Martin DeCoder
Martin DeCoder
  • 235 Videos
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  • @joen8529
    @joen8529 13 분 전

    Lemon is a nincompoop.

  • @taleenkassabian1196

    I just can’t get past the nails.

  • @thesamiminnellihour9685

    I’ll give Megan this: she can take the most expensive outfit and make it look like she got it from Walmart

  • @josephbradshaw5353

    George Soros must be so proud of his great great great great granddaughter.

  • @MrWeeble19
    @MrWeeble19 37 분 전

    Greta is probably a product of the Lebensborn programming. 😂😂😂😂

  • @meeksde
    @meeksde 42 분 전

    The youngest narcissist I’ve ever seen.

  • @robjohnson5833
    @robjohnson5833 42 분 전

    Good for you for analyzing the psychology of a stupid kid lol about the equivalent of kicking a puppy

  • @jesuspectre9883
    @jesuspectre9883 45 분 전

    Why not simply get a reading yourself? Alexander Dumass

    @VIRALMESSAGE. 50 분 전

    People will be lovers of self, and another disease is the billions who choose bias over moral values when people claim they only care about the innocent Palestinians yet don’t believe when ham as doesn’t wear the military uniform, it’s not a problem, it doesn’t take much brain power to understand why cowards posing as the innocent during battle isn’t a major problem for Palestinians??

  • @davidlaw233
    @davidlaw233 56 분 전

    Wind bag😅

  • @davidlaw233
    @davidlaw233 57 분 전

    Gretta is full of pics an wind😂

  • @coling3957
    @coling3957 58 분 전

    Her advice would be as welcome as her jam.

  • @diane4488
    @diane4488 59 분 전

    MM appears to confuse ambition with being a dishonest, malicious, jealous, hypocritical bully That's why so many people loathe her. No one I know, begrudges people doing well. But they recognise game-playing narcissists when they are so obviously self-seeking, and trample on everyone else.

  • @YogiBhoy78
    @YogiBhoy78 시간 전

    1:08 Yeah, she just "turned up 2 year ago"....all obviously fake af and pathetic, Klaus, et al, think we are brain dead troglodytes...people still talk as though, Greta has came up with a single thought or speach she actually made herself? 🙄

  • @juamu1132
    @juamu1132 시간 전

    i'm entirely convinced the failure of the current star wars films is just a ploy for money laundering.

  • @mekasamba5883
    @mekasamba5883 시간 전

    This little brat needs a time out her parents never gave her…..

  • @jesuspectre9883
    @jesuspectre9883 시간 전

    Generic statements? Like "did you wear the same red scarf as your aunt one Christmas and you laughed with her about it?" Can't get much more specific than that, Alexander Dumas.

  • @Megladong
    @Megladong 시간 전

    Alot of young people using the Autism crutch now thanks to greta. Weak Society. Trump 2024.

  • @brittpereira2600
    @brittpereira2600 시간 전

    Green BS

  • @nickstoic2944
    @nickstoic2944 시간 전

    Thank you for posting. Time to grow up Greta, you are intelligent nonetheless, but the issue we have here is about saving the people together with the planet. Or you are only representing those flying private jets?

  • @yougod7253
    @yougod7253 시간 전

    Greta Thunberg Stinks

  • @georgehayduke6717
    @georgehayduke6717 시간 전

    Your show is over

  • @wallyballach9672
    @wallyballach9672 시간 전

    God she’s annoying!!!

  • @Muttley69
    @Muttley69 시간 전

    She's a paid foe actress and not a good one all this rubbish is caused by the WEF.

  • @cherishcalm
    @cherishcalm 시간 전

    This woman is so cringe.

  • @ldrcoupleinlove910

    150 weeks of stupid kids acting like intelligent adults.

  • @wikusvandemerwe2638

    It's just to hard to watch.

  • @frascolm
    @frascolm 시간 전

    Greata Thunberg is the perfect representation of the Deep State, unbearable and frightening.

  • @aires69uk
    @aires69uk 시간 전

    Lemon's problem was impartiality and the lack of it.. and no self-awareness of that fact.

  • @Hella_Droned
    @Hella_Droned 2 시간 전

    That moron couldn't form a paragraph on the fly, she's regurgitating her mom's lines.

  • @djwhit5745
    @djwhit5745 2 시간 전

    They only care about western world culture to uphold net zero agenda. Ask them about China or India. Crickets.

  • @sergiobuettow4944
    @sergiobuettow4944 2 시간 전

    Watch her mouth. She flashes tiny little smiles here and there when she's talking about not happy things. And when she says she decided not to read anything, and her "demeanor is kind of zen-like, she pops a little snear flashing disgust. There is more. Her eyebrows etc. you just have to watch.

  • @dennisdodson5270
    @dennisdodson5270 2 시간 전

    Great video. Thanks. You earned my subscription. Greta is an empty suit. Pitiful and ignorant.

  • @bennybennerson7728
    @bennybennerson7728 2 시간 전

    eww reactionary channel

  • @rbstevns1534
    @rbstevns1534 2 시간 전

    She is the # 1 grifter of the last 50 years

  • @Poul_DK
    @Poul_DK 2 시간 전

    Gretas speach remind me of Hitlers...😮

  • @goshu7009
    @goshu7009 2 시간 전

    Who is Greta Thunberg? first time i hear about this girl.

  • @Noneofyourb908
    @Noneofyourb908 2 시간 전

    Pathetic rightwing oillobby slander channel..... Fake & out of context news

  • @user-qv2pi7hk5c
    @user-qv2pi7hk5c 2 시간 전

    I don’t follow instructions from a child . Go back to school child . They have used her 🤨 elites using kids is the norm now . Ask P Andrew and the rest of the royals !

  • @YourMomfailedu
    @YourMomfailedu 2 시간 전

    What are Grettas credentials?

  • @dagnytaggart5955
    @dagnytaggart5955 2 시간 전

    I clicked on the Subscribe button 93 seconds into this clip.

  • @chrislucas9098
    @chrislucas9098 2 시간 전

    Sound bites rule, right now, but not for all.

  • @barrettesands
    @barrettesands 2 시간 전

    Most people who are ambitious actually study something, apply themselves, or do something not just use people!

  • @gecko6355
    @gecko6355 2 시간 전

    Its about the deep state investing in the new generation

  • @megvoss3329
    @megvoss3329 2 시간 전

    She's a woman who constantly uses word salad & says things that are not true.

  • @cydelegs
    @cydelegs 2 시간 전

    Ya got zero credentials to ‘decode’ according to y 2:24 our bio. Also your very stilted way of presenting yourself shows your hiding a lot yourself. Your voice over is stilted and fake. Just another KRplus scammer.

  • @thedarkestfateful
    @thedarkestfateful 3 시간 전

    I cant stand listening to her self-absorbed speeches in the UN. No wonder she didn't get that Ambassador role she wanted so badly.

  • @kristachiaromonte3425

    You are an Internet troll trying to profit off other peoples misery. You are a bully. No one hears what you have to say.

  • @gecko6355
    @gecko6355 3 시간 전


  • @gecko6355
    @gecko6355 3 시간 전

    Get your jeans down at machins