I will never regret the day I didn't skip his song in one of those Spotify playlists. I regret not checking his music out sooner, when I found out about his collaboration with BTOB's Hyunsik when he went by Luizy. He deserves every bit of love and appreciation.
    also, he looks like a baby lion.

  • @user-gb1jr1nj5t
    @user-gb1jr1nj5t 3 년 전 +254

    That one dislike is because of jealousy.

  • @user-mq6te6ne7t
    @user-mq6te6ne7t 2 년 전 +9

    잘생겼어요 금발 너무 잘어울리구요 ㅜㅜ 혼자서 작사작곡 하고 노래부르고 춤추는거 진짜 멋있어요 ㅜ 여우 닮았구 풍선달린 자전거 타고 해맑아하는거 진짜 너무 귀여워요 ㅜ

  • @user-xv9tz8jl5c
    @user-xv9tz8jl5c 2 년 전 +27

    조승연 노래는 진짜 진짜 너무 좋다... 죽을 때까지 좋아하고 싶은 가수