
소스 코드
  • 게시일 2020. 07. 18.
  • Today we go into Regrets. Do you guys have 'em?
    Guys, please make sure to check out our podcast 'Nonsensible'. You can find it on Apple Podcast & Spotify and Dive studios also has a youtube channel -
    / @divestudios
    ★Instagram - [Dave - daebbuing] [Sam-samhammington]
    ★Subscribe! -
    ★Sam's Channel -
    / @samsong8951

댓글 • 213

  • @HanWae363
    @HanWae363 3 년 전 +137

    Dang bro it looks like Sam lost a lot of weight. He looks good

  • @user-eq4su5ci6t
    @user-eq4su5ci6t 3 년 전 +76

    데이브 관계 끊은 사람들 얘기할때 울컥 하는게 느껴지네요 한국에서 말은 못하지만 고생이 참 많았을거에요. 우리나라도 요즘 잠못자는 사람 많은데 무조건 저녁 자기전 유산소 운동 추천합니다 영상잘봤어요 ㅋ

  • @cynhwon
    @cynhwon 3 년 전 +138

    Totally agree with Sam re uni degree. That’s what I would tell my children too. I‘d rather see my kids find what they want to do and work hard toward that goal. Pretty sure my mum disagrees but hey my children my way and I want them to enjoy what they choose to do. I don’t want my children to feel inferior or any less worthy just because they choose a path different from the majority.

    • @xXShiro23Xx
      @xXShiro23Xx 3 년 전

      That's what my parents did for me. They let me choose the university that I want and the degree that I want. It was a good move since it made me work hard because I don't have anyone to blame for my hardships while studying lol

    • @peach9118
      @peach9118 3 년 전 +1

      Wish others could think like u too.

  • @user-ke1bx3ul4l
    @user-ke1bx3ul4l 3 년 전 +17

    전 후회하는 경험을 많이 했지만
    삶은 그렇지 않습니다
    후회한다고 인생이 180도 바뀌는건 이니니까요
    언제나 자신의 선택입니다

  • @swordwarrior99
    @swordwarrior99 3 년 전 +60

    진짜 이렇게 보니까 샘님이랑 데이브님은 정말 멋진 분들이네요~ >

    • @TheWorldofDave
      @TheWorldofDave  3 년 전 +10

      아우 감사합니다😭

    • @swordwarrior99
      @swordwarrior99 3 년 전 +2

      The World of Dave데이브 힉! 댓글 고마워요! 영상 나오면 보러 가겠습니다!

  • @VacuumDweller
    @VacuumDweller 3 년 전 +39

    0:57 - 1:57 What Sam says here touches my heart so much... at 34 now I really really regret wasting so much of my time & energy chasing somebody else's dream (a piece of paper, a Degree that means almost nothing) when I could have spent that time building my future piece by piece with my own hands. No matter what kind of life you lead or where you go, etc you need to be able to offer up something to the world around you beyond just your "ideas" or "energy"; if you can't DO something practical, you're really kind of useless and empty, and you feel that in your soul

  • @wonderfulbeat
    @wonderfulbeat 3 년 전 +63

    I like this kind of talks. Cause i'm in regret phase now. And you are makes me open my mind about regret through this video

  • @soo8409
    @soo8409 3 년 전 +3

    Stimmt, 관계를 끊는 것 보다 잠시 거리를 두는 거.. 완전 공감이요~

  • @pamelaputrik.9233
    @pamelaputrik.9233 3 년 전 +28

    5:05 "ok, is this worth fighting for? and if so, what am i willing to lose over it?"
    tbh i feel the same with dave, im so scared to take a challenge by only looking the "cover" and not analyze inside of it. and i think what sam said is very applicable to many things, thanks sam for the enlightenment(?)!

  • @ohmint8547
    @ohmint8547 3 년 전 +1

    샘님 데이브님 항상 응원합니다 💪 😀👍

  • @TheWorldofDave
    @TheWorldofDave  3 년 전 +71

    오늘은 샘형과 ‘후회’에 대해 진지하게 이야기를 나눠보았어요
    이렇게 생각을 정리하고 보니, ‘후회 없는 삶’이 있기란 어려운 것 같아요 하지만 ‘후회를 딛는 건강한 삶’이 있기에 우리의 삶이 더 나아갈 수 있는 것 아닐까요? 여러분들의 생각은 어떠신가요?
    ★인스타그램/Instagram - [Dave - daebbuing] [Sam-samhammington]
    Today we go into Regrets. Do you guys have 'em?
    Also, guys, please make sure to check out our podcast 'Nonsensible'!

    • @lizjyh
      @lizjyh 3 년 전 +2

      샘오빠 살 엄청나게 많이빠진거같은데 이거 나만 느끼는건가???

    • @user-ke1bx3ul4l
      @user-ke1bx3ul4l 3 년 전

      후회하는 경험이 있었다고 인생이 바뀌지는 않으니까, 바뀐다 하더라도 그걸 바꾸게하는건 자신이 만든겁니다 후회스러운 경험은 경험일 뿐
      그경험을 좋게만들면됩니다 하지만 이건 언제나 자신의 선택입니다

    • @lizjyh
      @lizjyh 3 년 전 +1

      데이브오빠도 한국 처음와서 뭔가 사람들을 좀 더 믿어주거나 기다려주기엔 너무 두렵고 어려웠을거란 생각이 들어요. 항상 영상 잘보고있어요. 이런 영상 너무 좋아요 많이 올려주세요★

    • @sky-blue808
      @sky-blue808 3 년 전 +1

      누구나 후회 없는 삶을 살지는 못하죠.다만 모든게 자신의 선택이니 항상 내 인생의 중심은 나라는 생각을 갖고 전진하는 수 밖에 없어요.
      이게 당연한 얘기지만 모든 사람이 자기 뜻대로 살 수 있는건 아니니까요.
      그나저나 윌벤 아버님 요새 여러가지 고민이 많으신가봐요..
      모든게 다 잘될 수는 없지만 앞으로 유툽채널과 팟캐스트 더 대박 나셔서 힘든 일 되도록이면 안 하실 수 있으면 좋겠습니다.
      다욧 성공도 축하드립니다!!

    • @rij5098
      @rij5098 3 년 전

      Yoonha Joo 이뿐 이목구비가 나타나죠 ?

  • @tkalice9796
    @tkalice9796 3 년 전 +17

    [on the topic of burning bridges] : My father always told me if someone doesn’t make you happy, and only drags you down, cut them off because you’ll be better off in the long run. I was always apprehensive about his advice because I was afraid I wouldn’t have any friends left if it did such a thing. I always gave people the benefit of the doubt even to the point of foolishness, and I found that those toxic people dragged me down so far. After a certain point I stopped caring if I went from 10 friends to 1 or 2 because those few friends were good to me, and that’s all that matters. ⛅️. TLDR; cut off toxic people, you may have less after that, but you’ll be better off

  • @j.g.h.9257
    @j.g.h.9257 3 년 전 +3

    이젠 데이브도 진지한게 어색하지 않을 만큼 어른이 됐구나 하는 생각을하며 봤네요 살면서 후회 많이하죠 종류와 가짓수는달라도 할수밖에 없는것 아닌가 생각합니다 나처럼 길게 살면 더 그렇죠 그래도 후회를 곱씹을 줄아는것도 필요하죠 지금 데이브나 샘처럼 좋은얘기 잘 들었습니다 그저 친한친구들 얘기 엿듣는 기분이었어요 잘봤습니다

  • @user-si7wg9cc8r
    @user-si7wg9cc8r 3 년 전 +2

    이런영상 너무 좋네요😍

  • @marinafilth
    @marinafilth 3 년 전 +12

    Honestly that was deep. It needed to be out there. From my personal experience, don't let anything turn into regret. Live every situation fully, understand your emotions and do not regret your actions, 'cause in the end, it's your actions and choices that make you who you are. Support them as much as possible.

  • @ann29light
    @ann29light 3 년 전 +1

    정말 깊고 의미 있는 조언이 담긴 영상임

  • @user-hp1hl9ud2y
    @user-hp1hl9ud2y 3 년 전

    몇년 전 데이브 유튜브 갓 시작했을 무렵 그때 제가 개인적으로 힘들어서 댓글이었나 메신저였나 위로해달라고 했더니 정말 따뜻하게 말씀해주셨던 기억이 나네요. 그때 정말정말 감사했어요. 후회를 한다는 것은 한번쯤 우리를 돌아보고 반성한다는 의미에서, 더 발전하기 위한 밑거름이라고 생각해요. 이런 허심탄회하게 생각과 느낌, 살아가는 이야기를 나눌 수 있는 주제 참 좋은 것 같아요. 데이브는 멋지고 유쾌하고 따뜻한 사람! 항상 응원해요🙆💪

  • @user-qd7ks3hc3l
    @user-qd7ks3hc3l 3 년 전 +1

    둘은 과연 이 이야기가 시청자들에게 흥미롭고 도움이 되었을까 싶기도 하겠지만, 많지 않은 제 나이에, 아무것도 안하고 방황하는 저에게 제 자신을 몇번이고 다시 생각하고 제정비하게 만드는 좋은 이야기였네요. 도움이 많이 되었습니다. 사람들은 자신이 어찌 해야 좋을지 모를때가 있죠. 그리고 가끔은 자기 자신을 돌아보지 못 할 때가 많은데. 이런 사소하고도 깊은 이야기는 어떤 사람들에게는 진심 어린 조언과 같은 효과가 있죠. 감사합니다.

  • @user-sr7vo5py5h
    @user-sr7vo5py5h 3 년 전 +6

    샘해밍터님 슈돌잘보고있어요!전 슈돌에서 윌벤져스가 제일좋아요!

  • @user-ip9ir6nw9j
    @user-ip9ir6nw9j 3 년 전 +2

    후회하는 삶이 아닌 삶을사는게 정말 어렵죠.. 저는 저 성격때문에 매번 모든순간 선택했는걸 기억하고 계속 과거에 얽매여서있었는데 영상보고 과거에만 너무 얽매이면 안되겠다고 생각이 들었네요 정말 좋은 영상 감사합니다!!

  • @bobmuller8256
    @bobmuller8256 3 년 전 +47

    I actually love these types of videos Dave, I feel like talking about these things not only make people like you & Sam feel better, just taking it all out, but it makes you guys more relatable. For example, I know exactly what Sam is talking about. University is not all that cracked up to be. I’ve always felt like a failure because I don’t really have any particular skill, so I went to college to ease up that feeling of worthlessness. The feeling is still there even though I graduated. I still have no life skill, I look back and think maybe I just should’ve just not gone instead. But I really didn’t want to disappoint my parents and society really. I didn’t want to be seen as uneducated but in reality most people don’t really learn anything in university. Some of course do, but many people with particular majors don’t. Sorry if this is too long. I just needed to get this off my chest too. Cheers Dave from USA! ✌🏻🇺🇸

  • @nxt6678
    @nxt6678 2 년 전 +1

    샘 해밍턴씨살 많이빠지셨네요
    둘째 아가도 많이 크고
    가족모두 코로나에 유의 하시고 항상 행복하길 바랍니다

  • @Joy-ej8dq
    @Joy-ej8dq 3 년 전 +1

    관계를 끊어버리기 전에 잠시 거리를 두는 것. 정말 중요하다고 생각해요. 특히 요즘에는 '손절'이라는 단어 때문에 관계를 끊는 것을 쉽게 생각할 수도 있겠지만 수십년을 살아가야 할 인생에서 미래에 상대방이 나에게 어떤 도움을 줄 지 모르니까요! 정말 좋은 영상이네요. 잘 봤습니다.^^

  • @user-on5wo2ty9d
    @user-on5wo2ty9d 3 년 전 +1

    데이브형 조언 감사해요 ㅎㅎ

  • @nieslychane
    @nieslychane 3 년 전 +10

    Having watched your videos for a few years now, I can definitely see the growth in you. I love seeing you touch on more serious topics and I'd love to see more videos like this one. You've just gained a new listener on your podcast! Lots of love from Poland!

  • @MiLo322
    @MiLo322 3 년 전 +4

    Love your podcast btw! I've been catching up with all the episodes!

  • @Cindy-io3yn
    @Cindy-io3yn 3 년 전

    데이브말에 전적으로 공감해요~~

  • @SUNNY-kj7vv
    @SUNNY-kj7vv 3 년 전 +1

    I basically went through my early teen to young adult (still am) years with Dave's channel & I can see how much Dave took control of his emotions better now, before it was like seeing him suppressing it but now it's barely recognisable, I do think he could be struggling with it day by day. Hang in there, like anything else, it'll pass & you're admirable for managing it ✨ Just a note that I listen to y'all podcast and enjoyed it so much! 😊

  • @deltaskarmory1
    @deltaskarmory1 3 년 전 +7

    I love the podcasts, it's entertaining

  • @amerahrazak1834
    @amerahrazak1834 3 년 전

    Ive been following Dive studio and watched the podcast already! wishing more success to you both.

  • @ana1977x
    @ana1977x 3 년 전

    You're the best youtuber from Korea since I started learning Korean your videos have helped me so much

  • @alinab.5852
    @alinab.5852 3 년 전 +5

    Absolutely agree on the Uni degree rant... I'm enrolling in university this fall and it's something I've been looking forward to for so long! My younger sister however has never been a fan of the school-situation and studying (even in highschool, she stopped after the 10th grade) and instead she'll be doing an apprenticeship.. I'm glad our parents never pushed us to get degrees and it makes me all the more excited to go to uni because it was fully my choise, if that makes sense! if i ever have children i want to do that the same way

  • @KingspiritTravels92

    I need to catch up on your podcasts. I had already heard/seen four. You guys really are down-to-earth and honest. I'm glad to be that way as well. 🙂

  • @leeseully8148
    @leeseully8148 3 년 전

    HHHHHELL yeah! A podcast with Dave and Sam?!? I'll def support and listen in regularly!

  • @peach9118
    @peach9118 3 년 전

    People consider it taboo to talk about such stuffs. Thank you for highlighting it✌

  • @user-kb8xd3uk5h
    @user-kb8xd3uk5h 3 년 전

    새삼 샘님 영어로 말하는거 들으니까 엄청 멋진 목소리란 생각이 드네 좀 더 저음이 되시는듯
    생각도 멋지시고

  • @anburan2887
    @anburan2887 3 년 전

    데이브님 멋찐남자네요! 데이브님 생방송때나 어느때나 좋은남자라고 생각합니다!

  • @alya_z9696
    @alya_z9696 3 년 전

    Didnt know i needed this today. Thank you
    Will definitely check out your podcast!

  • @J_Gamble
    @J_Gamble 3 년 전

    Great episode. Honest and thoughtful. Thank you!

  • @_yunniverse_
    @_yunniverse_ 3 년 전

    DAVE UPLOADED!!! 🥺🥺💖💖

  • @skdavidnba
    @skdavidnba 3 년 전 +1

    Sam you are doing great!!

  • @KuroNoUsachan
    @KuroNoUsachan 3 년 전

    I felt that when Dave said he'd burned so many bridges that he now regrets. I've had many friendships that I just didn't fight for - the second there was a problem, I completely shut them out. I miss a lot of those relationships deeply. I've had to grow as a person and learn to handle conflict in a more nurturing and empathetic manner. But it's comforting to be reminded we all are human and can be united by our struggles.

  • @brokenglish
    @brokenglish 3 년 전

    Normally I wouldn't listen to podcasts but since you've got Angelina on the thumbnails 👌

  • @jackspot241
    @jackspot241 3 년 전 +2

    이거 완전 아이엘츠 스피킹 테스트 문제랑 모범답안 같네요 (내일 아이엘츠 시험 보는 1인...😭)

  • @niyasadhoo5051
    @niyasadhoo5051 3 년 전

    Great advice! Distance don’t Burn ☺️

  • @AyshaRehmen
    @AyshaRehmen 3 년 전 +1

    I really appreciate this video theme and I feel it came at the perfect time as regrets have been on my mind a lot lately. Dave, I greatly appreciate your advice about distancing rather than outright burning bridges. I've made those exact mistakes and hearing that was very valuable and I will keep it with me

  • @shinysehee
    @shinysehee 3 년 전 +9

    0:46 oh👍🏻 대학교다닌거
    3:23 오 데이브

  • @MiraJane-bb4jm
    @MiraJane-bb4jm 2 년 전

    I've had depressive episodes lately and it's been getting a lot worse. The first comfort thing I sought was your videos on your channel, Dave ^^ This video held a lot of thought provoking moments for me :D Thank you for working hard, I know I'm late but I just followed your podcast on Spotify and will def check it out~

  • @ishuthey
    @ishuthey 3 년 전

    This is the deepest and most related to me video on your channel. High five Dave, I know how you feel. It's like you're speaking up my mind.

  • @diamondslays8062
    @diamondslays8062 3 년 전 +1

    I'll check out the podcast. I want to start a podcast one day. Hmm cant remember if you ever told a story about how you ended up in corea but I would love to hear it on a podcast

  • @navyblue76
    @navyblue76 3 년 전

    Wise words from Sam. I advise myself and others on this all the time, "don't try to win every battle, focus on winning the war." War being life and long term goals. Sometimes we get so emotionally caught up winning battles that only makes us feel good for the time being, but we end up losing something much greater in the long term/bigger picture.

  • @mellory2337
    @mellory2337 3 년 전

    I like these kind of videos(I like all of your videos Dave)

  • @sweetiepie2487
    @sweetiepie2487 3 년 전

    Completely agree with the both of you. I was tremendously pressured to go to uni and could not find my way. I very much regret I didn't get into a trade as well. It's so great to hear that Bentley and William will have the support of making their own decisions 🤗 Picking your battles is the name of the game, a shame I didn't learn that until later in life. LOVE YA BOTH ❤️ Keep up the amazing work!!!

  • @univer98
    @univer98 3 년 전 +1

    와... 샘 영어 하는거 첨 들어봐... 목소리 완전 다르네... 헐ㄹㄹ...

  • @JHawkeye_
    @JHawkeye_ 3 년 전 +5

    That Breath of the Wild Kass Theme popping off... man, that's a good theme.

  • @user-hp6nz8pq8h
    @user-hp6nz8pq8h 3 년 전 +1

    샘해밍턴씨 살 많이 빠지셧네요!! 다이어트하신다는거 알고 잇엇는데 대단하세요!!🐸🐸

  • @jaysonshing19
    @jaysonshing19 3 년 전 +1

    I have been watching your videos for quite a long time, but this is my first time to leave a comment. In fact, regrets are unavoidable in everyone's life, as you won't know what will you expect after you make the decision. For me, I may have chosen the wrong career path, should have taken an administrative/ human resource role rather than working in a bank. I also should have started my Portuguese language learning few years earlier. Thank you Dave, you made me feel proud of the decision I made. It might be wrong, but at least I tried :)
    I just want to wish good health to all of you, and wish all of you can live without regret

  • @user-cd6kj1re6b
    @user-cd6kj1re6b 3 년 전


  • @yirouvn9621
    @yirouvn9621 3 년 전 +2

    woah Sam's belly has reduced so much. His face also becomes smaller. Well done

  • @lynaxin
    @lynaxin 3 년 전

    3:53 I sooo agree with Dave about the distancing. This is something I learned quite recently and the hard way.

  • @Muivin
    @Muivin 3 년 전 +2

    I'm 14 seconds in but I LOVE THIS VIDEO FOR KASS

  • @RashmiKamath1201
    @RashmiKamath1201 3 년 전 +4

    This video literally came out when I was lying on bed overthinking about some of my past mistakes

  • @penguinlover1720
    @penguinlover1720 3 년 전 +3

    Regrets? Such an interesting name of the video and yes I'm just going comment and give a like before I finished the video. I'm so early here today hahahaha

  • @RussNJ_
    @RussNJ_ 3 년 전 +4

    I also feel like I have regrets, but I try to just commit to my choices and make them learning lessons if things don't feel like the ideal outcome. Good talk and I've been checking out Nonsensible, it's fun shoot the shit content that I enjoy. Be well Dave and Sam

  • @anal7779
    @anal7779 3 년 전

    So proud of sam and his weight loss.he looks great 💜👏

  • @cfaranzazu
    @cfaranzazu 3 년 전 +4

    Can KRplus read my mind/feelings too? Why did this video showed up just when I'm feeling regretful, when I'm battling and afraid to lose much more than I'd win?
    Thank you for telling me what I'm actually afraid of.

  • @Allydo15
    @Allydo15 3 년 전

    I really like these types of videos. I am more in the mindset of no regret but in the sense that I can't go back and change things so I just have to do things in the future. Growing up my depression and anxiety were quite bad so I missed out on various opportunites and would use the word regret often. I know that if I could have functioned a bit better my life would have been different at least in certain aspects but that's just not the way it is. I can't dwell on that because it won't change anything and it also wouldn't help in my learning to live with depression and anxiety so I try to always leave the word regret out of my vocabulary.

  • @user-yt5pv8eg6e
    @user-yt5pv8eg6e 3 년 전


  • @shinysehee
    @shinysehee 3 년 전

    샘해밍턴이 영어하는거 실감안난다;;
    오늘은 이걸로 영어공부각👍🏻!!

  • @aline21o85
    @aline21o85 3 년 전

    I like when Sam and Dave talk

  • @user-xu5bi4qn8w
    @user-xu5bi4qn8w 3 년 전 +1

    다이어트하니깐 더 보기좋네요 좀더 관리하고 꾸미시면 더 잘생겨지실듯!!

  • @jacintaviana9359
    @jacintaviana9359 3 년 전 +5

    Best moment of my day

    • @TheWorldofDave
      @TheWorldofDave  3 년 전 +2

      'Daw :')

    • @Rtfgfgvv
      @Rtfgfgvv 3 년 전

      @@TheWorldofDave 'digital audio workstation :')

    • @ann29light
      @ann29light 3 년 전

      @@Rtfgfgvv 아... 이 드립 놀랐네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @hotboiler
    @hotboiler 3 년 전

    샘!! 딴소리지만 벤틀리가 변깃물을 너무좋아하는거 아닙니까ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @helloareyouthere
    @helloareyouthere 3 년 전

    Serious.....buttt it is usefull..... very.... that's a good series i think

  • @adiosamigos4907
    @adiosamigos4907 3 년 전

    The first time I got to know you guys is through the podcast!!

  • @1doublEdge1
    @1doublEdge1 3 년 전

    Dave you got me in the first half there, not gonna lie

  • @grantgaylord9490
    @grantgaylord9490 3 년 전

    Okay I have to watch this podcast now

  • @-sherrypink-1892
    @-sherrypink-1892 3 년 전 +1

    Dave, can you make southeast asia myths? I want you and your southeast asia friends react to each other's country myth.
    Im not begging, just an idea.

  • @specificallyunknown2756

    Sam is kind of person what i aspire to be someday 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @stephaniew2073
    @stephaniew2073 3 년 전 +2

    Dwelling on the past causes anxiety and it's good to do when you want to learn from your past but most of the time its unnecessary. Apologize to the people you hurt even if you know they wont respond. Say yes to things more that you might enjoy, a cooking class, a hang out, going on a hike. You can always leave a situation if you find you dont enjoy it. Always be kind. If people are being toxic to you tell them your done with their behavior and leave, dont get crazy just go. Toxic people dont care about reasons because in their mind they are always right.

  • @summerchek2493
    @summerchek2493 3 년 전 +4

    I'm more related to Dave oppa, I do burn some bridge and kind of regret it. If I got the chance, I'll sincerely wanted to apologize to them. And those who block u or didn't want to be ur friend, I think it best to let go of them. I believe everything has there reason.

  • @BlackCatBCB
    @BlackCatBCB 3 년 전 +2

    Dave I’m 45 and agree without you. 🙏 I really like that video.

  • @olive2053
    @olive2053 3 년 전 +1

    음.. 그저 제 생각인데, 뭔가 계속 만들어 내야 하고 "계속 가야 하는" 부분이 후회를 만들어내지 않을까요? 저는 요즘 STOP의 미학을 배우고 있어요. 전 계속 해서 뭔가 도전하고 일하고 무언가 끊임없이 해야 한다고, 그래야 후회없이 살 수 있다라고 생각했어요. 인생의 의의를 쉬지 않고 열정 쏟아 도전하는 것에 두었었죠.
    요즘 모든 것이 STOP되면서 저 자신을 되돌아보기 시작해요. 내가 남들보다 더 열심히 살았든지 아니든지 그건 중요하지 않은 것 같아요. 그냥...제 자신에게 좀 더 얘기해주고 싶어요. 가만 있어도 괜찮아. 무언가 어떤 성과가 없더라도, 그냥 내가 숨 쉬고 살아있는 것만으로도 난 가치가 있어. 아무 것도 하지 않아도 괜찮아.... 그게 얼마나 위로가 되는지 모릅니다.데이브님! 괜찮아요!

  • @morningstarl.4992
    @morningstarl.4992 3 년 전 +2

    i always just sit and vibe to the music at the end then get sad when i realize the video is over 😔

  • @PyraLithiam
    @PyraLithiam 3 년 전

    I wrote a few paragraphs of this and I kept deleting them but I'm just gonna say my only regret is having such a toxic relationship and letting him take control of my life. I couldn't exactly live for myself and because he exacerbated the problems my parents had also done to me, I got really messed up mentally.
    But I'm overcoming it now and I guess it's made me stronger. I still gotta fight, but at least it'll help me to be more understanding to people, maybe.

  • @isabellaregia2541
    @isabellaregia2541 3 년 전

    this is out of context, but it's very important.
    did you just use one of the Harvest Moon soundtracks...? or did I just notice it now and it's been in other videos as well?
    either way if you did, my affection points just went up to a red heart

  • @brittneyedwards3972

    110% agree with sam about university.... esp is the US. I think people should let the kids know their options when they approach graduation. I switched majors, ended up staying an extra year and have been in the same line of work since I graduated bc I can’t move up in careers without going back to school.... educated yourselves- google is such a great tool to understand options :)

  • @anharu4932
    @anharu4932 3 년 전

    I feel so much wiser after watching this

  • @paulele8220
    @paulele8220 3 년 전

    Oh I totally agree with Sam. I just finished university and I’m not sure it will benefit me at all. It feels like I wasted 4 years without learning a real skill. It’s incredibly frustrating.

  • @ahmadfadzirj
    @ahmadfadzirj 3 년 전

    Sam looks good 😀😀😀😁😁😁

  • @Washingtub-senpai
    @Washingtub-senpai 3 년 전 +2

    “Do you live with regrets??”
    Every day, Dave,

  • @spicymangooo
    @spicymangooo 3 년 전

    Sam, the uncle I needed. Because I did go to uni but not because I wanted to. It was kind of a hit the ground running into uni because my parents didn’t understand otherwise. I absolutely hated them for it for a while but I slowly let that go and decided to look at what I could do.

  • @nxthxng9747
    @nxthxng9747 3 년 전 +1

    I like to eat then watch Dave’s videos

  • @oliverbutterworth362

    Wasn’t expecting such a deep vid, but I did enjoy it. I wonder if you guys could talk about ways of living life like stoicism or stuff like that I’d be intrigued to hear it

  • @dayanasaiful7226
    @dayanasaiful7226 3 년 전

    Hey I know that background music. It brings back memory

  • @user-lp5rh2yi3b
    @user-lp5rh2yi3b 3 년 전

    어우 쌤핸밍턴!

  • @YunisRajab
    @YunisRajab 3 년 전

    You should talk about this on the podcast

  • @user-su1rh8os8r
    @user-su1rh8os8r 3 년 전 +19

    데이브가 요즘들어 뭔가 조금 우울해보인다. 오랫동안 고향에 못가서 그런가..

    • @user-zx8qo2lf1g
      @user-zx8qo2lf1g 3 년 전

      생각이 많으셔서 그런듯..
      전 몇년 전부터 그 생각 했었음

  • @ismandybae
    @ismandybae 3 년 전

    I believe that everything happens for a certain reason. Even if i don't understand it now, i did what was best at the time so i try to not regret much about past decisions

  • @user-sh2mj5fv6p
    @user-sh2mj5fv6p 3 년 전

    좀 빨리왔다!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!